All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- update PHP dependencies (#1043) (930c68d4, @faustbrian)
- update PHP dependencies (#1045) (a4c407dc, @faustbrian)
- transaction filter direction (#1047) (6da22d8d, @crnkovic)
- close transaction filter on wallet details page on data fetch (#1049) (12916ee0, @crnkovic)
- searching for wallet names containing whitespace (#1048) (d246ec36, @crnkovic)
- add unique key to mobile transactions on homepage (#1052) (e13cd691, @ItsANameToo)
- update PHP dependencies ([#1038]) (c60f4298, @faustbrian)
- legacy multisignature details ([#1041]) (8f1c7873, @alexbarnsley)
- price graph height on the homepage (#1033) (491c9dfb, @leMaur)
- remove supervisor for short-schedule (#1035) (8f88cf5c, @marianogoldman)
- add dark mode env var (#1036) (f4e5b463, @crnkovic)
- use layout head & body components (#1034) (31561f45, @alexbarnsley)
- update alpine (#1016) (0d159736, @alexbarnsley)
- update PHP dependencies (#1031) (9dc5df89, @faustbrian)
- update foundation and remove reddit links ([#1039]) (6d09d22, @itsanametoo)
- phpstan error "InvalidArgumentException constructor expects string" (#998) (66449ce3, @leMaur)
- phpstan error "withScope" (#997) (ae032573, @leMaur)
- phpstan error AbstractNetwork (#996) (0c64c300, @leMaur)
- js dark mode component initial toggle (#1021) (0333cae2, @alexbarnsley)
- switch filter label messing (#1022) (b76aa048, @alfonsobries)
- use correct checkmark icon for delegate status (#1025) (98692b5, @itsanametoo)
- dynamic truncated text (#1028) (92e55c7, @alfonsobries)
- setup labeler workflow (#993) (38a8dda0, @ItsANameToo)
- phpstan error "Variable method call" (#999) (ab92d077, @leMaur)
- phpstan error "PendingDispatch given" (#995) (f827c2a5, @leMaur)
- add drop invalid livewire requests middleware (#1000) (f1c01e22, @ItsANameToo)
- upgrade to latest version of chartjs (#981) (2c01d72a, @Highjhacker)
- use phpstan.neon configuration file from Foundation (#1005) (6dde64e4, @leMaur)
- add
host to the docker container (#1013) (01a992ac, @crnkovic) - roundness issue on transactions table + chrome (#1012) (245fd071, @alfonsobries)
- import coingecko icon (#1014) (285ba208, @leMaur)
- update JavaScript dependencies (#1010) (8b653d1b, @faustbrian)
- remove
from docker config (#1015) (1b9f86da, @crnkovic) - use table-compact styling from foundation (#1011) (3d8d7360, @alfonsobries)
- add dark theme script (#1019) (a6df8bed, @leMaur)
- update PHP dependencies (#1009) (4ff7e610, @faustbrian)
- update mobile search design (#1018) (fdbdc32a, @alexbarnsley)
- update icon references (#1017) (2ff08a74, @leMaur)
- move public key button to match new design (#1027) (bf1d494, @alfonsobries)
- only clear views that are older than one hour (#1026) (a5e8a2b, @alfonsobries)
- update foundation (#1029) (35430a9, @alexbarnsley)
- add composer allow-plugins on docker (#1030) (42a41f9, @leMaur)
- direct linking to delegate table (#983) (df5768bf, @alfonsobries)
- user configuration lost (#987) (5732b457, @alfonsobries)
- missing icon for confirmed transactions (#985) (02e0e832, @leMaur)
- confirmation icon (#991) (1cb16f75, @Highjhacker)
- use QRCode class from foundation (#982) (574b3470, @Highjhacker)
- upgrade foundation dependency (#986) (1dca0edb, @alfonsobries)
- handle empty responses from coingecko (#988) (71757c72, @alfonsobries)
- show known wallet name when defined (#990) (d8751473, @alfonsobries)
- clean up SVGs to prevent clashes (#989) (5099b845, @Highjhacker)
- implement sentry for error reporting (#969) (b166c994, @alfonsobries)
- upgrade deps and add foundation (#968) (6081a359, @alfonsobries)
- delegate voters 0 vote weight (#971) (b4dcec68, @alexbarnsley)
- onload pagescroll scripts ([#973]) (da65f01d, @leMaur)
- properly display block id in metatags (#976) (e36db59c, @Highjhacker)
- delegate table loading state (#965) (c5e187d4, @leMaur)
- broken search modal (#979) (32ce7bb, @leMaur)
- handle new delegate rank and status (#962) (6b64bb10, @alexbarnsley)
- display transaction nonce on transaction detail page (#966) (2b5397f2, @Highjhacker)
- pollTransactions to be unnecessary called multiple times (#970) (c892bdd8, @alfonsobries)
- update page metatitles (#972) (67ec2084, @alexbarnsley)
- add view clear command to scheduler (#977) (7db434bd, @ItsANameToo)
- cache delegate performance command (#953) (02e0b212, @alfonsobries)
- use php-cs-fixer and rector config from foundation (#974) (565897e9, @leMaur)
- add recipients count next to multipayment transactions (#940) (33b8d68f, @alfonsobries)
- add metadata images per section (#959) (c677b64a, @alfonsobries)
- add cache-transactions to development data command (#938) (99229073, @ItsANameToo)
incorrect targets (#944) (7f7274d0, @alfonsobries)- ensure it reloads the page when use back button on safari (#942) (27a2ad42, @alfonsobries)
- sync navbar price and price blocks in home page (#935) (0339fb79, @alfonsobries)
- remove id on all svg icons (#941) (a9987791, @alfonsobries)
- pagination not changing page query (#958) (420d9a1e, @ItsANameToo)
- delegate table loading state (#961) (668f446, @ItsANameToo)
- search page pagination (#963) (5489a4b, @leMaur)
- removal of unused aggregates and their tests (#947) (27f1925d, @Highjhacker)
- change multivote to switch vote (#943) (03dc5b4f, @alfonsobries)
- update readme (#950) (52eaa4ac, @ItsANameToo)
- optimize delegate voters count command (#945) (58b0fe12, @alfonsobries)
- remove plus sign on multipayment (#955) (a145ce1d, @alfonsobries)
- update page metadata (#951) (fff4e005, @leMaur)
- update dependencies (#952) (b5f310b1, @alexbarnsley)
- optimize delegate resignation ids command (#949) (f5e9a6e3, @leMaur)
- upgrade oudated npm dependencies (#954) (002667ee, @alfonsobries)
- update dependencies (#956) (9d727ade, @leMaur)
- update dependencies (#957) (e612af3c, @faustbrian)
- update dependencies (#960) (d103eeac, @faustbrian)
- use datetime local timezone format (#930) (2fd38492, @alexbarnsley)
- statistics page when switching to non-fiat value (#931) (a6f616f3, @leMaur)
- optimize cache-transactions command (#932) (ad1d15dd, @alfonsobries)
- optimize cache-fees command (#933) (3393d60e, @ItsANameToo)
- reduce update frequency of fees and transaction stats (#934) (df2d8cbe, @ItsANameToo)
- add wallet uri prefix to the env settings (#905) (9ef98940, @alfonsobries)
- replace receive and sent icons (#911) (b651408a, @alfonsobries)
- feature: implement coingecko api (#913) (e0e01621, @alfonsobries)
- use overflow to prevent gap in headers (#906) (7cb73162, @alfonsobries)
- delegate broken headers (#910) (92eaa638, @alfonsobries)
- fiat tooltip exchange rate (#914) (d5c0850e, @alexbarnsley)
- 24h price change percentage value (#915) (980a5dee, @ItsANameToo)
- 24h percentage percent (#916) (43e79a73, @ItsANameToo)
- reduce currency fetching delay to avoid timeouts (#920) (ac13f388, @ItsANameToo)
- reduce padding between address and balance (#921) (752d72a3, @leMaur)
- multipayment sender return status (#927) (a9b97c3c, @alexbarnsley)
- reduce the margin between voting and header to 1.5 rem (#907) (eaf6307c, @alfonsobries)
- hide expanded tables setting on mobile (#908) (bfefebf1, @alfonsobries)
- update color of the selected currency (#909) (019f32c7, @alfonsobries)
- calculate delegate aggregates in a single query for performance (#904) (25472a59, @alfonsobries)
- first column width on delegate tabs (#919) (c7660187, @alexbarnsley)
- update arrow direction colour (#922) (f0f1c057, @alexbarnsley)
- coingecko footer notice (#918) (7f75bc1b, @alexbarnsley)
- increase amount border width (#923) (2e61fea1, @alexbarnsley)
- add trusted proxy config (#925) (bfd117af, @alexbarnsley)
- update footer css height (#926) (c9e23f8e, @alexbarnsley)
- add return transaction status (#924) (cbb1948d, @alexbarnsley)
- implement "chart" component (#892) (e0b25d5f, @leMaur)
- persist selected tab on delegate monitor (#899) (c6a65a0b, @alfonsobries)
- upgrade laravel framework to version 8.55 (#901) (f831a1c3, @Highjhacker)
- wallet info icon color (#903) (a8b64fc1, @ItsANameToo)
- status icon disappearing (#896) (0ce7c2a5, @alfonsobries)
- disappearing icons on delegate page (#895) (06dbf3a9, @alexbarnsley)
- resigned label cropped (#898) (ded51820, @alfonsobries)
- truncated block ids inconsistencies (#897) (eadf8cb8, @alfonsobries)
- prioritize wallet over blocks in search (#902) (abaa59e6, @ItsANameToo)
- statistics (chart) (#733) (036338dc, @leMaur)
- statistics dropdown wire ignore (#883) (02d43e24, @alexbarnsley)
- custom scrollbars in dropdowns (#879) (43b60876, @alfonsobries)
- remove configureExplorerDatabase in favour of built-in migrations (#887) (e3e0f051, @alfonsobries)
- upgrade arkecosystem/stan (#884) (f59aa562, @alfonsobries)
- transaction search taking precedence over block search (#885) (f5c9d174, @leMaur)
- broken ID icons (#888) (b5dbc74f, @leMaur)
- modal js crash when showing scrollbars (#889) (8391b7ee, @ItsANameToo)
- monitor not updating when blocks are missed (#876) (f6325cb0, @alexbarnsley)
- transaction icons disappearing when latest transaction table updates (#890) (4caea7a4, @leMaur)
- update horizon to support --rest (#891) (247d7500, @ItsANameToo)
- use proper address colors for multivote and delegate addresses (#894) (f4046c8c, @ItsANameToo)
- update dark avatar border on table hover (#878) (b74bdcc0, @alexbarnsley)
- include dropdown position js (#880) (df83f84c, @alexbarnsley)
- hide tooltip on small charts (#875) (385cb2ea, @leMaur)
- block gap on safari on statistics page (#877) (3123befc, @leMaur)
- push the generation of a vote report to the queue (#882) (db706909, @crnkovic)