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Forge 'version.json' Update

Steven Downer edited this page Sep 19, 2015 · 13 revisions

Every time we update Forge in Almura, we must update the 'Almura - Forge Core' pack. This pack contains a file called modpack.jar which is essentially the universal forge jar renamed. We must add our own dependencies to this however by modifying the jar's version.json and adding the following libraries.

      "name": "net.minecraftforge.srg2source:Srg2Source:3.2-SNAPSHOT",
      "url": "",
      "serverreq": true,
      "clientreq": true

On top of this, you will need to replace the entire launchwrapper block with the following.

      "name": "net.minecraft:launchwrapper-almura:1.2",
      "url": "",
      "serverreq": true
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