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Key synchronization protocol

This page describes a protocol for sharing private key material in a pool of Trusted Execution Environments (TEE).

In principle, it is possible to include different kinds of TEEs in the same pool.

  • AWS Nitro Enclaves (fully supported)
  • TDX enclaves (work in progress)
  • Other types of enclaves may be supported in the future

For an existing enclave to share its secret key material with a new enclave that requests to join the pool, two properties must be fullfilled.

  1. The software measurements of the new enclave must be authorized. For Nitro Enclaves, this means that PCRs 0-2 must be authorized.
  2. The instance where the enclave runs must be authorized. For Nitro Enclaves, this means that PCR-4 must be authorized.

Below is a schematic diagram of a new TEE requesting to join a TEE Pool.

TEE Pool Architecture

The authorization of measurements is managed by a separate protocol, viz., the Governance Committee Protocol.

Protocol description

The key-synchronization protocol has some similarity with a TLS (1.3) handshake (see, e.g., Cloudflare's description). In this analogy, the Leader has the role of client and the Follower has the role of server; leader_nonce corresponds to "client random" and follower_nonce corresponds to "server random"; the attestation report follower_att roughly corresponds to the server certificate.

  participant L as Leader
  participant F as Follower
  Note over L,F: Connection setup
  L-->>L: 1. leader_nonce = random_nonce()
  L->>+F: 2. leader_nonce
  F-->>F: 3. (sec, pubk) = generate_key_pair()
  F-->>F: 4. follower_nonce = random_nonce()
  F-->>F: 5. follower_att = attest(leader_nonce, pubk, follower_nonce)
  F->>+L: 6. follower_att
  L-->>L: 7. validate_att(follower_att, leader_nonce)
  L-->>L: 8. authorize_measurements(follower_att)
  L-->>L: 9. ss = get_state()
  L-->>L: 10. enc_ss = encrypt(ss, follower_att.public_key [=pubk])
  L-->>L: 11. enc_sha = sha256(enc_ss)
  L-->>L: 12. leader_att = attest(follower_att.user_data [=follower_nonce], null, enc_sha)
  L->>+F: 13. (enc_ss, leader_att)
  Note over L,F: Connection teardown
  F-->>F: 14. enc_sha = sha256(enc_ss)
  F-->>F: 15. validate_att(leader_att, follower_nonce, user_data = enc_sha)
  F-->>F: 16. authorize_measurements(leader_att)
  F-->>F: 17. ss = decrypt(enc_ss, sec)
  F-->>F: launch(ss)


  • attest(nonce, public_key, user_data) - generate an attestation document containing nonce, public_key, and user_data.
  • validate_att(doc, nonce) - validate that the attestation document doc is signed by the AWS root key and that it contains nonce in the nonce-field.
  • authorize_measurements(doc) - ensure that the measurements of the attestation documents are authorized; for Nitro Enclaves this means that PCRs 0-2 is authorized code and PCR-4 is an authorized instance.
  • leader_nonce - leader nonce, secure random.
  • sec - follower secret key, secure random.
  • pubk - follower public key corresponding to sec.
  • follower_nonce - follower nonce, secure random.
  • follower_att - follower attestation document containing nonce = leader_nonce, public_key = pubk, and user_data = follower_nonce.
  • ss - the secret state of the leader, consisting of secret key material and configuration parameters.
  • enc_ss - the secret state ss encrypted using pubk.
  • leader_att - leader attestation document containing nonce = follower_nonce, user_data = enc_ss.


Protocol messages

The protocol exchange uses length prefixed messages over a TCP connection. Each message is prefixed by its length encoded as four bytes using big endian encoding.

Connection setup and teardown

Two ports of the key exchange are connected, e.g., by runing socat VSOCK-CONNECT:$CID:4000 TCP-CONNECT:$REMOTE_CONFIG_IP:4001 on the EC2 host of the new enclave, where CID is the CID of the new enclave and REMOTE_CONFIG_IP is the IP address of the TEE to use as leader of the key synchronization protocol. Ideally, the REMOTE_CONFIG_IP is the IP address of the leader on a VPN and not a public IP. However, this is not required for the security of the protocol.

The connection is terminated as soon as both peers have read all bytes from their sockets and closed their connections.

Details of protocol steps

(1) The leader generates a 32 byte random nonce leader_nonce using a secure random number generator.

(2) The leader sends a message containing leader_nonce to the follower. The leader is now waiting for the attestation from the follower.

(3-4) Having received leader_nonce from the leader, the follower generates a secret key sec using secure randomness and derives the public key pub from the secret key. The follower then generates its own 32 byte nonce follower_nonce using secure randomness.

(5) The follower generates an attestation report using AWS Nitro Enclave functionality. This attestation report includes three fields that can be provided externally, viz., nonce, public_key, and user_data. These fields can be used to include any kind of data in the attestation report, but we try to use them for their intended purpose as far as possible. For example, the nonce field is provided by the attestation consumer as a proof of authenticity.

(6) The attestation report is sent from the follower to the leader. The follower is now waiting for the third and final message from the leader.

(7) The leader verifies that the attestation report is valid and contains the nonce leader_nonce provided in the first message. The verification includes verifying the certificate chain included in the attestation document with respect to the AWS root certificate. This ensures that the attestation report was generated by a valid AWS Nitro enclave and that it was generated after leader_nonce as generated. That is, the leader's nonce protects against replay attacks.

(8) This is the critical step for verifying that the follower is authorized to receive the secret key material of the key-synchronization pool. The details are described in a separate document Governance Committee Protocol.

(9-12) Once the leader is satsified that it is interacting with an authorized enclave that follows the key-synchronization protocol, it retrieves its own secret state ss (9), encrypts it using the public key provided by the follower resulting in enc_ss (10), computes the hash enc_sha of the encrypted state enc_ss (11), and generates an attestation document leader_att containing the nonce follower_nonce provided by the follower in the previous interaction as well as the hash enc_sha of the secret state.

(13) The encrypted state enc_ss as well as the leader's attestation report leader_att are sent to the follower. The leader is now finished and closes its end of the socket. The follower may also close the socket as soon as the last message has been received.

(14-17) When the follower received the encrypted state enc_ss and the leader's attestation report leader_att from the leader, the follower computes the SHA-256 hash of enc_ss as enc_sha. Next it verifies that attestation report is valid with respect to the AWS certificate and that it contains follower_nonce (that the follower sent to the leader in the first interaction) in the nonce field and that it contains enc_sha in the user_data field. This ensures that the follower received the last message from a valid AWS Nitro Enclave and that enc_ss has not been tampered with. Next, it the follower authorizes the measurement of the leader's attestation document (analogous to how the leader authorized the follower's attestation document); this makes sure that the leader is a member of the TEE pool. It then decrypts enc_ss using its ephemeral secret key sec revealing the secret state ss of the key-synchronization pool that the leader participates in.

This completes the key-synchronization protocol. The follower is now ready to launch.