- OS - Arch
- Terminal - Alacritty
- WM - bspwm
- Keybinds manager - sxhkd
- Compositor - Picom Fork - jonaburg
- File Manager
- ranger
- pcmanfm
- Fetch Tools
- pfetch
- neofetch
- Shell - fish
- Shell Promp - Starship
- fonts - JetBrainsMono Nerd Font
- bar - polybar
- Notification Tool - dunst
- Editors
- nvim - NvChad
- Doom Emacs
- Hardware Monitor - btop
- Application Runner - rofi
- Wallpaper Manager - nitrogen
- Catpuccin Mocha
- Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/Anormix/dotfiles
- Copy the code that you like to your own config
If you find a bug in my configs or there is a better way to implement something do not hesitate to write a bug report or to message me! Before sending a bug report find out if the issue is caused by something you did wrong and not actually by the config file.