is a wrapper around the iOS and Android Adobe Experience Platform Optimize Extension to allow for integration with React Native applications.
The Adobe Experience Platform Optimize extension has the following peer dependency, which must be installed prior to installing the optimize extension:
See Requirements and Installation instructions on the main page
Install the @adobe/react-native-aepoptimize
npm install @adobe/react-native-aepoptimize
yarn add @adobe/react-native-aepoptimize
Initialization of the SDK should be done in native code, documentation on how to initialize the SDK can be found here.
@import AEPCore;
@import AEPLifecycle;
@import AEPEdge;
@import AEPEdgeIdentity;
@import AEPOptimize;
@implementation AppDelegate
-(BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[AEPMobileCore setLogLevel: AEPLogLevelTrace];
[AEPMobileCore registerExtensions: @[AEPMobileEdge.class, AEPMobileEdgeIdentity.class, AEPMobileOptimize.class] completion:^{
[AEPMobileCore configureWithAppId:@"yourAppID"];
[AEPMobileCore lifecycleStart:@{@"contextDataKey": @"contextDataVal"}];
return YES;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.AdobeCallback;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.InvalidInitException;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Lifecycle;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.LoggingMode;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.MobileCore;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.Edge;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.edge.identity.Identity;
import com.adobe.marketing.mobile.optimize.Optimize;
import android.app.Application;
public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
public void on Create(){
try {
MobileCore.start(new AdobeCallback() {
public void call(Object o) {
} catch (InvalidInitException e) {
import { Optimize, Offer, Proposition, DecisionScope } from '@adobe/react-native-aepoptimize';
extensionVersion(): Promise<string>
Optimize.extensionVersion().then(newVersion => console.log("AdobeExperienceSDK: Optimize version: " + newVersion);
This API returns the cached propositions for the provided DecisionScopes from the in-memory Proposition cache.
getPropositions(decisionScopes: Array<DecisionScope>): Promise<Map<string, Proposition>>
const decisionScopeText = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopeImage = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopeHtml = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name{");
const decisionScopeJson = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopes = [ decisionScopeText, decisionScopeImage, decisionScopeHtml, decisionScopeJson ];
(propositions: Map<string, typeof Proposition>) => {
//Your app logic using the propositions
Callback that will be called with the updated Propositions.
onPropositionUpdate(adobeCallback: AdobeCallback)
call(proposition: Map<String, typeof Proposition>) {
//App logic using the updated proposition
This API fetches the propositions for the provided DecisionScope list.
updatePropositions(decisionScopes: Array<DecisionScope>, xdm?: Map<string, any>, data?: Map<string, any>)
const decisionScopeText = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopeImage = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopeHtml = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name{");
const decisionScopeJson = new DecisionScope("{DecisionScope name}");
const decisionScopes = [ decisionScopeText, decisionScopeImage, decisionScopeHtml, decisionScopeJson ];
Optimize.updatePropositions(decisionScopes, null, null);
This class represents the decision scope which is used to fetch the decision propositions from the Edge decisioning services. The encapsulated scope name can also represent the Base64 encoded JSON string created using the provided activityId, placementId and itemCount.
* class represents a decision scope used to fetch personalized offers from the Experience Edge network.
module.exports = class DecisionScope {
name: string;
constructor(name?: string, activityId?: string, placementId?: string, itemCount?: number) {
if(name && name.trim()) {
this.name = name;
} else {
const decisionScopeObject = {};
decisionScopeObject['activityId'] = activityId;
decisionScopeObject['placementId'] = placementId;
decisionScopeObject['itemCount'] = itemCount;
this.name = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(decisionScopeObject)).toString("base64");
* Gets the name of this scope
* @return {string} - The name of the scope
getName(): string {
return this.name;
This class represents the decision propositions received from the decisioning services, upon a personalization query request to the Experience Edge network.
module.exports = class Proposition {
id: string;
items: Array<Offer>;
scope: string;
scopeDetails: Map<string, any>;
constructor(eventData: PropositionEventData) {
this.id = eventData['id'];
this.scope = eventData['scope'];
this.scopeDetails = eventData['scopeDetails'];
if(eventData['items']) {
this.items = eventData['items'].map(offer => new Offer(offer));
* Generates a map containing XDM formatted data for {Experience Event - Proposition Reference} field group from proposition arguement.
* The returned XDM data does not contain eventType for the Experience Event.
* @return {Promise<Map<string, any>>} a promise that resolves to xdm data map
generateReferenceXdm(): Promise<Map<string, any>> {
const entries = Object.entries(this).filter(([key, value]) => typeof(value) !== "function");
const proposition = Object.fromEntries(entries);
return Promise.resolve(RCTAEPOptimize.generateReferenceXdm(proposition));
This class represents the proposition option received from the decisioning services, upon a personalization query to the Experience Edge network.
module.exports = class Offer {
id: string;
etag: string;
schema: string;
data: Record<string, any>;
meta?: Record<string, any>;
get content(): string {
return this.data["content"];
get format(): string {
return this.data["format"];
get language(): Array<string> {
return this.data["language"];
get characteristics(): Map<string, any> {
return this.data["characteristics"];
constructor(eventData: OfferEventData) {
this.id = eventData['id'];
this.etag = eventData['etag'];
this.schema = eventData['schema'];
this.data = eventData['data'];
this.meta = eventData['meta']
* Dispatches an event for the Edge network extension to send an Experience Event to the Edge network with the display interaction data for the
* given Proposition offer.
* @param {Proposition} proposition - the proposition this Offer belongs to
displayed(proposition: Proposition): void {
const entries = Object.entries(proposition).filter(([key, value]) => typeof(value) !== "function");
const cleanedProposition = Object.fromEntries(entries);
RCTAEPOptimize.offerDisplayed(this.id, cleanedProposition);
* Dispatches an event for the Edge network extension to send an Experience Event to the Edge network with the tap interaction data for the
* given Proposition offer.
* @param {Proposition} proposition - the proposition this Offer belongs to
tapped(proposition: Proposition): void {
console.log("Offer is tapped");
const entries = Object.entries(proposition).filter(([key, value]) => typeof(value) !== "function");
const cleanedProposition = Object.fromEntries(entries);
RCTAEPOptimize.offerTapped(this.id, cleanedProposition);
* Generates a map containing XDM formatted data for {Experience Event - Proposition Interactions} field group from proposition arguement.
* The returned XDM data does contain the eventType for the Experience Event with value decisioning.propositionDisplay.
* Note: The Edge sendEvent API can be used to dispatch this data in an Experience Event along with any additional XDM, free-form data, and override
* dataset identifier.
* @param {Proposition} proposition - the proposition this Offer belongs to
* @return {Promise<Map<string, any>>} - a promise that resolves to xdm map
generateDisplayInteractionXdm(proposition: Proposition): Promise<Map<string, any>> {
const entries = Object.entries(proposition).filter(([key, value]) => typeof(value) !== "function");
const cleanedProposition = Object.fromEntries(entries);
return Promise.resolve(RCTAEPOptimize.generateDisplayInteractionXdm(this.id, cleanedProposition));
* Generates a map containing XDM formatted data for {Experience Event - Proposition Interactions} field group from this proposition arguement.
* The returned XDM data contains the eventType for the Experience Event with value decisioning.propositionInteract.
* Note: The Edge sendEvent API can be used to dispatch this data in an Experience Event along with any additional XDM, free-form data, and override
* dataset identifier.
* @param {Proposition} proposition - proposition this Offer belongs to
* @return {Promise<Map<string, any>>} a promise that resolves to xdm map
generateTapInteractionXdm(proposition: Proposition): Promise<Map<string, any>> {
const entries = Object.entries(proposition).filter(([key, value]) => typeof(value) !== "function");
const cleanedProposition = Object.fromEntries(entries);
return Promise.resolve(RCTAEPOptimize.generateTapInteractionXdm(this.id, cleanedProposition));