diff --git a/design/standard/javascript/plugins/breakoutspace/editor_plugin.js b/design/standard/javascript/plugins/breakoutspace/editor_plugin.js
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ed01a0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/design/standard/javascript/plugins/breakoutspace/editor_plugin.js
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ * Break Out Space TinyMCE plugin. When you press CTRL+Enter in a custom tag you will get an empty paragraph outside the tag
+ *
+ * @author Peter Keung
+ * @copyright Copyright 2014, Mugo Web
+ */
+( function()
+ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.breakoutspace',
+ {
+ /**
+ * Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created.
+ * This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event
+ * of the editor instance to intercept that event.
+ *
+ * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in.
+ * @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located.
+ */
+ init: function( ed, url )
+ {
+ ed.onKeyDown.add( function( ed, e )
+ {
+ // Capture CTRL+Enter
+ if( ( ( e.keyCode == 13 ) || ( e.keyCode == 10 ) ) && ( e.ctrlKey == true ) )
+ {
+ var dom = ed.dom;
+ var parents = dom.getParents( ed.selection.getNode() );
+ for( var i=0; i < parents.length; i++ )
+ {
+ currentNode = parents[i];
+ // Insert empty paragraph at the end of the parent of the closest custom tag
+ if( currentNode.nodeName == 'DIV' && currentNode.getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'custom' )
+ {
+ // dom.insertAfter doesn't work reliably
+ var uniqueID = dom.uniqueId();
+ jQuery( '
' ).insertAfter( currentNode );
+ // Move to the new node
+ var newParagraph = dom.select( 'p#' + uniqueID )[0];
+ ed.selection.setCursorLocation( newParagraph );
+ // Don't create an extra paragraph
+ e.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // Register plugin
+ tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'breakoutspace', tinymce.plugins.breakoutspace );
diff --git a/design/standard/templates/ezoe/customattributes/link.tpl b/design/standard/templates/ezoe/customattributes/link.tpl
index 423ca45..45c9ad8 100644
--- a/design/standard/templates/ezoe/customattributes/link.tpl
+++ b/design/standard/templates/ezoe/customattributes/link.tpl
@@ -32,8 +32,10 @@
eZOEPopupUtils.settings.onInitDoneArray.push( function( editorElement )
var drop = jQuery( 'select.atr_link_source_types'), inp = jQuery( 'input.link_href_input' ),
- tagName = drop.attr('data-tag-name');
+ tagName = [];
+ drop.each(function(){
+ tagName[ $(this).attr('id') ] = $(this).attr('data-tag-name');
+ });
// init source type selection
inp.each(function( i ){
var self = jQuery(this);
@@ -44,23 +46,23 @@ eZOEPopupUtils.settings.onInitDoneArray.push( function( editorElement )
var url = self.val().split('://'), id = eZOEPopupUtils.Int( url[1] );
if ( id !== 0 && ( url[0] === 'eznode' || url[0] === 'ezobject' ) )
- ezoeLinkAttribute.ajaxCheck.call( this, url[0] + '_' + id );
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.ajaxCheck.call( this, url[0] + '_' + id, ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName[this.id + '_types'] ) );
// add event to lookup changes to source type
drop.change(function( e )
- var lid = ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName ), input = document.getElementById( lid+'_source' );
+ var lid = ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName[this.id] ), input = document.getElementById( lid+'_source' );
if ( this.value === 'ezobject://' )
- input.value = this.value + ezoeLinkAttribute.node['contentobject_id'];
- ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( ezoeLinkAttribute.node['name'], lid );
+ input.value = this.value + ezoeLinkAttribute.getNode( lid )['contentobject_id'];
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( ezoeLinkAttribute.getNode( lid )['name'], lid );
else if ( this.value === 'eznode://' )
- input.value = this.value + ezoeLinkAttribute.node['node_id'];
- ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( ezoeLinkAttribute.node['name'], lid );
+ input.value = this.value + ezoeLinkAttribute.getNode( lid )['node_id'];
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( ezoeLinkAttribute.getNode( lid )['name'], lid );
@@ -73,7 +75,7 @@ eZOEPopupUtils.settings.onInitDoneArray.push( function( editorElement )
inp.keyup( function( e )
e = e || window.event;
- var c = e.keyCode || e.which, lid = ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName ), dropdown = jQuery( '#'+lid + '_source_types' );
+ var c = e.keyCode || e.which, lid = $(this).closest('.custom_attribute_type_link, .attribute_type_link').attr('id'), dropdown = jQuery( '#'+lid + '_source_types' );
clearTimeout( ezoeLinkAttribute.timeOut );
// break if user is pressing arrow keys
@@ -90,13 +92,15 @@ eZOEPopupUtils.settings.onInitDoneArray.push( function( editorElement )
ezoeLinkAttribute.timeOut = setTimeout( eZOEPopupUtils.BIND( ezoeLinkAttribute.ajaxCheck, this, url[0] + '_' + id, lid ), 320 );
return true;
+ inp.keyup();
// setup navigation on bookmark / browse / search links to their 'boxes' (panels)
jQuery( 'a.atr_link_search_link, a.atr_link_browse_link, a.atr_link_bookmark_link' ).click( function(){
- ezoeLinkAttribute.id = ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName );
+ var tagNameKey = $(this).closest('.custom_attribute_type_link, .attribute_type_link').find('select.atr_link_source_types').attr('id');
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.id = ezoeLinkAttribute.lid( this.id, tagName[tagNameKey] );
jQuery('div.panel, div.link-dialog').hide();
- jQuery('#' + ezoeLinkAttribute.box( this.id, tagName ) ).show();
- jQuery('#' + ezoeLinkAttribute.box( this.id, tagName ) + ' input[type=text]:first').focus();
+ jQuery('#' + ezoeLinkAttribute.box( this.id, tagName[tagNameKey] ) ).show();
+ jQuery('#' + ezoeLinkAttribute.box( this.id, tagName[tagNameKey] ) + ' input[type=text]:first').focus();
jQuery( '#embed_search_go_back_link, #embed_browse_go_back_link, #embed_bookmark_go_back_link' ).click( ezoeLinkAttribute.toggleBack );
@@ -127,7 +131,7 @@ eZOEPopupUtils.settings.browseLinkGenerator = function( n, mode, ed )
// override so selected element is redirected to link input
eZOEPopupUtils.selectByEmbedId = function( object_id, node_id, name )
- var lid = ezoeLinkAttribute.id, drop = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source_types'), inp = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source' ), info = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source_info' )
+ var lid = ezoeLinkAttribute.id, drop = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source_types'), inp = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source' ), info = jQuery( '#'+lid+'_source_info' );
if ( drop.val() === 'ezobject://' )
inp.val( 'ezobject://' + object_id );
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ eZOEPopupUtils.selectByEmbedId = function( object_id, node_id, name )
ezoeLinkAttribute.typeSet( inp, drop );
ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( name, lid );
- ezoeLinkAttribute.node = {'contentobject_id': object_id, 'node_id': node_id, 'name': name }
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.node[lid] = {'contentobject_id': object_id, 'node_id': node_id, 'name': name }
// misc link related variables and functions
@@ -143,7 +147,15 @@ var ezoeLinkAttribute = {
timeOut : null,
slides : 0,
id : null,
- node : {'contentobject_id': '', 'node_id': '', 'name': '' },
+ node : [],
+ getNode : function( lid )
+ {
+ if( typeof this.node[lid] === "undefined" )
+ {
+ this.node[lid] = {'contentobject_id': '', 'node_id': '', 'name': '' };
+ }
+ return this.node[lid];
+ },
ajaxCheck : function( url, lid )
var url = tinyMCEPopup.editor.settings.ez_extension_url + '/load/' + url;
@@ -154,7 +166,7 @@ var ezoeLinkAttribute = {
if ( r )
ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( r.name, lid );
- ezoeLinkAttribute.node = r;
+ ezoeLinkAttribute.node[lid] = r;
ezoeLinkAttribute.namePreview( false, lid );
diff --git a/settings/ezoe.ini b/settings/ezoe.ini
index 6bd2541..05113aa 100644
--- a/settings/ezoe.ini
+++ b/settings/ezoe.ini
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ Plugins[]=inlinepopups
# list plugin
+# Support CTRL+Enter to exit a custom tag
# Skin for the editor, 'default' and 'o2k7' is included as standard