- 📋 Table of content
- 👀 About the project
- 🚀 Getting started
- 👷 Contributing
- 🙌 Acknowledgments
- 📚 Licenses
Malware Traces Generator is a tool for creating malware traces for detection tests.
It's useful for testing configurations, rules, or your Endpoint Detection and Response.
It's not intended to fully simulate the behavior of malware but to reproduce the steps that led to traces creation.
By avoiding full and complex simulations, Malware Traces Generator seeks to be simple but nonetheless powerful.
This is an example of how you can install or build the project yourself.
Depending on what you want to achieve, you might need different tools.
For now, you only need Cargo to build or install the project.
Currently, this project is only available on crates.io.
In order to install it, just enter this command in your favorite terminal:
cargo install malware-traces-generator
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/frack113/MalwareTracesGenerator/
Build and run the project!
cargo run --release
After these steps, the application will be in the target directory.
Now that Malware Traces Generator is installed, you can start generating some traces!
For example, you can create a file like this:
mtg actions files create --name "example.txt"
Or you can generate traces from a configuration file:
mtg generate --file "$YOUR_CONFIGURATIONS_FILE_PATH"
To see more information about what you can do, see the documentation.
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create.
Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you want, you can help me with any kind of work, for example:
- Correct my English errors
- Develop features
- Code refactoring
- Licensing stuff
Thanks to all the people who made the logo possible:
- "bug-ant" icon from Heroicons MIT
- "finger-print" icon from Heroicons MIT
- "Beep Sans" font by Agbama Ulimhuka SIL OFL
Distributed under the GPL 3.0 or later license.