A: It is not recommended to run the job on the master node in order to avoid overload on the master node and affect the stability of the cluster.
Q: When OpenPAI has multiple master nodes, can the master node be deployed on multiple subnets, and they can still access normally?
A: We recommend deploying them on the same subnet. In theory, as long as the network is interoperable, it can be deployed. Considering the high communication requirements of the cluster, the network delay of different subnets is usually high, and the network is often inaccessible.
A: Users can find historical job logs through yarn. Please check issue-1072's answer and job_log.md's introduction.
A: Please check job_log.md's introduction.
Q: To improve the cluster usage, user would like to see a VC can use up all cluster resource if others don’t use it.
A: By default, a VC can use up all cluster resource if others don’t use it. OpenPAI use capacity scheduler of YARN for resource allocation. maximum-capacity defines a limit beyond which a queue cannot use the capacity of the cluster. This provides a means to limit how much excess capacity a queue can use. Default value of -1 implies a queue can use complete capacity of the cluster. OpenPAI capacity scheduler not set this item and there is no limit.
Q: To ensure one user cannot occupy excessive resource, operator would like to set a quota constraint for individual users.
A: OpenPAI use capacity scheduler of YARN for resource allocation. User can configure the items "yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.user-limit-factor, yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.minimum-user-limit-percent" to control the user's resource quota. These configuration items are in this file capacity-scheduler.xml.template of OpenPAI.
<name>yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.user-limit-factor</name>
<name>yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.minimum-user-limit-percent</name>
For yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.user-limit-factor:
- OpenPAI default value of 100 implies no user limits are imposed.
- Official explanation:
The multiple of the queue capacity which can be configured to allow a single user to acquire more slots. By default this is set to 1 which ensure that a single user can never take more than the queue's configured capacity irrespective of how idle th cluster is.
- Note: This configuration control user's resource usage which exceeds current vc. VC a can preempt the resources occupied by VC b, before job is completed.
For yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.{{ queueName }}.minimum-user-limit-percent:
- OpenPAI's default value of 100 implies no user limits are imposed.
- Official explanation:
Each queue enforces a limit on the percentage of resources allocated to a user at any given time, if there is competition for them. This user limit can vary between a minimum and maximum value. The former depends on the number of users who have submitted jobs, and the latter is set to this property value. For example, suppose the value of this property is 25. If two users have submitted jobs to a queue, no single user can use more than 50% of the queue resources. If a third user submits a job, no single user can use more than 33% of the queue resources. With 4 or more users, no user can use more than 25% of the queue's resources. A value of 100 implies no user limits are imposed.
- Note: This configuration control users' resource usage in current vc. User a can not preempt the resources occupied by user b before job is completed.
A: Please refer configure virtual cluster capacity
A: Please refer job_tutorial.md to config the auth file at job submit json file:
If you're using a private Docker registry which needs authentication for image pull and is different from the registry used during deployment,
please create an authentication file in the following format, upload it to HDFS and specify the path in authFile
parameter in config file.
- (1) Create an authFile
authfile content:
Note: userprivateimage.azurecr.io is docker_registry_server
- (2) Upload it to HDFS.
File path at hdfs example: hdfs://master_ip:9000/user/paidemo/authfile
- (3) Specify the path in
OpenPAI job json file example:
"jobName": "paidemo",
"image": "userprivateimage.azurecr.io/demo4pai:test",
"dataDir": "hdfs://master_ip:9000/user/paidemo/data",
"outputDir": "hdfs://master_ip:9000/user/paidemo/output",
"codeDir": "hdfs://master_ip:9000/user/paidemo/code",
"taskRoles": [
"name": "demo4pai",
"taskNumber": 1,
"cpuNumber": 2,
"memoryMB": 8192,
"gpuNumber": 1,
"command": " cd /home/test && bash train.sh"
- If you're using a private registry at Docker Hub, you should use
field in the authentication file. - Related issue: 1125