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Andrew Buck edited this page Oct 2, 2015 · 30 revisions

Each layer in the GPV can have one or more search forms associated with it. These searches appear in the top dropdown list on the Search function tab. When a search is selected the user is given a form with input fields for specifying the search criteria.

  • SearchID - The unique identifier for this search (not null).
  • LayerID - The ID of the GPV layer this search is connected to (not null). Links to GPVLayer.
  • DisplayName - The name of this search on the interface (not null).
  • ConnectionID - The database connection for the stored procedure. If null, defaults to the configuration database. Links to GPVConnection.
  • StoredProc - The name of the stored procedure which provides the text of the SQL SELECT statement for this search (not null). The GPV inserts a WHERE clause into this statement when performing the search.
  • SequenceNo - A number specifying the display order of this search (not null).
  • Active - Specifies whether this search should be available for use, 1 for yes and 0 for no. If null, defaults to 0 (no).

Here is an example of entries in the Search configuration table and an example of a search stored procedure. These are for the web site.

Search Table

SearchID LayerID DisplayName ConnectionID StoredProc SequenceNo Active
Assessment_areas AssessmentArea Assessment Area NULL GPVSearch_AssessmentAreas 2 1
Bartlett_inventory Bartlett_inventory 2013 Tree Inventory NULL GPVSearch_Bartlett_inventory 1 1

Search Input Field Table

FieldID SearchID DisplayName ColumnName FieldType ConnectionID StoredProc SequenceNo Active
Assessment_Areas Assessment_areas Assessment Area ID a.AAID list NULL GPVSearch_AssessmentAreas_AAID 1 1
Condition Bartlett_inventory Condition Condition_ list NULL GPVSearch_Bartlett_Inventory_Condition 4 1
DBH_1 Bartlett_inventory DBH Range DBH_1 numberrange NULL NULL 3 1
ParkName Bartlett_inventory Park Name p.ParkName list NULL GPVSearch_Bartlett_Inventory_ParkName 5 1
Priority Bartlett_inventory Care Priority 1-12 Tree_Care_ numberrange NULL NULL 6 1
Species Bartlett_inventory Species Common_Nam autocomplete NULL GPVSearch_Bartlett_Inventory_Species 2 1
Treeid Bartlett_inventory Tree ID t.TreeId number NULL NULL 1 1

Search Input Field Stored Procedure

ALTER procedure [dbo].[GPVSearch_Bartlett_Inventory_Species] @intext nvarchar(50) as select distinct Common_Nam from Bartlett_inventory Where Common_Nam like @intext + '%' order by Common_Nam

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