This tutorial is about building a Graphite plugin to solve the Poisson equation with the finite element method (FEM) on tetrahedral meshes. This is a very simple implementation that only uses linear finite elements (P1).
This tutorial focuses on learning how to use the Geogram and Graphite classes and functions. In particular, we will look at the following:
- GEO::Mesh class: import/export, vertices, facets, cells, local and global indexing, adjacencies
- surface reconstruction from point cloud
- smooth remeshing of surfaces
- tetrahedral meshing of closed surfaces with TetGen (included in Geogram)
- linear algebra with OpenNL (included in Geogram)
- GEO::Attribute: attach values to mesh entities, to define piecewise-linear fields
- GEO::Logger: to output useful information, warnings, errors
- automated generation of commands in the Graphite GUI (transparent, done by
) - visualization of meshes and scalar fields in Graphite
- automated runs via Lua scripting
This tutorial explains how to create a new plugin. If you prefer to retrieve the
existing femb
plugin directly, please refer to the Installation instructions
of the plugin README on GitHub.
Launch Graphite
and run the command create plugin, with femb as plugin
name in argument, in the devel
menu. It generates a folder femb
in the
directory containing all the Graphite
To tell Graphite
to use the new femb plugin at start, go to Files -> preferences...
and add femb in the plugin list, then save the configuration file.
In a plugin folder, things are organized as follow:
- Algorithms (FEM, mesh pre/post-processing, etc) in the
directory - Commands that can be called from the GUI or from Lua scripts in
- Third-party libraries in
A good practice is that the code in algo/
only depend on Geogram and does
not use Graphite features or classes (no include of Graphite headers). In
the same spirit, the implementation of the commands in commands/
contain very little algorithms and mainly act as a wrapper of functions defined
in the algo/
To solve (visually) interesting problems, we will need to be able define non-trivial math functions at run-time. We will use them to define the boundary regions, diffusion coefficient and source term. The simplest choice is to use the very good ExprTK library which consists of only one header. It allows to parse and evaluate complicated functions at run-time such as
(sin(x / pi) cos(2y) + 1) / (sin(x / pi) * cos(2 * y) + 1)
See the official ExprTK website for the full list of supported functions.
To include the library in your project, just copy the header in a third party folder:
cd path/to/plugin
mkdir third_party
wget -O third_party/exprtk.hpp
ExprTK is a fully templated library with slow compile time and as we will only
need functions from R^3
to R
, we can write a simple wrapper in a file that
will only be compiled one time. You can directly retrieve the files
and algo/functions.cpp
or copy paste them from the code in
Graphite commands that act on the mesh currently selected in Graphite are
member methods of a class deriving from the base class MeshGrobCommands
. To
create a new class of commands, we use the create commands function in the
menu. This command takes the plugin name (femb), the type of objects
) and a name (we use Fem) as arguments. It generates a pair of
files commands/mesh_grob_fem_commands.h/cpp
with a base implementation of
the new command class. For each function added in this new MeshGrobFemCommands
there will be a widget automatically generated to call the function from the GUI and
a Lua binding so the function can also be called from scripts.
To get a quick feedback in the development cycle of a new plugin, it is usually recommended to start by writing commands early to test the functionalities as soon as possible.
We start by adding the main command of our finite element plugin:
gom_class femb_API MeshGrobFemCommands : public MeshGrobCommands {
MeshGrobFemCommands() ;
virtual ~MeshGrobFemCommands() ;
* \menu /FEM
bool fem(
const std::string& dirichlet_region = "1",
const std::string& dirichlet_value = "0",
const std::string& neumann_region = "0",
const std::string& neumann_value = "0",
const std::string& sourceterm_value = "1",
const std::string& diffusion_value = "1",
const std::string& solution_name = "u"
} ;
The menu comment is parsed by gomgen
. It determines where the command will appear in
the Graphite GUI. All arguments must have a default value.
The implementation is mainly a wrapper to our finite element code that will be implemented
in algo/femb.cpp
. In MeshGrobCommands
derived class, there are two important functions:
returns a pointer of type MeshGrob
pointing to the current mesh (on which
the command has been called in the GUI or script) and scene_graph()
returns a pointer
to the scene (which contains all the MeshGrob
To avoid modifying the current mesh, we create a new mesh in the scene and we call the finite element code on it:
void MeshGrobFemCommands::fem(
const std::string& dirichlet_region,
const std::string& dirichlet_value,
const std::string& neumann_region,
const std::string& neumann_value,
const std::string& sourceterm_value,
const std::string& diffusion_value,
const std::string& solution_name) {
/* Copy current mesh to a new one for the FEM simulation */
std::string Mo_name = mesh_grob()->name() + "_fem";
MeshGrob* Mo = MeshGrob::find_or_create(scene_graph(), Mo_name);
femb::fem_simulation(*Mo, dirichlet_region, dirichlet_value,
neumann_region, neumann_value, sourceterm_value,
diffusion_value, solution_name);
Do not forget to call update()
of meshes modified by the commands to update the graphics
in the GUI.
The Graphite part of our plugin is ready. We can now focus on the finite element code
and test it quickly by running the fem(..)
command in the GUI. You can also write a
simple Lua script that run the command at start:
-- Lua script to run fem on the current mesh:
scene_graph.current().query_interface("OGF::MeshGrobFemCommands").fem({sourceterm_value="1", dirichlet_region="1", neumann_value="0", solution_name="u", diffusion_value="1", dirichlet_value="0", neumann_region="0"})
Now from the command line, you can open Graphite with a mesh and automatically execute this script:
/path/to/graphite/executable /path/to/mesh.mesh /path/to/script.lua
All the FEM code is in the function fem_simulation(...)
implemented in the file algo/femb.cpp
bool fem_simulation(GEO::Mesh& M,
const std::string& dirichlet_region,
const std::string& dirichlet_value,
const std::string& neumann_region,
const std::string& neumann_value,
const std::string& sourceterm_value,
const std::string& diffusion_value,
const std::string& solution_name
The string values define the Poisson problem and the geometry is given by the GEO::Mesh
(passed by an command-line executable or by a command defined in a file of the commands/
This code only depends on Geogram and does not use Graphite.
For the finite element method algorithm, we need a valid tetrahedral mesh. If the input
is not such a mesh, we try to build one.
At the beginning of the bool fem_simulation(...)
function, we add the necessary mesh
pre-processing code.
If the input is a point cloud (no facets, no cells in M
), we build a closed
triangulated surface to get a 3D model boundary.
If the input is triangulated surface without cells, we tetrahedralize the interior
with TetGen
. We also apply other cleaning functions to ensure consistency in the mesh
data structure (useful if the input had wrong connectivity or things like this).
/* ------ MESH PREPROCESSING ------ */
/* Closed surface from point cloud if no cells/facets */
if (M.cells.nb() == 0 && M.facets.nb() == 0 && M.vertices.nb() > 0) {
Logger::out("fem") << "building a closed surface from point cloud" << std::endl;
double radius = 5.; /* reconstruction parameter */
double R = bbox_diagonal(M);
mesh_repair(M, GEO::MESH_REPAIR_COLOCATE, 1e-6*R);
radius *= 0.01 * R;
Co3Ne_reconstruct(M, radius);
/* Smooth remeshing of the reconstructed surface */
unsigned int nb_points = M.vertices.nb() * 2;
unsigned int Lloyd_iter = 5;
unsigned int Newton_iter = 30;
unsigned int Newton_m = 7;
Mesh M_tmp(3); /* because output of remeshing is a different mesh*/
remesh_smooth(M, M_tmp, nb_points, 0, Lloyd_iter, Newton_iter, Newton_m);
M.copy(M_tmp); /* result of remeshing is copied in initial mesh */
/* Try to mesh the volume with TetGen */
if (M.cells.nb() == 0 && M.facets.nb() > 0) {
/* Triangulate surface mesh (useful if input is quad or polygonal mesh) */
if (!M.facets.are_simplices()) {
/* Colocate vertices (useful if input is STL mesh) */
Logger::out("fem") << "colocating vertices of triangulated mesh" << std::endl;
double R = bbox_diagonal(M);
mesh_repair(M, GEO::MESH_REPAIR_COLOCATE, 1e-6*R);
/* TetGen call */
Logger::out("fem") << "tetrahedralize interior of triangulated mesh" << std::endl;
mesh_tetrahedralize(M, false, true, 0.7);
/* Verify input */
if (!(M.cells.nb() > 0 && M.cells.are_simplices())) {
Logger::out("fem") << "invalid input mesh" << std::endl;
return false;
/* Ensure right adjacencies and matching between volume (cells)
* and boundary (facets).
* Useful if input is tet mesh without or with bad boundaries */
M.cells.compute_borders(); /* add facets to M on the boundary */
M.vertices.remove_isolated(); /* avoid hanging vertices in the mesh */
At this point, we should have a valid tetrahedral mesh for simple linear FEM.
The Poisson problem is defined by: $$ - div ( c \nabla u) = f \text{ in } \Omega, \quad u = u_d \text { on } \partial \Omega_D, \quad \nabla u \cdot n = g_n \text{ on } \partial \Omega_N $$
We use the standard weak-form:
After FEM discretization on a M
, P1 polynomials so gradients are constant), we got the linear system:
After change of variable (mapping
So for each tet K
of the mesh M
and for each triangle dK
of the boundary, we need
to compute the contributions to the sparse matrix A and to the vector B.
// Header: algo/functions.h
#pragma once
#include "OGF/femb/third_party/exprtk.hpp"
#include <string>
namespace femb {
class ScalarFunction {
ScalarFunction(const std::string& expr);
double operator()(const double point[3]);
exprtk::expression<double> expr_;
exprtk::parser<double> parser_;
exprtk::symbol_table<double> symbol_table_;
double pt_[3];
// Implementation: algo/functions.cpp
#include "OGF/femb/algo/functions.h"
namespace femb {
ScalarFunction::ScalarFunction(const std::string& expr){
symbol_table_.add_variable("x", pt_[0]);
symbol_table_.add_variable("y", pt_[1]);
symbol_table_.add_variable("z", pt_[2]);
if(!parser_.compile(expr,expr_) ) {
std::cout << "[exprtk parsing] Wrong expression: \n "
<< parser_.error() << std::endl;;
double ScalarFunction::operator()(const double point[3]){
pt_[0] = point[0];
pt_[1] = point[1];
pt_[2] = point[2];
return expr_.value();