Connect to the Redis server
var redis = ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect("localhost");
Get a reference to the database
var db = redis.GetDatabase();
Setup pipeline connection
var pipeline = new Pipeline(db);
Create metadata labels for a TimeSeries object:
TimeSeriesLabel label1 = new TimeSeriesLabel("temp", "TLV");
TimeSeriesLabel label2 = new TimeSeriesLabel("temp", "JLM");
var labels1 = new List<TimeSeriesLabel> { label1 };
var labels2 = new List<TimeSeriesLabel> { label2 };
Create a new time-series object:
pipeline.Ts.CreateAsync("temp:TLV", labels: labels1);
pipeline.Ts.CreateAsync("temp:JLM", labels: labels2);
Create the TimeSeries objects, and store them in Redis:
List<(string, TimeStamp, double)> sequence1 = new List<(string, TimeStamp, double)>()
("temp:TLV", 1010 ,35),
("temp:TLV", 1020, 9999),
("temp:TLV", 1030, 40)
List<(string, TimeStamp, double)> sequence2 = new List<(string, TimeStamp, double)>()
("temp:JLM", 1015 ,35),
("temp:JLM", 1025, 9999),
("temp:JLM", 1035, 40)
Execute the pipeline:
Get a reference to the database and for TimeSeries commands:
var ts = db.TS();
Get only the location label for each last sample, use SELECTED_LABELS.
var respons = await ts.MGetAsync(new List<string> { "temp=JLM" }, selectedLabels: new List<string> { "location" });