diff --git a/docs/frontend/third-party-dependencies.md b/docs/frontend/third-party-dependencies.md
index 6707339..cf3ced4 100644
--- a/docs/frontend/third-party-dependencies.md
+++ b/docs/frontend/third-party-dependencies.md
@@ -84,4 +84,3 @@ A collection of third party (React) libraries we recommend using in your fronten
## Managing dependencies
> _To Be Defined_
diff --git a/docs/general/project-documentation.md b/docs/general/project-documentation.md
index 3caa98d..16a86af 100644
--- a/docs/general/project-documentation.md
+++ b/docs/general/project-documentation.md
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Include documentation in your project that facilitates understanding, usage, and
This standard applies to front-end and back-end developers.
This standard must be applied to all new repositories of the city of Amsterdam (new since May 2024).
## What is required to document?
Project documentation must include the following:
- [ ] the main idea of the application
@@ -26,12 +25,9 @@ Documentation is not a one-time task. Regularly review and update documentation
## Considerations
- [ ] Decide the target audience. Tailor the documentation accordingly, providing explanations that are appropriate for the intended audience.
## Further reading
- [The blog post](https://cognitect.com/blog/2011/11/15/documenting-architecture-decisions) about Architecture Decision Records by Michael Nygard.
## Acknowledgements
Many thanks to [Hee Chan van der Haar](https://github.com/hcvdhaar) and [Sirée Koolen-Wijkstra](https://github.com/SireeKoolenWijkstra)
diff --git a/docs/general/using-git.md b/docs/general/using-git.md
index 13308bf..1836265 100644
--- a/docs/general/using-git.md
+++ b/docs/general/using-git.md
@@ -1,80 +1,64 @@
# Using Git
-Also see [storing source code](storing-source-code.md).
+> This page was last reviewed May 14th, 2024. It needs to be reviewed again on February 14th, 2025.
+## What is the standard for using Git?
+The city of Amsterdam uses Git to push its code to GitHub.
+The city of Amsterdam maintains minimal requirements for the work flow, branches and commits.
+## When and for whom is this standard applicable?
+This standard applies to all developers.
+This standard must be applied to all new projects of the city of Amsterdam (new since June 2024).
+## What is required?
+### work flow
+- [ ] Utilise the branch 'main' as a stable production-ready version of your project. Utilise the branch 'develop' as the integration branch for features and bug fixes.
+- [ ] Set up and document your team work flow. We recommend using [Git Flow](https://www.gitkraken.com/learn/git/git-flow) but other work flow are available. See [the recommendations below](#what-is-recommended) for options. As part of your work flow you must do up the following:
+ - [ ] Set `develop` as the default branch and set the branch protection rules as follows:
+ - [ ] Enable "Require a pull request before merging"
+ - [ ] Enable "Require approvals"
+ - [ ] Set "Required number of approvals before merging" to at least 1.
+ - [ ] Create a new branch every time you're implementing a feature, bug fix or other task.
+ - [ ] Test before you push.
+### branches
+- [ ] Branch names must must
+ - [ ] prefix with either
+ - [ ] feature
+ - [ ] chore
+ - [ ] bugfix
+ - [ ] hotfix
+ - [ ] docs
+ - [ ] contain a ticket number that references the PBI (product backlog item) if applicable
+ - [ ] contain a short name to indicate the branch purpose
+### commits
+- [ ] Commit messages must quickly convey what a change is supposed to do and why it was necessary.
+- [ ] Never commit generated files, dependencies or local configuration files unless there is a good reason.
+- [ ] A commit message consists of two parts: a title and the description.
+ - [ ] Title: describes what changed.
+ - [ ] Description: describes why this change is needed.
+## What is recommended?
+- [ ] Recommended alternatives to Git Flow include the [GitLab workflow](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/gitlab_flow.html) and [Trunk based development](https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/continuous-integration/trunk-based-development).
+ Trunk-based development should only be used when Continuous Integration is in place and code can be deployed at any time it is merged.
+- [ ] Push often to ensure that your work is visible and not lost.
+- [ ] Create a draft pull request to discuss the progress on the current task.
+- [ ] Create the same branch protection rules as for the 'main' and 'develop' branch for each long-lived environment branch:
+ - [ ] Enable "Require a pull request before merging"
+ - [ ] Enable "Require approvals"
+ - [ ] Set "Required number of approvals before merging" to at least 1.
+- [ ] Commits should be atomic, meaning that it contains only one change. It could be multiple files, but it's a single change.
+- [ ] Commit early and often.
+## What to avoid?
+- [ ] Never commit sensitive information such as passwords, personal data or API keys.
+## Further reading
+For more information on commits,
+please refer to this [blog post](https://initialcommit.com/blog/git-commit-messages-best-practices)
+## Acknowledgements
+Many thanks to [Hee Chan van der Haar](https://github.com/hcvdhaar) and [Sirée Koolen-Wijkstra](https://github.com/SireeKoolenWijkstra)
-## Branching
-Always use a new branch for a feature, bug fix or other task.
-### Branch names
-Branch names should be clear and preferably contain a ticket number that references the ticket or PBI (product backlog item). Always include a short name to indicate a branches purpose.
-### Default branch
-The default branch name should be `main`.
-When creating a new Github repository, `main` will be created automatically as its default branch.
-#### Renaming an existing branch
-See Github's documentation on [renaming existing branches](https://github.com/github/renaming#renaming-existing-branches) if you want to rename your old default branch `master` to `main`.
-Before renaming the default branch consider the possible impact on:
-- internal users.
-- external users.
-- CI/CD integrations.
-### Branch protection
-The main branch should be protected. Go to your repository settings on github and then branches to set them up:
-- Branch name pattern: `main`
-- Enable "Require a pull request before merging"
- - Enable "Require approvals"
- - Set "Required number of approvals before merging" to at least 1.
-_Note: in our new Github enterprise environment these branch protection rules will be enforeced._
-If you use the GitLab flow (see workflows below), create the same branch protection rules for each long-lived environment branch.
-This configuration enforces that all code in main has been reviewed by at least one person other then the other.
-In some teams this might cause issues when there is no one available to review pull requests. In that case search for colleagues outside of your team. Disabling these protection rules is not the right solution.
-For more on protected branches see [Githubs documentation](https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/configuring-branches-and-merges-in-your-repository/defining-the-mergeability-of-pull-requests/about-protected-branches).
-## Commits
-Commit messages encompass the history of the project. It is important to write proper commit messages in order to quickly understand what a change is/was supposed to do and also why it was necessary.
-Commits should be atomic, meaning that it contains only one change. It could be multiple files, but it's a single change. Commit early and often.
-In general never commit generated files, dependencies or local configuration files.
-A commit message consists of two parts: a title and the description.
-- Title: describes what changed.
-- Description: describes why this change is needed.
-Writing good commit messages is not a recommendation, but a must!
-For more information on this topic, please refer to this [blog post](https://initialcommit.com/blog/git-commit-messages-best-practices)
-for example. Surely there are many more sources available that state similar information.
-## Workflow
-In order to collaborate well on contributing to the same codebase, it is highly recommended to use a specific workflow using branches. Make sure to reach consensus in your team on what workflow is being used.
-A lot of thought and experience has already been put into coming up with these workflows. Of course, it is possible to deviate from their standard specifications if absolutely necessary, although this should be rare.
-Recommended are:
-- [GitLab workflow](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/topics/gitlab_flow.html) (recommended)
-- [Trunk based development](https://www.atlassian.com/continuous-delivery/continuous-integration/trunk-based-development)
-When choosing either of these workflows, please consider if and how the code will be deployed. If it is possible to do _Continuous Integration_, and it is possible to deploy at any time code is merged (obviously after going through the process of review and testing) then it may be a good choice to go for the Trunk based development
-However, when dealing with multiple environments and limited control over the deployment window, it would be a much better choice to go for the GitLab workflow. This will likely be the case for many of our projects when working with the OTAP environments and going through testing and user acceptance phases.
-## Pushing
-Preferably push early and often, but of course only to feature branches.
-That way changes will be available in the upstream repository and they will be available for others to see. Should anything happen to a machine or local repository, the changes will not be lost.
-Do not directly push to long lived branches, instead always make a pull request. It's also possible to make a draft pull request while work is still in progress on a branch. This can particularly be useful when discussing progress on the task that is being worked on.
-Test before you push.