Please refer to Required Translations before doing anything else.
The following strings require translation into Japanese:
- Search for a character to track...
- Name
- Your tracked characters
- Friends of Apkallu Falls
- Supporters
- Become a {0}
- to have your own character added to this list
- Patreon supporter for {0} month{1}.
- Note that this only applies to the {0} reward which is limited to the first 100 supporters.
- Thank you
- World
- Says
- Quote
- quote
- Description
- description
- Requirement
- requirement
- What is this?
- Summon
- summon
- {0} is a special minion and will randomly appear when summoning {1}
- This {0} has no {1} information.
- Behavior
- Obedient
- Independent
- Stationary
- More information
- Race
- Critter
- Monster
- Poppet
- Gadget
- achievement
- Achievements
- achievements
- mount
- Mounts
- mounts
- minion
- Minions
- minions
- title
- titles
- Title
- Male title
- Female title
- Unisex title
- Item
- Items
- Patch
- Patches
- Points
- Weight
- Grand Company
- Availability
- Available
- Promotional
- Promotional?
- Maybe?
- Unavailable
- Promotion expired
- Info needed
- How to get the {0} {1}
- Sorry! We don't know how to obtain this {0} yet.
- Please tweet us at {0} or raise a bug on our {1} page if you know how.
- Oops! Tweet us at {0} if you know how to obtain this minion.
- Purchase for {0} {1} from {2} {3} in {4} (x: {5}, y: {6}).
- Register or digitally upgrade to the {0} of {1} on the {2}.
- of
- There are {0} {1} Apkallu Falls does not know how to obtain yet...
- {0} days ago
- Seasonal Event
- Seasonal Events
- Legacy
- Unknown
- Start City
- This is one of three achievements which depend on the character's starting city. Characters can only have one of these achievements unlocked unless they unlocked the achievement during Legacy, then started in a different city on the same character on A Relam Reborn.
- Series
- Mastery
- Track another character
- Reward
- Speak with {i0} at {1} in {img2} {i3} (x: {4}, y: {5}).
- Any
- Category
- Character
- Section
- Class
- Battle
- The Hunt
- Show
- All
- Only filtered
- How to obtain
- Stats
- Levequests
- levequests
- Server
- Search
- Searching...
- Tagged
- Beast Tribe
- Beast Tribe Quests
- Crafting
- Duty
- Event
- Live Event
- Instanced FATE
- Promotional
- Gathering
- Desynthesis
- Free Company
- Gardening
- Main Scenario Quest
- NPC Shop
- PvP
- Side Quest
- Raid
- Raids
- Retainer Venture
- Treasure Hunt
- Trial
- Trials
- Veteran Reward
- Wondrous Tails
- Achievement
- Change language
- Expansions
- Scroll down to add a comment
- Back
- Return to the {0} list.
- {0} tagged "{1}"
- Showing {0} of {1} available
- Showing {0} of {1} available ({2} hidden)
- No {0} found matching the above filters.
- Clicking on a tag next to any {0} below will reveal all {1} which share that tag.
- Male
- Female
- Unisex
- Frontline
- Rival Wings
- Ranked PvP
- Disciples Of War
- Disciples Of Magic
- Disciples Of The Hand
- Disciples Of The Land
- Commendation
- Gold Saucer
- Currency
- Collectables
- Materia
- Quests
- La Noscea
- The Black Shroud
- Thanalan
- Mor Dhona
- Abalathia's Spine
- Dravania
- Gyr Abania
- Dungeons
- Exploration
- {0} characters found searching for “{1}” on {2}.
- Character Data Not Public
- {0} on {1} has not made their data public on The Lodestone.
- Because of this, Apkallu Falls can only access the basic information about the character like their name and avatar.
- Further information:
- How do I make my character's data public on The Lodestone?
- Character Select
- Welcome to Apkallu Falls
- You are not tracking any characters.
- Use the search form below to find a character to track.
- Use the search form below to find more characters to track.
- Note: Only characters whose achievements are publically available on The Lodestone are displayed.
- Stop Tracking
- Not a Patreon supporter.
- Creator of Apkallu Falls.
- Creator of XIVDB.
- Visionary.
- Tester.
- "Gamer Escape Wiki Guru or something prolly, idk." - Hezkezl
- {0} is now live!
- {0} is now available on Apkallu Falls, introducing:
- Updates
- {0} new {1}
- No new content
- See the {0} page for a full breakdown of all patches.
- (+{0}%)
- Obtained
- Unobtained
- Force Update
- You are already tracking this character.
- Tracked
- Track
- Add this character to your tracked characters list.
- Achievements already public? Your character may not be synchronised with XIVSync.
- Add {0} to XIVSync
- Add Character to XIVSync
- Add to XIVSync
- XIVSync is a service provided by XIVDB which polls the data millions of Final Fantasy XIV characters. Apkallu Falls' character add relies on this service. Characters need to be manually added to XIVSync, but don't worry, this only needs to be done once. You can think of this like attuning to an Aetheryte in-game, but without the glamorous teleportation abilities thereafter.
- Search for a character on The Lodestone...
- Adding to XIVSync...
- Reset
- Select the character you wish to add from the list below.
- Success! {0}'s data will now be synced.
- Progress towards Patreon goal {0}.
- Emotes
- emotes
- emote
- Default
- Note
- {0} data is not publicly accessible. Because of this, Apkallu Falls cannot determine whether any of the below {1} have already been unlocked by this character. For now, this is just a list of how to obtain them. In future, this may be expanded to turn this into a manual checklist.
- Alternatively, you can connect to Apkallu Falls with any of the below services.
- Sign in with {0}
- {0} to make use of manual tracking features.
- Sign in to Apkallu Falls
- You are signed in via {0} as {1}.
- Sign out
- Create account
- Sign in
- Email address
- Password
- Confirm password to create a new account
- Signed in
- Not signed in
- Authentication is performed through {0}.
- No personally-identifiable information is stored by Apkallu Falls.
- I've forgotten my password'
- Save changes
- You have unsaved changes. Click here to save them.
- Unsaved changes
- This value has changed since your data was last saved.
- Content unlocked by default cannot be changed.
- Click to mark as unobtained.
- Click to mark as obtained.
- Your Characters
- You have no verified characters. To verify ownership of a character, visit the profile page of the character you wish to verify and click on the "Verify Ownership" button.
- Verify Ownership
- This is your character.
- Is this your character? If so, you can link it to your Apkallu Falls account by clicking on the button below.
- Is this your character? {0} to verify the ownership of it.
- Log in to this character's account on The Lodestone ({0}).
- Log in to this character's account on The Lodestone ({0}).
- link
- In order to verify ownership of {0}, please perform the following steps:
- Edit your character's profile to include this verification code:
- Verify my character
- You can remove the verification code from your profile after the verification is complete.
- XIVSync failed to respond. Please try again.
- We we're unable to find the verification code on your profile.
- Try again
- Loading
- Verified
- Waking up...
- Tap tap tapping...
- Attempting to fly...
- Laying an egg...
- If this is your character, verify it as yours on your character's {0} to be able to check off the {1} you've obtained.
- profile
- Apkallu Falls is a fan-made website with only one developer and a tiny team of volunteer translators who are all avid Final Fantasy XIV players just like you. To give the best experience possible, Apkallu Falls features no adverts or tracking tools whatsoever. The running cost and continued development incentive is funded solely by our wonderful supporters over on Patreon.
- Visit our Patreon page
- {0} to find out how you can support Apkallu Falls, have your character distinguished for everyone to see and, most importantly, get rid of this annoying box!
- Already a Patron? Jump into the #supporters-lounge room on our Discord server and let us know who your character is.
- Quests
- The statistics below are based on the achievements this character has unlocked and can therefore wildly vary and jump quickly. Using Carpenter Levequests as an example, the III and IV achievements leap from 40 to 80, this means if a character has completed 79 unique leves in this category, the statistic below will only count 40 of them.
- Aetherpool Gear Upgrades
- Relic Weapon Progress
- Anima Weapon Progress
- Eureka Weapon Progress
- Chocobo Barding
- chocobo barding
- Chocobo barding
- sets of chocobo barding
- Orchestrion Rolls
- orchestrion rolls
- Orchestrion rolls
- orchestrion roll
- Click on any category below to be taken to that category's list of orchestrion rolls.
- There are {0} orchestrion rolls in this category.
- A password reset email has been sent to your email address.
- You have unsaved changes for the following character(s):
- Saving...
- Promotional, unavailable and unknown content cannot be checked.
- Chocobo Companion
- This can be equipped in your Chocobo Companion's {0} slot.
- This set of chocobo barding has no {0} equipment.
- Head
- Body
- Legs
- Unlocks
- Close
- Apkallu Falls is a character content tracking website which by default hides anything which is unobtainable, time-limited or promotional. It also provides details of how to obtain everything it tracks.
- What is hidden?
- For website-specific updates and notices, keep an eye on our {0}, join our {1} or click on the button below to follow us on Twitter!
- Patreon blog
- Discord server
- Click for help
- What content does Apkallu Falls hide?
- By default, Apkallu Falls hides any content which is unobtainable, time-limited or promotional. This is split into two categories, {i0} and {i1}, and includes:
- In-game events
- Mog Station and Square Enix Store purchases
- The Feast season rewards
- Marketing campaigns and fan festivals
- Disused Legacy (1.0) content
- Lodestone contest rewards
- Starting city achievements
- This content is still accessible, take the {0} for example, it just doesn't display within the content lists without first applying a filter, nor does this hidden content count towards character progress displayed in the sidebar when tracking a character.
- Is Apkallu Falls too bright?
- Not a fan of dark mode?
- Enable Dark Mode
- Switch back to Light Mode
- Dark Mode is currently an expermiental feature, and may still require work to iron out the creases.
- Achievement points
- This character is not synchronised with XIVAPI, but should be within the next 5-10 minutes. Please check back soon.
- This character is blacklisted by XIVAPI.
- No character exists with this ID.
- Unhandled XIVAPI response state "{0}". This is a bug, please let Tequila know about it on Discord.
- Tradeable
- {0} can be purchased from the in-game market board.
- Why am I seeing this?
- With the version 2.1 upgrade of Apkallu Falls, XIVDB support has been completely dropped and now we're using XIVAPI instead.
- XIVAPI has not seen this character before, so needs to fetch its data from the Lodestone. Once done, you shouldn't ever see this message again for this character.
- Large Gig
- Medium Gig
- Small Gig
- Quick Exploration
- Deep-sea Site 3
- Bloodsworn
- Unlock the achievement achievement.
- Purchase for {img2} {i0} {i1} from {3} {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Purchase from {0} during the {i1} event.
- {i0} {1} and register the promotional code on or before {2}.
- Register or digitally upgrade to the {i0} of {i1} on the {2}.
- Unlock the achievement achievement, then speak to {0} at {1} in {img2} {3} (x: {4}, y: {5}).
- Randomly awarded from treasure chests in {img0} {i1} from {2} onwards.
- Randomly awarded from treasure chests in {img0} {i1}.
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in the level {0} duty {img1} '{i2}' (x: {3}, y: {4}).
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in level {0} duty {img1} '{i2}' (final chest).
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in level {0} raid {img1} '{i2}' (final chest).
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in level {0} trial {img1} '{i2}' (final chest).
- Randomly awarded after winning level {0} PvP match {img1} '{i2}'.
- Complete the level {0} {i1} quest {img3} '{i2}'.
- Achieve gold rating in the level {0} FATE {img1} '{i2}' in {img3} {4} (x: {5}, y: {6}).
- Randomly awarded after achieving gold rating in the level {0} {img1} {2} FATE {img3} '{i4}'.
- Achieve gold rating in the level {0} FATE {img1} '{i2}' in {img3} {4}.
- Purchase for {img2} {i0} {i1} from {3} in {img4} {5} (x: {6}, y: {7}) after completing the level {8} FATE {img9} '{i10}' (x: {11}, y: {12}).
- Randomly awarded from a {i0}, after obtaining a {1} within {img2} {3}.
- Complete the level {0} {1} quest {img2} '{i3}' from {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Complete the level {0} {1} main scenario quest {img2} '{i3}' from {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Randomly awarded from the treasure chest after completing a level {0} (solo) {img1} {i2}.
- Randomly awarded from the treasure chest after completing a level {0} (full party) {img1} {i2}.
- Crafted from a level {0} {i1} recipe{2} with {3}.
- Crafted from a level {0} {i1} recipe{2}.
- Gathered by a {i0} at {1} in {img2} {i3} (x: {4}, y: {5}) using {6} as bait (level {7}).
- Desynthesise {i0} as a {i1}, gathered by a {i2} at {3} in {img4} {i5} (x: {6}, y: {7}) mooching {8} (level {9}).
- Double-mooched by a {i0} at {1} in {img2} {i3} (x: {4}, y: {5}) using {6} as bait (level {7}) to catch a {8}, mooched to catch a {9}.
- Spearfished from a {0} node by a {i1} using a {2} at {3} in {img4} {i5} (x: {6}, y: {7}) after catching {8} {9} (level {10}) with a {11}.
- Purchase for {i0} {i1} {img2} from {3} at {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Received as mail from a {i0} for subscribing for {1} days.
- Gathered by a level {0} {i1} at an unspoiled node{2} in {img3} {4} (x: {5}, y: {6}) at {7} (slot {8}).
- Purchase directly from the {i0}.
- Achieve {0} reputation with the {i1} Beast Tribe, then purchase for {img4} {i2} {i3} from {5} {6} in {img7} {8} (x: {9}, y: {10}).
- Purchase {i0} on the {i1} and register the promotional code on or before {2}.
- Purchase {i0} on the {i1} and register the promotional code.
- Randomly awarded from the {1} level {0} {img2} {i3} {i4} retainer venture.
- Randomly awarded from a {img0} {i1} retainer venture.
- Cultivate {img0} {i1}.
- Randomly awarded when completing {0} lines of {img1} {i2}.
- Attend the {y0} fan festival in {1}.
- Purchase the online live stream of the {y0} fan festival in {1}.
- Randomly obtained from Free Company {i0} Subaquatic Voyages.
- Unlock the achievement achievement, then speak to {0} at {1} in {img2} {3} (x: {4}, y: {5}).
- Achieve {0} reputation with the {i1} Beast Tribe, then purchase for {img4} {i2} {i3} from {5} {6} in {img7} {8} (x: {9}, y: {10}).
- Register or digitally upgrade to the {i0} of {i1} on the {2}.
- Complete the level {0} {1} main scenario quest {img2} '{i3}' from {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Complete the level {0} {1} quest {img2} '{i3}' from {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Complete the level {0} {1} quest {img2} '{i3}' from {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}) after obtaining mounts.
- Given as a gift upon reaching level {0} by {1} in {img2} {3} (x: {4}, y: {5})
- Given at the launch of A Realm Reborn to any players who had at least 90 cumulative days of subscription at any point during the final 9 months of Legacy.
- Purchase for {i0} {i1} {img2} from {3} at {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in level {0} raid {img1} '{i2}' (final chest).
- Randomly awarded from a treasure chest in level {0} trial {img1} '{i2}' (final chest).
- Received as mail from a {i0} for subscribing for {1} days.
- Purchase directly from the {i0}.
- Purchase for {img2} {i0} {i1} from {3} {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Rewarded for having a friend subscribe for 90 days during the {i0}.
- Purchase for {img2} {i0} {i1}, awarded from the {i9}, from {3} {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Randomly awarded from an {i0}, obtained after completing FATEs within {img1} {2}.
- Rewarded for having a friend subscribe during the {i0}.
- Purchase {i1} directly from the {i0}.
- Purchase {i9} for {img2} {i0} {i1} from {3} {4} in {img5} {6} (x: {7}, y: {8}).
- Purchase {i2} from {0} during the {i1} event.
- Achieve {0} reputation with the {i1} Beast Tribe, then purchase {i11} for {img4} {i2} {i3} from {5} {6} in {img7} {8} (x: {9}, y: {10}).
- Unlocked by default.
- Unlocked when enlisting with Grand Company: {i0}. You can only have one of
at a time.