All tests are run via the same command: bundle exec arduino_ci.rb
This script is responsible for detecting and running all unit tests, on every combination of Arduino platform and C++ compiler. This is followed by attempting to detect and build every example on every "default" Arduino platform.
As a prerequisite, all Arduino "default" platforms are installed if they are not already available.
These defaults are specified in misc/default.yml. You are free to define new platforms and different compilers as you see fit, using your own project-specific overrides.
When testing locally, it's often advantageous to limit the number of tests that are performed to only those tests that relate to the work you're doing; you'll get a faster turnaround time in seeing the results. For a full listing, see bundle exec arduino_ci.rb --help
This completely skips the unit testing portion of the CI script.
This completely skips the compilation tests (of library examples) portion of the CI script. It does not skip the compilation of unit tests.
This completely skips the compilation tests (of library examples) portion of the CI script. It does not skip the compilation of unit tests.
This completely skips validation of entries in
This allows a file (or glob) pattern to be executed in your tests directory, creating a whitelist of files to test. E.g. --testfile-select=test_animal_*.cpp
would match test_animal_cat.cpp
and test_animal_dog.cpp
(testing only those) and not test_plant_rose.cpp
This allows a file (or glob) pattern to be executed in your tests directory, creating a blacklist of files to skip. E.g. --testfile-reject=test_animal_*.cpp
would match test_animal_cat.cpp
and test_animal_dog.cpp
(skipping those) and test only test_plant_rose.cpp
, test_plant_daisy.cpp
, etc.
This specifies the minimum free SRAM memory for stack/heap, in bytes, that must be leftover after compilation. This value applies globally -- to all platforms that will be included in a test run.
If set, testing will execute (using /bin/sh
) the script referred to by this variable -- relative to the current working directory (i.e. the root directory of the library). The script will run in the Arduino Libraries directory (changing to the Libraries directory, running the script, and returning to the individual library root afterward). This enables use cases like the GitHub action to install custom library versions (i.e. a version of a library that is different than what the library manager would automatically install by name) prior to CI test runs.
If set, testing will be conducted in this subdirectory (relative to the working directory). This is for monorepos or other layouts where the library directory and project root directory are different.
If set, testing will fail if no unit test files are detected (or if the directory does not exist). This is to avoid communicating a passing status in cases where a commit may have accidentally moved or deleted the test files.
If set, testing will fail if no example sketches are detected. This is to avoid communicating a passing status in cases where a commit may have accidentally moved or deleted the examples.
For build behavior that you'd like to persist across commits (e.g. defining the set of platforms to test against, disabling a test that you expect to re-enable at some future point), a special configuration file called .arduino-ci.yml
can be used. There are 3 places you can put them:
- the root of your library
- the
directory - a subdirectory of
files in test/
or an example sketch take section-by-section precedence over a file in the library root, which takes precedence over the default configuration.
Arduino boards are typically named in the form manufacturer:family:model
. These definitions are not arbitrary -- they are defined in an Arduino package. For all but the built-in packages, you will need a package URL. Here is Adafruit's:
Here is how you would declare a package that includes the potato:salad
set of platforms (aka "board family") in your .arduino-ci.yml
To define a platform called bogo
that uses a board called potato:salad:bogo
(based on the potato:salad
family), set it up in the plaforms:
section. Note that this will override any default configuration of bogo
if it had existed in arduino_ci
's misc/default.yml
file. If this board defines particular features in the compiler, you can set those here.
Note that the platform names are arbitrary -- just keys in this yaml file and in the
file included in this gem. That said, they are also case sensitive; defining thebogo
platform will not let you refer to it asBogo
# our custom definition of the "bogo" platform
board: potato:salad:bogo
package: potato:salad
- omit-frame-pointer # becomes -fomit-frame-pointer flag
- HAVE_THING # becomes -DHAVE_THING flag
- no-implicit # becomes -Wno-implicit flag
- -foobar # becomes -foobar flag
# overriding the `zero` platform, to remove it completely
zero: ~
# redefine the existing esp8266
board: esp8266:esp8266:booo
package: esp8266:esp8266
Put a file .arduino-ci.yml
in each example directory where you require a different configuration than default.
The compile:
section controls the platforms on which the compilation will be attempted, as well as any external libraries that must be installed and included. This works by overriding portions of the default configuration.
Note that the platform names must match (case-sensitive) the platform names in the underlying
, or else match platforms that you have defined yourself in your.arduino-ci.yml
# Choosing to run compilation tests on 2 different Arduino platforms
- esp8266
- bogo
# Declaring Dependent Arduino Libraries (to be installed via the Arduino Library Manager)
- "Adafruit FONA Library"
For your unit tests, in addition to setting specific libraries and platforms, you may filter the list of test files that are compiled and tested and choose additional compilers on which to run your tests.
Filtering your unit tests may help speed up targeted testing locally, but it is intended primarily as a means to temporarily disable tests between individual commits.
Furthermore, you can filter the files that will be included in the compilation step by specifying exclude_dirs
. All cpp and header files in those directories will not be included in the compilation step, before the unittests are run.
# Exclude these directories from compilation
- someDirectory
- someOtherDirectory
# Perform unit tests with these compilers (these are the binaries that will be called via the shell)
- g++ # default
- g++-4.9
- g++-7
# Filter the list of test files in some way
# files matching this glob (executed inside the `test/` directory) will be whitelisted for testing
- "*-*.*"
# files matching this glob will be blacklisted from testing
- "sam-squamsh.*"
# These dependent libraries will be installed
- "abc123"
- "def456"
# each of these platforms will be used when compiling the unit tests
- bogo
The expected number of tests will be the product of:
- Number of compilers defined
- Number of platforms defined
- Number of matching test files
All .cpp
files in the test/
directory of your Arduino library are assumed to contain unit tests. Each and every one will be compiled and executed on its own.
The most basic unit test file is as follows:
#include <ArduinoUnitTests.h>
#include "../do-something.h"
assertEqual(4, doSomething());
This test defines one unittest
(a macro provided by ArduinoUnitTests.h
), called your_test_name
, which makes some assertions on the target library. The unittest_main()
is a macro for the int main()
boilerplate required for unit testing.
The following assertion functions are available in unit tests.
assertEqual(expected, actual); // a == b
assertNotEqual(unwanted, actual); // a != b
assertComparativeEquivalent(expected, actual); // abs(a - b) == 0 or (!(a > b) && !(a < b))
assertComparativeNotEquivalent(unwanted, actual); // abs(a - b) > 0 or ((a > b) || (a < b))
assertLess(upperBound, actual); // a < b
assertMore(lowerBound, actual); // a > b
assertLessOrEqual(upperBound, actual); // a <= b
assertMoreOrEqual(lowerBound, actual); // a >= b
// special cases for floats
assertEqualFloat(expected, actual, epsilon); // fabs(a - b) <= epsilon
assertNotEqualFloat(unwanted, actual, epsilon); // fabs(a - b) >= epsilon
assertInfinity(actual); // isinf(a)
assertNotInfinity(actual); // !isinf(a)
assertNAN(arg); // isnan(a)
assertNotNAN(arg); // !isnan(a)
These functions will report the result of the test to the console, and the testing will continue if they fail.
If a test failure indicates that all subsequent tests will also fail then it might be wiser to use assure instead of assert (e.g. assureEqual(1, myVal)
). All of the above "assert" functions has a corresponding "assure" function; if the result is failure, the remaining tests in the unit test file are not run.
For steps that are common to all tests, setup and teardown functions may optionally be supplied.
#include <ArduinoUnitTests.h>
int* myNumber;
myNumber = new int(4);
delete myNumber;
myNumber = NULL;
assertEqual(4, *myNumber);
For most build environments, the only script that need be executed by the CI system is
# simplest build script
bundle install
bundle exec arduino_ci.rb
However, more flexible usage is available:
Sometimes you need a fork of an Arduino library instead of the version that will be installed via their GUI. arduino_ci.rb
won't overwrite existing downloaded libraries with fresh downloads, but it won't fetch the custom versions for you either.
If this is the behavior you need, ensure_arduino_installation.rb
is for you. It ensures that an Arduino binary is available on the system.
# Example build script
bundle install
# ensure the Arduino installation -- creates the Library directory
bundle exec ensure_arduino_installation.rb
# manually install a custom library from a zip file
unzip -o
mv custom_library $(bundle exec arduino_library_location.rb)
# manually install a custom library from a git repository
git clone
mv custom_library_repo $(bundle exec arduino_library_location.rb)
# now run CI
bundle exec arduino_ci.rb
Note the use of subshell to execute bundle exec arduino_library_location.rb
. This command simply returns the directory in which Arduino Libraries are (or should be) installed.
Unless your library peforms something general (e.g. a mathematical or string function, a data structure like Queue, etc), you may need to ensure that your code interacts properly with the Arduino hardware. There are a series of mocks to assist in this.
Complete control of the Arduino environment is available in your unit tests through a construct called GODMODE()
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE(); // get access to the state
state->reset(); // does a full reset of the state.
state->resetClock(); // - you can reset just the clock (to zero)
state->resetPins(); // - or just the pins
state->micros = 1; // manually set the clock such that micros() returns 1
state->digitalPin[4]; // tells you the commanded state of digital pin 4
state->digitalPin[4] = HIGH; // digitalRead(4) will now return HIGH
state->analogPin[3]; // tells you the commanded state of analog pin 3
state->analogPin[3] = 99; // analogRead(3) will now return 99
Of course, it's possible that your code might flip the bit more than once in a function. For that scenario, you may want to examine the history of a pin's commanded outputs:
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
int myPin = 3;
state->reset(); // pin will start LOW
digitalWrite(myPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(myPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(myPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(myPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(myPin, HIGH);
// pin history is queued in case we want to analyze it later.
// we expect 6 values in that queue (5 that we set plus one
// initial value), which we'll hard-code here for convenience.
// (we'll actually assert those 6 values in the next block)
assertEqual(6, state->digitalPin[1].queueSize());
bool expected[6] = {LOW, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH, HIGH};
bool actual[6];
// convert history queue into an array so we can verify it.
// while we're at it, check that we received the amount of
// elements that we expected.
int numMoved = state->digitalPin[myPin].toArray(actual, 6);
assertEqual(6, numMoved);
// verify each element
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
assertEqual(expected[i], actual[i]);
Reading the pin more than once per function is also a possibility. In that case, we want to queue up a few values for the digitalRead
or analogRead
to find.
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
int future[6] = {33, 22, 55, 11, 44, 66};
state->analogPin[1].fromArray(future, 6);
for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i)
assertEqual(future[i], analogRead(1));
// for digital pins, we have the added possibility of specifying
// a stream of input bytes encoded as ASCII
bool bigEndian = true;
state->digitalPin[1].fromAscii("Yo", bigEndian);
// digital history as serial data, big-endian
bool expectedBits[16] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, // Y
0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 // o
for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
assertEqual(expectedBits[i], digitalRead(1));
Basic input and output verification of serial port data can be done as follows:
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
state->serialPort[0].dataIn = ""; // the queue of data waiting to be read
state->serialPort[0].dataOut = ""; // the history of data written
// When there is no data, nothing happens
assertEqual(-1, Serial.peek());
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
// if we put data on the input and peek at it, we see the value and it's not consumed
state->serialPort[0].dataIn = "a";
assertEqual('a', Serial.peek());
assertEqual("a", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
// if we read the input, we see the value and it's consumed
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
// when we write data, it shows up in the history -- the output buffer
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("b", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
// when we print more data, note that the history
// still contains the first thing we wrote
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("bcdefg", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
A more complicated example: working with serial port IO. Let's say I have the following function:
void smartLightswitchSerialHandler(int pin) {
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
int incomingByte =;
int val = incomingByte == '0' ? LOW : HIGH;
Serial.print("Ack ");
digitalWrite(pin, val);
Serial.print(" ");
This function has 3 side effects: it drains the serial port's receive buffer, affects a pin, and puts data in the serial port's send buffer. Or, if the receive buffer is empty, it does nothing at all.
// configure initial state
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
int myPin = 3;
state->serialPort[0].dataIn = "";
state->serialPort[0].dataOut = "";
state->digitalPin[myPin] = LOW;
// execute action
// assess final state
assertEqual(LOW, state->digitalPin[myPin]);
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
int myPin = 3;
state->serialPort[0].dataIn = "10junk";
state->serialPort[0].dataOut = "";
state->digitalPin[myPin] = LOW;
assertEqual(HIGH, state->digitalPin[myPin]);
assertEqual("0junk", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("Ack 3 1", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
state->serialPort[0].dataOut = "";
assertEqual(LOW, state->digitalPin[myPin]);
assertEqual("junk", state->serialPort[0].dataIn);
assertEqual("Ack 3 0", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
For additional complexity, there are some cases where you want to use a pin as a serial port. There are history functions for that too.
int myPin = 3;
// digital history as serial data, big-endian
bool bigEndian = true;
bool binaryAscii[24] = {
0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, // Y
0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, // e
0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 // s
// "send" these bits
for (int i = 0; i < 24; digitalWrite(myPin, binaryAscii[i++]));
// The first bit in the history is the initial value, which we will ignore
int offset = 1;
// We should be able to parse the bits as ascii
assertEqual("Yes", state->digitalPin[myPin].toAscii(offset, bigEndian));
Instead of queueing bits as ASCII for future use with toAscii
, you can send those bits directly (and immediately) to the output using outgoingFromAscii
. Likewise, you can reinterpret/examine (as ASCII) the bits you have previously queued up by calling incomingToAscii
on the PinHistory object.
Even pin history and input/output buffers aren't capable of testing interactive code. For example, queueing the canned responses from a serial device before the requests are even sent to it is not a sane test environment; the library under test will see the entire future waiting for it on the input pin instead of a buffer that fills and empties over time. This calls for something more complicated.
In this example, we create a simple class to emulate a Hayes modem. (For more information, dig into the DataStreamObserver
code on which DeviceUsingBytes
is based.
class FakeHayesModem : public DeviceUsingBytes {
String mLast;
FakeHayesModem() : DeviceUsingBytes() {
mLast = "";
addResponseLine("AT", "OK");
addResponseLine("ATV1", "NO CARRIER");
virtual ~FakeHayesModem() {}
virtual void onMatchInput(String output) { mLast = output; }
GodmodeState* state = GODMODE();
FakeHayesModem m;
assertEqual("AT\n", state->serialPort[0].dataOut);
assertEqual("OK\n", m.mLast);
Note that instead of setting mLast = output
in the onMatchInput()
function for test purposes, we could just as easily queue some bytes to state->serialPort[0].dataIn for the library under test to find on its next peek()
or read()
. Or we could execute some action on a digital or analog input pin; the possibilities are fairly endless in this regard, although you will have to define them yourself -- from scratch -- extending the DataStreamObserver
class to emulate your physical device.
Although ISRs should be tested directly (as their asynchronous nature is not mocked), the act of attaching or detaching an interrupt can be measured.
unittest(interrupt_attachment) {
GodmodeState *state = GODMODE();
attachInterrupt(7, (void (*)(void))0, 3);
assertEqual(state->interrupt[7].mode, 3);
These basic mocks of SPI store the values in Strings.
unittest(spi) {
GodmodeState *state = GODMODE();
// 8-bit
state->spi.dataIn = "LMNO";
uint8_t out8 = SPI.transfer('a');
assertEqual("a", state->spi.dataOut);
assertEqual('L', out8);
assertEqual("MNO", state->spi.dataIn);
// 16-bit
union { uint16_t val; struct { char lsb; char msb; }; } in16, out16;
state->spi.dataIn = "LMNO";
in16.lsb = 'a';
in16.msb = 'b';
out16.val = SPI.transfer16(in16.val);
assertEqual("NO", state->spi.dataIn);
assertEqual('L', out16.lsb);
assertEqual('M', out16.msb);
assertEqual("ab", state->spi.dataOut);
// buffer
state->spi.dataIn = "LMNOP";
char inBuf[6] = "abcde";
SPI.transfer(inBuf, 4);
assertEqual("abcd", state->spi.dataOut);
assertEqual("LMNOe", String(inBuf));
is a global with a simple API to read and write bytes to persistent memory (like a tiny hard disk) given an int
location. Since the Arduino core already provides this as a global, and the core API is sufficient for basic testing (read/write), there is no direct tie to the GODMODE
API. (If you need more, such as a log of intermediate values, enter a feature request.)
uint8_t a;
// size
assertEqual(EEPROM_SIZE, EEPROM.length());
// initial values
a =;
assertEqual(255, a);
// write and read
EEPROM.write(0, 24);
a =;
assertEqual(24, a);
// update
EEPROM.write(1, 14);
EEPROM.update(1, 22);
a =;
assertEqual(22, a);
// put and get
const float f1 = 0.025f;
float f2 = 0.0f;
EEPROM.put(5, f1);
assertEqual(0.0f, f2);
EEPROM.get(5, f2);
assertEqual(0.025f, f2);
// array access
int val = 10;
EEPROM[2] = val;
a = EEPROM[2];
assertEqual(10, a);
This library allows communication with I2C / TWI devices.
The interface the library has been fully mocked, with the addition of several functions for debugging
: Initializes all mocks, and for test repeatability should be called at the top of any unit tests that use Wire.Wire.didBegin()
: returns whetherWire.begin()
was called at any pointWire.getMosi(address)
: returns a pointer to adeque
that represents the history of data sent toaddress
: returns a pointer to adeque
that defines what the master will read fromaddress
(i.e. for you to supply)
unittest(wire_basics) {
// ensure known starting state
// in case you need to check that your library is properly calling .begin()
// pick a random device. master write buffer should be empty
const uint8_t randomSlaveAddr = 14;
deque<uint8_t>* mosi = Wire.getMosi(randomSlaveAddr);
assertEqual(0, mosi->size());
// write some random data to random device
const uint8_t randomData[] = { 0x07, 0x0E };
// check master write buffer values
assertEqual(2, mosi->size());
assertEqual(randomData[0], mosi->front());
assertEqual(randomData[1], mosi->front());
assertEqual(0, mosi->size());