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File metadata and controls

77 lines (66 loc) · 2.24 KB


Note: This is a proof of concept

ArVerify is service which allows users to have their addresses verified via Google Sign On. Verified users can then be queried or accessed via a SDK.


ArVerfiy is a DAO with staked auth-nodes. auth-nodes have the capability to mark an address as verified. If an auth-node misbehaves, it will be removed from the DAO.


  1. User tips a fee to an auth-node
  2. User request a verification at the auth-node
  3. The auth-node returns the sign-in uri
  4. User opens this uri and signs himself up with a Google-Account
  5. The auth-node handles the callback
  6. If the Callback is successful, the auth-node writes a transaction onto arweave which states, that the address is verified
  7. The auth-node tips the DAO
  8. The auth-node returns the TX-ID of the verification TX to the user


Tipping to an auth-node

This is just what I came up with. I have no idea if this is a best practice.

import arweave

auth_node = "..."

wallet_file_path = "my-arweave-keyfile.json"
wallet = arweave.Wallet(wallet_file_path)

fee = 0.0001
tx = arweave.Transaction(wallet, quantity=str(fee), to=auth_node)
tx.add_tag(name="App-Name", value="ArVerifyDev")
tx.add_tag(name="Type", value="Tip")

In future this will be implemented into a front-end application which will handle the tipping process.

Check if address is verified

This can be done via a GraphQL Query. It can easily be implemented into some kind of package which can be installed into other projects.

query transactions($authNodes: [String!], $address: String!) {
    owners: $authNodes
    tags: [
      { name: "App-Name", values: ["ArVerifyDev"] }
      { name: "Type", values: ["Verification"] }
      { name: "Address", values: [$address] }
  ) {
    edges {
      node {
        tags {

Help needed

  • More architectural guidance
  • How to implement a good tipping mechanism?
  • How to create and interact with a DAO?
  • New features


  • Adding this project into WeaveID
  • Having a check-sign next to address to see that the address is verified (e.g instagram)
  • Implement more auth-provider