Cette page me sert a noter l'avancement du bot au file des mise a jours, j'y note tout les Add, les bug fix (réparation de bug), les supressions, et modification.
- Add ban
- Add kick
- Add Mute
- Add warn
- Add report
- Add ping
- Add Présence personalisé
- Add help (WIP)
- Add help-commands (WIP)
- Add help-game (WIP)
- Add uptime
- Add Clear (1 - 100)
- Fix: permission warn/unwarn
- Fix: Erreur Ban sans raison
- Fix: Erreur Kick sans raison
- Fix: Permission command Watch, Play, stream
- Edit: changed the link of a!help commands
- Edit: Traduction francaise a!server-info
- Edit: Traduction francaise a!info
- Update: Change logs
- Deleted: Weebness de Ash.
- add: Music module [BETA] used with a!play a!skip a!stop
- Edit: a!play has been changed to /game
- Update: Change logs
- deleted: Weebness de Ash.
- Add: Queue system
- Add: Better youtube support
- Add: System play/pause
- Add: volume commands
- Add: Send music title when playing
- Add: Now Playing command
- Add: a!play now support playlists
- Add: a!play now support youtube search
- Add: Server Info
- Add: User info
- Update: Change logs
- Deleted: Weebness de Ash.
- Bot completely rewrited.
- deleted: Mute commands [Temp]
- Add: better commands handler
- Add: a!animeFM is now playing AnimeFM Main station
- Update: Dynamic help commands
- Update: a!help can now take argument like a command name to get more information on the commands.
- Warn reason can't contain only one word (fix in progress)
- Uptime command is using his own time system.
- Custom rank cards