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Ruby solution for Gilded Rose Kata

Set up:

$ bundle install
$ guard

Run tests:

$ rspec spec/gilded_rose_spec.rb

You can edit require line at the top of spec/gilded_rose_spec.rb to load proper GildedRose class like:

  • gilded_rose.rb - not refactored code, your starting point :)
  • gilded_rose_refactored_1.rb - just example with first refactored code and implemented Conjured item, it's still not good enough
  • gilded_rose_refactored_2.rb - second example of refactored code, it has a lot of extracted small objects

Use as your starting point the gilded_rose.rb and ensure you run spec for it (see require at the top of spec file). Don't look at refactored examples - try it yourself first.

Golden Master Testing

File golden_master.txt contains recorded output for texttext_fixture.rb without Conjured Mana Cake item which is not implemented in original GildedRose class.

Run rspec spec/golden_master_spec.rb to see if GildedRose class passes the golden master spec. You can edit spec/golden_master_spec.rb to require proper class, like *_refactored_1 or *_refactored_2.