Tool for batchtasks, import, export and similar stuff. See all functions below
No secrets - all input via command line.
dotnet run:
Toolkit for Alien species db
Usage: SwissKnife [command] [options]
-?|-h|--help Show help information.
createjson Run tasks for creating static json data files
nin2 - bruker kode-api og lager lokal json fil med naturtyper
trueteogsjeldnenaturtyper - csv fil til json format
maintenance Run tasks for maintaining database
importfiles update ekspansjonsdata on assessments
importgenerationtime update generaiontime on assessments
importhsdata Import and create assessments from names with data from horisontscanning
importnames Import and create assessments from names
nighttasks nightly maintenance, basic night tasks check changed references, dowload missing artskart data ....
patchhs Patch horizon scanned assessments based on - used for fixing assessments after production went live
patchmigration Patch migrated assessments from original json dump - used for fixing assessments after production went live - lots of issues fixed
taxonomywash Check and update taxonomy on assessments - create comments to reflect result
taxonomywashdirect Check and update taxonomy on assessments direct with history - do taxonomic wash - also splits - without creating comments
transferacrossassessments Transfer information from-to assessment - replicate most info from one assessment to spesific other and create link between
transferfromhs transfer current result from horizontscan - all HS assessment with specific result move to full assessment
newDb Interact with new sql database instance
import - importerer til sql server og nytt format fra outputfiler generert av olddb
oldDb Interact with old 2018 RavenDb instance
dump dump content from db to json files
info show some statistics from db
Run 'SwissKnife [command] -?|-h|--help' for more information about a command.
Info / statistics from old db
dotnet run -- olddb info --url http://localhost:8080 --db fab3 --fs fab3fs
Found 1 item of Livsmedium
Found 1 item of Koder
Found 1 item of KodeGrupper
Found 1 item of MigrationPathwayCode
Found 1 item of RedlistedNaturetypeGroup
Found 3204 item of Fab2018
Found 2537 item of Fab2018Files
Dump content from 2018 Database into folder for data exchange in json format:
dotnet run -- olddb dump --url http://localhost:8080 --db fab3 --fs fab3fs --outputfolder ./Dump
Dumping content of old db to folder:C:\Users\sah\Source\Repos\Artsdatabanken\Fremmedartsbase2023\SwissKnife\Dump
Dumped 1 items to file Codes.json
Dumped 1 items to file Livsmedium.json
Dumped 1 items to file KodeGrupper.json
Dumped 1 items to file MigrationPathwayCode.json
Dumped 1 items to file RedlistedNaturetypeGroups.json
Dumped 3204 items to file Fa3.json
Import content from 2018 Dump into new database:
dotnet run -- newdb import --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=FAB20233;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --inputfolder ./Dump
Do taxonomy wash
dotnet run -- maintenance taxonomywash --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=FAB2023;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
Fill empty database and import two new files:
dotnet run -- newdb import --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=FAB2023;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --inputfolder ./Dump
dotnet run -- maintenance importnames --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=FAB2023;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --speciesgroup "Alger" --csvfile ./Importfiler/Alger.txt
dotnet run -- maintenance importnames --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=FAB2023;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --speciesgroup "Terrestriske invertebrater" --csvfile ./Importfiler/TerrestriskeInvertebrater.txt
dotnet run -- maintenance --help
Run tasks for maintaining database
Usage: SwissKnife maintenance [command] [options]
--help Show help information.
importnames Import and create assessments from names
patchmigration Patch migrated assessments from original json dump
taxonomywash Check and update taxonomy on assessments
dotnet run -- maintenance patchmigration --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=fab4;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --inputfolder ./Dump
dotnet run -- maintenance nighttasks --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=fab4;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"
dotnet run -- maintenance importhsdata --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=fab4;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --csvfile ./Importfiler/Karplanter_til_Horisontskanning_20220107_til_FAB.csv
dotnet run -- maintenance taxonomywashdirect --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=fab4;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" --speciesgroup "Fugler"
dotnet run -- maintenance transferfromhs --connectionstring "Server=localhost;Database=fab4;Integrated Security=true;MultipleActiveResultSets=true"