- User can see the posted tickets without loging in
- To post a ticket the User must log in to account
- User can create an account
- Admins can reply to a ticket
- Admins can close a ticket when the problem has been solved
- When there is an answer or status change on a ticket the user will get an email notification
- User can give the ticket a title and description
- User can upload a document (pdf) or image of the problem
- Ticket
- ticketId
- title {required}
- description {required}
- attachmentId {nullable}
- userId
- replyId
- Users
- userId
- nick {required}
- email {required}
- password {required}
- role (User, Admin)
- isActive
- Replies
- replyId
- replyText
- attachmentId {nullable}
- Tickets_Replies_MM
- ticketId
- replyId
- Attachments
- attachmentId
- attachment_localization