Sudoku that can be played in lafortuna.It uses the same rules as the wide known Sudoku.
- make dfu-programmer is installed in the running machine(avr-gcc)
- connect your la fortuna to the running machine
- run make command from terminal 4.the game shall run in your la fortuna
- use the button to navigate the grid
- use the centre button when you're at the cell you need to modify
- use the top and bottom button to choose the number
- press the centre button again to confirm the cell value
- allow the program to generate valid sudoku game (currently I've only defined ones)
- current winning checking is very basic, will be improved
- LCD ,Serial Folder and LED credit Steve Gunn
- rios Folder credit Link
- routa Folder credit Peter Dannegger
feel free to modify the source code but make sure to credit me :)