A set of recipes to show how to use Arcade Analytics with different data stores
Docker images of Arcade and demo databases are available on Docker hub
Install Docker on you computer: https://docs.docker.com/install/
Arcade is provided as a all-embedded image, where hsql and embedded Elasicsearch are used instead of Postgresql and ES on separate containers. This configuration is the most indicated to be used on a desktop computer because it needs less resources. Open a shell/cmd and type:
docker-compose -f recipes/arcade-standalone.yml up
The command above starts Arcade, you can top the container with a ctrl+c on the command line. To run Arcade in background, use the -d switch:
docker-compose -f recipes/arcade-standalone.yml up -d
Point your browser to
login as user with password user
NOTE: This compose does not containers with test databases, they are commented and not started.
To be able to create new users, stop Arcade with ctrl+c on the command line or, if the -d flag was used, type the command:
docker-compose -f recipes/arcade-standalone.yml down
Open the compose definition recipes/arcade-standalone.yml with an editor of your choice and fill the properties inside the compose:
- SPRING_EMAIL_HOST=smtp.gmail.com
Then restart the container and login with admin/admin credentials. In the admin menu you are now able to create new users.
To play with the OrientDB's demo database, open a new shell and start the container:
docker-compose -f recipes/orientdb3.yml up
Now, to connect and use the database, go to Arcade, create a new data source with these parameters:
- type: OrientDB 3
- server: arcadeanalytics-orientdb3
- port: 2424
- database: demodb
- username: admin
- password: admin
Save and start the index process of the data source.
To play with the Janus's demo database, open a new shell and start the container:
docker-compose -f recipes/janus.yml up
Now, to connect and use the database, go to Arcade, create a new data source with these parameters:
- type: Gremlin
- gremlin implementation: JanusGraph
- server: arcadeanalytics-janusgraph
- port: 8182
- database: na
- username: na
- password: na
Save and start the index process of the data source.
To play with the OrientDB's demo database, open a new shell and start the container:
docker-compose -f recipes/orientdb3.yml up
Now, to connect and use the database, go to Arcade, create a new data source with these parameters:
- type: Gremlin/OrientDB
- server: arcadeanalytics-orientdb3
- port: 8182
- database: na
- username: na
- password: na
Save and start the index process of the data source.
To play with the PostgreSQL's dvd-rental database, open a new shell and start the container:
docker-compose -f recipes/postgresql-dvd-rental.yml up
Now, to connect and use the database, go to Arcade, create a new data source with these parameters:
- type: RDBMS/PostgreSQL
- server: arcadeanalytics-postgresql-dvd-rental
- port: 5432
- database: dvdrental
- username: postgres
- password: postgres
To play with the MySQL's sakila database, open a new shell and start the container:
docker-compose -f recipes/mysql-sakila.yml up
Now, to connect and use the database, go to Arcade, create a new data source with these parameters:
- type: RDBMS/MySQL
- server: arcadeanalytics-mysql-sakila
- port: 3306
- database: sakila
- username: test
- password: test