SciMLExpectations.jl is a package for quantifying the uncertainties of simulations by calculating the expectations of observables with respect to input uncertainties. Its goal is to make it fast and easy to compute solution moments in a differentiable way in order to enable fast optimization under uncertainty.
For information on using the package, see the stable documentation. Use the in-development documentation for the version of the documentation, which contains the unreleased features.
using SciMLExpectations, OrdinaryDiffEq, Distributions, IntegralsCubature
function eom!(du, u, p, t, A)
du .= A * u
u0 = [1.0, 1.0]
tspan = (0.0, 3.0)
p = [1.0; 2.0]
A = [0.0 1.0; -p[1] -p[2]]
prob = ODEProblem((du, u, p, t) -> eom!(du, u, p, t, A), u0, tspan, p)
u0s_dist = (Uniform(1, 10), truncated(Normal(3.0, 1), 0.0, 6.0))
gd = GenericDistribution(u0s_dist...)
cov(x, u, p) = x, p
sm = SystemMap(prob, Tsit5(), save_everystep = false)
analytical = (exp(A * tspan[end]) * [mean(d) for d in u0s_dist])
julia> analytical
2-element Vector{Float64}:
g(sol, p) = sol[:, end]
exprob = ExpectationProblem(sm, g, cov, gd; nout = length(u0))
sol = solve(exprob, Koopman(); quadalg = CubatureJLh(),
ireltol = 1e-3, iabstol = 1e-3)
sol.u # Expectation of the states 1 and 2 at the final time point
2-element Vector{Float64}:
sol.resid #= 2-element Vector{Float64}: 7.193424502016654e-5 5.2074632876847327e-5 =#