This is a beamer theme created to match the LTDS powerpoint scheme, edited by the communication team.
This theme is fully compliant with :
- the powerpoint template
- the logo of the lab
- the colors of the graphical charter.
All 4 .sty latex style files are required in the .tex file folder to successfully compile.
The style is composed by 5 files :
- [R] beamercolorthemeltds : color theme
- [N] beamerfontthemeltds : font theme
- [R] beamerinnerthemeltds : inner frame content theme
- [R] beamerouterthemeltds : outer frame content theme
- [R] beamerthemeltds : main file theme
Legend :
- [R] = file requrired
- [N] = file not required
The theme has an option :
option : title page box visualization
All the presentation data are supported :
- title
- subtitle
- author (and institute)
- date
An additional data is supported : \issue{subject}{type}
In the main .tex file, the minimum requirement are :
% Main text input