This file contains basic examples and explains the parameters that can be used for the components.
<x-ark-input type="email" name="my-input" :label="trans('forms.email_address')" :value="old('email')" :errors="$errors" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | input name, will also be used as id if none specified |
yes |
errors | laravel error bag | yes |
label | label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified |
no |
type | input type, can be the general HTML types. Defaults to text |
no |
placeholder | placeholder value | no |
value | default value to show, can be used with laravel's old('value') functionality |
no |
model | livewire model to attach to | no |
id | id of the input, by default name is used |
no |
<x-ark-textarea name="my-textarea" :errors="$errors" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | input name, will also be used as id if none specified |
yes |
errors | laravel error bag | yes |
label | label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified |
no |
model | livewire model to attach to | no |
rows | amount of rows to show, defaults to 10 | no |
readonly | whether the input is readonly or not | no |
id | id of the input, by default name is used |
no |
<x-ark-checkbox name="my-checkbox" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | input name, will also be used as id if none specified |
yes |
label | label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified |
no |
model | livewire model to attach to | no |
checked | whether the input is checked or not | no |
disabled | whether the input is disabled or not | no |
id | id of the input, by default name is used |
no |
<x-ark-radio name="my-radio-button" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | input name, will also be used as id if none specified |
yes |
label | label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified |
no |
model | livewire model to attach to | no |
checked | whether the input is checked or not | no |
disabled | whether the input is disabled or not | no |
id | id of the input, by default name is used |
no |
<x-ark-toggle name="my-toggle" :errors="$errors" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
name | input name, will also be used as id if none specified |
yes |
label | label to be shown for the input, will use trans(form.<name>) if none specified |
no |
model | livewire model to attach to | no |
default | default toggle position, defaults to false = unchecked |
no |
<x-ark-navbar title="Deployer" :navigation="[['route' => 'tokens', 'label' => trans('menus.dashboard')]]" />
Parameter | Description | Required |
title | used for the "ARK <title>" navbar text | yes |
navigation | an array of route , label pairs for the navbar navigation options |
yes |
Note: this works best when using a breadcrumb section in your layout view to which you pass the breadcrumb itself on different pages
<x-ark-breadcrumbs :crumbs="[
['route' => 'tokens', 'label' => trans('menus.dashboard')],
['route' => 'tokens.welcome', 'label' => trans('menus.onboarding'), 'params' => [$token]],
['route' => 'tokens.identity', 'label' => trans('menus.tokens.identity'), 'params' => [$token]],
]" />
Sidebar links that automatically change class when they correspond to the active route
<x-ark-sidebar-link :name="trans('menus.tokens.networks')" route="" :params="[$token]" />
Note: Requires various icons to be present to properly work. Relies on Blade SVG to load them.
Simple usage with a string message, optionally you can pass a "title" property:
<x-ark-alert :type="flash()->class" :message="flash()->message" />
Additionally, you can also make use of slots:
<x-ark-alert type="alert-info" title="Notification">
<x-slot name="message">
{!! trans('tokens.networks.no_source_provider_alert', ['route' => route('tokens.source-providers', $selectedToken)]) !!}
You can also get an alert with more padding and large icon by specifying large
<x-ark-alert type="alert-info" title="Notification" large>
<x-slot name="message">
{!! trans('tokens.networks.no_source_provider_alert', ['route' => route('tokens.source-providers', $selectedToken)]) !!}
<x-ark-accordion-group slots="2">
<p>Title for slot 1</p>
<p>Content for slot 1</p>
<p>Title for slot 2</p>
<p>Content for slot 2</p>
<x-ark-accordion title="Title">
<p>Content for slot</p>
<x-ark-clipboard :value="$this->user->password" />
<x-notification-icon type="danger" :logo="$notification->token->logo" />
<x-notification-icon type="success" :logo="$notification->token->logo" />
<x-notification-icon type="warning" :logo="$notification->token->logo" />
<x-notification-icon type="warning" :logo="$notification->token->logo" state-color="bg-green-100" />
Only contains date, copyright notice and an link
<x-ark-simple-footer />
<div class="relative">
<x-settings-dropdown button-class="icon-button w-10 h-10">
<button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.start')@svg('plus', 'h-3 w-3 ml-2')</button>
<button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.stop')@svg('minus', 'h-3 w-3 ml-2')</button>
<button class="settings-dropdown-entry">@lang('actions.reboot')@svg('reload', 'h-3 w-3 ml-2')</button>