About arc42
+arc42, the template for documentation of software and system architecture.
+Template Version 8.2 EN. (based upon AsciiDoc version), January 2023
+Created, maintained and © by Dr. Peter Hruschka, Dr. Gernot Starke and contributors. +See https://arc42.org.
++ + +
1. Introduction and Goals (wiq_es04b)
+1.1. Requirements Overview
+ +1.2. Quality Goals
+ +1.3. Stakeholders
+ +Role/Name | +Contact | +Expectations | +
<Role-1> |
+<Contact-1> |
+<Expectation-1> |
<Role-2> |
+<Contact-2> |
+<Expectation-2> |
2. Architecture Constraints
+3. System Scope and Context
+3.1. Business Context
+ +<Diagram or Table>
+<optionally: Explanation of external domain interfaces>
+3.2. Technical Context
+ +<Diagram or Table>
+<optionally: Explanation of technical interfaces>
+<Mapping Input/Output to Channels>
+4. Solution Strategy
+5. Building Block View
+5.1. Whitebox Overall System
+ +<Overview Diagram>
- Motivation +
<text explanation>
+ - Contained Building Blocks +
<Description of contained building block (black boxes)>
+ - Important Interfaces +
<Description of important interfaces>
5.1.1. <Name black box 1>
+ +<Purpose/Responsibility>
+<(Optional) Quality/Performance Characteristics>
+<(Optional) Directory/File Location>
+<(Optional) Fulfilled Requirements>
+<(optional) Open Issues/Problems/Risks>
+5.1.2. <Name black box 2>
+<black box template>
+5.1.3. <Name black box n>
+<black box template>
+5.1.4. <Name interface 1>
+5.1.5. <Name interface m>
+ +5.2. Level 2
+ +5.2.1. White Box <building block 1>
+ +<white box template>
+5.2.2. White Box <building block 2>
+<white box template>
+5.2.3. White Box <building block m>
+<white box template>
+5.3. Level 3
+ +5.3.1. White Box <_building block x.1_>
+ +<white box template>
+5.3.2. White Box <_building block x.2_>
+<white box template>
+5.3.3. White Box <_building block y.1_>
+<white box template>
+6. Runtime View
+6.1. <Runtime Scenario 1>
<insert runtime diagram or textual description of the scenario>
+ -
<insert description of the notable aspects of the interactions between the +building block instances depicted in this diagram.>
It is possible to use a sequence diagram:
6.2. <Runtime Scenario 2>
+ +6.3. …
+ +6.4. <Runtime Scenario n>
+ +7. Deployment View
+7.1. Infrastructure Level 1
+ +<Overview Diagram>
- Motivation +
<explanation in text form>
+ - Quality and/or Performance Features +
<explanation in text form>
+ - Mapping of Building Blocks to Infrastructure +
<description of the mapping>
7.2. Infrastructure Level 2
+ +7.2.1. <Infrastructure Element 1>
+<diagram + explanation>
+7.2.2. <Infrastructure Element 2>
+<diagram + explanation>
+7.2.3. <Infrastructure Element n>
+<diagram + explanation>
+8. Cross-cutting Concepts
+8.1. <Concept 1>
+8.2. <Concept 2>
+8.3. <Concept n>
+9. Architecture Decisions
+10. Quality Requirements
+10.1. Quality Tree
+ +10.2. Quality Scenarios
+ + +11. Risks and Technical Debts
+12. Glossary
+Term | +Definition | +
<Term-1> |
+<definition-1> |
<Term-2> |
+<definition-2> |