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504 lines (400 loc) · 17.2 KB

File metadata and controls

504 lines (400 loc) · 17.2 KB


  1. Connect to your provided vm using ssh@user_name@ip
  2. Run git clone then git checkout lab
  3. cd dotnet-otel-dynatrace-demo
  4. Configure appsettings.json or, if provided, run cp /appsettings.json .
  5. Use the remote connect feature of VS code to connect to the VM, then open ~/dotnet-otel-dynatrace-demo
  6. Open a terminal in VS Code and run dotnet run and open your VM IP in a browser to verify that everything is working.


1. Create an ActivitySource model

The activitySource is the source of all instrumentation in the application. It contains a name and a version. The name will also be used as the OTEL/Dynatrace service name. This class will be used with a singleton pattern in the DI container.

using System.Diagnostics;

public class Instrumentation : IDisposable
    internal const string ActivitySourceName = "dotnet-otel";
    internal const string ActivitySourceVersion = "1.0.0";

    public Instrumentation()
        this.ActivitySource = new ActivitySource(ActivitySourceName, ActivitySourceVersion);

    public ActivitySource ActivitySource { get; }

    public void Dispose()

In program.cs, configure .NET instrumentation. This will first create an instance of the instrumentation class, then add it to the DI container as a singleton.

Then we will add some metadata to the instrumentation. To do so, we are reading the metadata from a file with the format key=value. The file is a list of key-value pairs, one per line. This is the format used by Dynatrace in 2 important files: the host metadata (/var/lib/dynatrace/enrichment/ and a virtual process metadata file (

using System.Diagnostics;

var MyInstrumentation = new Instrumentation();
ActivitySource MyActivitySource = MyInstrumentation.ActivitySource;

Load device and application metadata:

List<KeyValuePair<string, object>> metadata = new List<KeyValuePair<string, object>>();
foreach (string name in configuration.GetSection("Otlp:MetadataFiles").Get<string[]>())
        foreach (string line in System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(name.StartsWith("/var") ? name : System.IO.File.ReadAllText(name)))
            var keyvalue = line.Split("=");
            metadata.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, object>(keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]));
    catch { }

Action<ResourceBuilder> configureResource = r => r
    .AddService(serviceName: MyActivitySource.Name)

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault();

2. OTEL logs

Configure OTEL logging in program.cs. This will first create an instance of the logger factory, then add it to the DI container as a singleton.

// Configure OTEL logger
loggerFactoryOT = LoggerFactory.Create(builder =>
       .AddOpenTelemetry(builder =>
           if (configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:LogsEndpoint") != ""){
            builder.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
                options.Endpoint = new Uri(configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:LogsEndpoint"));
                options.Protocol = OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf;
                options.Headers = configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:Headers");
                options.ExportProcessorType = OpenTelemetry.ExportProcessorType.Batch;


In Controllers/HomeController.cs, add the logger using DI:

private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;

public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger)
    _logger = logger;

Then add a Test action, logging a test message:

 public IActionResult Test()
        _logger.LogInformation("Test OK");
        return Ok("Test OK");

Call to /Home/Test will show a log in Dynatrace.

3. OTEL tracing

Configure OTEL tracing in program.cs. This will first create an instance of the tracer provider builder, then add it to the DI container as a singleton. We configure the sampler to always be on, and set the source to the instrumentation class. We also use configureResource to load the metadata previously read. The Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder() call is not required, but can add some details to the trace.

    .WithTracing(builder => { 
        builder.SetSampler(new AlwaysOnSampler());
        if (configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:TracesEndpoint") != "") {
            builder.AddOtlpExporter(options =>
                options.Endpoint = new Uri(configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:TracesEndpoint")); 
                options.Protocol = OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf;
                options.Headers = configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:Headers");
                options.ExportProcessorType = OpenTelemetry.ExportProcessorType.Simple;

var resourceBuilder = ResourceBuilder.CreateDefault();

    .SetSampler(new AlwaysOnSampler())

Check that calls are being traced in Dynatrace.

In Controllers/HomeController.cs, add the activity source using DI:

private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;
public ActivitySource activitySource;

public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, Instrumentation instrumentation)
    _logger = logger;
    activitySource = instrumentation.ActivitySource;

Then, add a Test action and a private method with cutom spans:

private void TestSpans() {
        using var activity1 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.1");

        using var activity2 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.2");

    public IActionResult Test()
        using (var activity0 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.a")) {
            using (var activity1 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.b")) {

        return Ok("Test OK");

Call to /Home/Test will show a trace in Dynatrace, find it.

Next, we want to add some logs:

private void TestSpans() {
        using var activity1 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.1");

        using var activity2 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.2");
        _logger.LogInformation("Test level 2");

    public IActionResult Test()
        using (var activity0 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.a")) {
            _logger.LogInformation("Test A");

            using (var activity1 = activitySource.StartActivity("test.b")) {
                _logger.LogInformation("Test B");

        return Ok("Test OK");

Go to the trace in Dynatrace, find it. Check that the logs are correlated with the trace.

Then, let's try a more complex use case, with external and internal API calls:

public async Task<IActionResult> MakeRequest([FromQuery(Name = "code")] string code)
        using (var myActivity = activitySource.StartActivity("MakeRequest"))
            if(code == "" || code is null) code = "0";

            int intCode;
                intCode = int.Parse(code);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return BadRequest("Code must be a number");

            var http = new HttpClient();

            if (intCode == 0) {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync("/Home/MakeRequest?code=200");
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");
            } else {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync(intCode.ToString());
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");

This endpoint will either call itself or call Makeing a call without any parameter will call itself first, which will then make an external API call to Make a call to /Home/MakeRequest and look at the rsulting trace in Dynatrace.

Now, let's add some custom tags to the trace, so we can have more informations about what is going on:

public async Task<IActionResult> MakeRequest([FromQuery(Name = "code")] string code)
        using (var myActivity = activitySource.StartActivity("MakeRequest"))
            if(code == "" || code is null) code = "0";

            myActivity.SetTag("code", code);
            myActivity.SetTag("http.method", "GET");

            int intCode;
                intCode = int.Parse(code);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return BadRequest("Code must be a number");

            var http = new HttpClient();

            if (intCode == 0) {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync("/Home/MakeRequest?code=200");
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");
            } else {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync(intCode.ToString());
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");

This endpoint is still a bit complex, but we can add some events to the trace to make it more readable:

public async Task<IActionResult> MakeRequest([FromQuery(Name = "code")] string code)
        using (var myActivity = activitySource.StartActivity("MakeRequest"))
            if(code == "" || code is null) code = "0";
            myActivity.SetTag("code", code);
            myActivity.SetTag("http.method", "GET");

            int intCode;
                intCode = int.Parse(code);
            catch (Exception ex)
                return BadRequest("Code must be a number");

            var http = new HttpClient();

            if (intCode == 0) {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync("/Home/MakeRequest?code=200");
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");
            } else {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync(intCode.ToString());
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");

Make a call to /Home/MakeRequest and look at the trace in Dynatrace. Check how the events the tags are displayed.

Finally, sometimes this request will fail. Let's add some details there too.

public async Task<IActionResult> MakeRequest([FromQuery(Name = "code")] string code)
        using (var myActivity = activitySource.StartActivity("MakeRequest"))
            if(code == "" || code is null) code = "0";
            myActivity.SetTag("code", code);
            myActivity.SetTag("http.method", "GET");

            int intCode;
                intCode = int.Parse(code);
            catch (Exception ex)
                myActivity.SetStatus(ActivityStatusCode.Error, "User did not give a number as a code");
                return BadRequest("Code must be a number");

            var http = new HttpClient();

            if (intCode == 0) {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync("/Home/MakeRequest?code=200");
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");
            } else {
                http.BaseAddress = new Uri("");
                var responseTask = http.GetAsync(intCode.ToString());
                using var response = await responseTask;

                return Ok($"Response code: {response.StatusCode}\nMessage: {await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()}");

Make a call to /Home/MakeRequest?code=abc. This will throw an exception, look in Dynatrace how this is displayed.

4. OTEL metrics

To create a new metric, first create a new Model (class) for a meter:

using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class RequestMeter
    private static readonly string _meter_name = "request_meter";
    private static readonly string _meter_version = "1.0.0";

    private readonly Meter _meter;

    public RequestMeter(){
        _meter = new Meter(_meter_name, _meter_version);

    public Meter Meter { get => _meter; }

    public static string MeterName { get => _meter_name; }

Right now, this meter measures nothing, it has no metrics associated, but we can add a counter metric to it:

using System.Diagnostics.Metrics;
using System.Diagnostics;

public class RequestMeter
    private static readonly string _meter_name = "request_meter";
    private static readonly string _meter_version = "1.0.0";

    private readonly Meter _meter;
    private Counter<long> _request_counter;

    public RequestMeter(){
        _meter = new Meter(_meter_name, _meter_version);
        _request_counter = Meter.CreateCounter<long>("request_counter");

    public Meter Meter { get => _meter; }

    public Counter<long> RequestCounter { get => _request_counter; }
    public static string MeterName { get => _meter_name; }

Next, we need to configure the OTEL metrics in the program.cs file. Here, we will also need to register the meter with the instrumentation so that the metrics are sent to Dynatrace:

        .WithTracing(builder => { 
        .WithMetrics(builder => {
        builder.AddMeter(RequestMeter.MeterName); // We register the metric here
        if (configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:MetricsEndpoint") != "") {
            builder.AddOtlpExporter((OtlpExporterOptions exporterOptions, MetricReaderOptions readerOptions) =>
                exporterOptions.Endpoint = new Uri(configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:MetricsEndpoint"));
                exporterOptions.Protocol = OpenTelemetry.Exporter.OtlpExportProtocol.HttpProtobuf;
                exporterOptions.Headers = configuration.GetValue<string>("Otlp:Headers");
                readerOptions.TemporalityPreference = MetricReaderTemporalityPreference.Delta;

In Controllers/HomeController.cs, add the activity source using DI:

private readonly ILogger<HomeController> _logger;
public ActivitySource activitySource;
private readonly RequestMeter _requestMeter;

public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, Instrumentation instrumentation, RequestMeter requestMeter)
    _logger = logger;
    activitySource = instrumentation.ActivitySource;
    _requestMeter = requestMeter;

Next, lets put that metric in action:

public IActionResult Count()
        return Ok("OK");

This is good, but we might want to add some dimension to the metric, for example so we can see the number of calls by IP address.

public IActionResult Count()
        _requestMeter.RequestCounter.Add(1, new KeyValuePair<string, object?>("ip", Request.HttpContext.Connection.RemoteIpAddress.ToString()));
        return Ok("OK");