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n - More Classes and Objects

In this project, I continued to practice object-oriented programming in Python. I learned about class methods, static methods, class vs instance attributes, andbhow to use the special __str__ and __repr__ methods.

Tests ✔️

  • tests: Folder of test files. Provided by Holberton School.

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Simple rectangle

  • 1. Real definition of a rectangle

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Private instance attribute width.
      • Property getter def width(self): to get width.
      • Property setter def width(self, value): to set width.
      • Private instance attribute height.
      • Property getter def height(self): to get height.
      • Property setter def height(self, value): to set height.
      • Instantiation with optional width and height: def __init(self, width=0, height=0):
    • If either of width or height is not an integer, a TypeError is raised with the message width must be an integer or height must be an integer.
    • If either of width or height is less than 0, a ValueError is raised with the message width must be >= 0 or height must be >= 0.
  • 2. Area and Perimeter

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Public instance method def area(self): that returns the area of the rectangle.
      • Public instance attribute def perimeter(self): that returns the permiter of the rectangle (if either of width or height equals 0, the perimeter is 0).
  • 3. String representation

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Special method __str__ to print the rectangle with the # character (if either of width or height equals 0, the method returns an empty string.).
  • 4. Eval is magic

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Special method __repr__ to return a string representation of the rectangle.
  • 5. Detect instance deletion

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Special method __del__ that prints the message Bye rectangle... when a Rectangle is deleted.
  • 6. How many instances

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Public class attribute number_of_instances that is initialized to 0, incremented for each new instantiation, and decremened for each instance deletion.
  • 7. Change representation

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Public class attribute class_symbol that is initialized to # but can be any type - used as the symbol for string representation.
  • 8. Compare rectangles

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Static method def bigger_or_equal(rect_1, rect_2): that returns the rectangle with the greater area (returns rect_1 if both areas are equal).
      • If either of rect_1 or rect_2 is not a Rectangle instance, a TypeError is raised with the message rect_1 must be an instance of Rectangle or rect_2 must be an instance of Rectangle.
  • 9. A square is a rectangle

    • Python class that defines a rectangle. Builds on with:
      • Class method def square(cls, size=0): that returns a new Rectangle instance with width == height == size.
  • 10. N Queens

alt text

  • Python program that solves the N queens puzzle.
  • Usage: ./ N
  • Determines all possible solutions for placing N non-attacking queens on an NxN chessboard.
  • Exactly two arguments must be provided. Otherwise, the program prints Usage: nqueens N and exits with the status 1.
  • If the provided N is not an integer, the program prints N must be a number and exits with the status 1.
  • If the provided N is less than 4, the program prints N must be at least 4 and exits with the status 1.
  • Solutions are printed one per line in the format [[r, c], [r, c], [r, c], [r, c]] where r and c represent the row and column, respectively, where a queen must be placed.