astrolsp API documentation
A table of LSP clients that have been attached with AstroLSP
The configuration as set by the user through the setup()
Format options that are passed into the vim.lsp.buf.format
(:h vim.lsp.buf.format()
function astrolsp.lsp_opts(server_name: string)
-> table
Get the server configuration for a given language server to be provided to the server's setup()
param server_name
— The name of the server
return — The table of LSP options used when setting up the given language server
A table of lsp progress messages that can be used to display LSP progress in a statusline
function astrolsp.lsp_setup(server: string)
Helper function to set up a given server with the Neovim LSP client
param server
— The name of the server to be setup
function astrolsp.on_attach(client: vim.lsp.Client, bufnr: integer)
The on_attach
function used by AstroNvim
param client
— The LSP client details when attaching
param bufnr
— The buffer that the LSP client is attaching to
function astrolsp.progress(data: { client_id: integer, params: lsp.ProgressParams })
Add a new LSP progress message to the message queue
function astrolsp.setup(opts: AstroLSPOpts)
Setup and configure AstroLSP
param opts
— options passed by the user to configure AstroLSP
function astrolsp.file_operations.didCreateFiles(fnames: string|string[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) were created
param fnames
— a file or list of files that were created
function astrolsp.file_operations.didDeleteFiles(fnames: string|string[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) were deleted
param fnames
— a file or list of files that were deleted
function astrolsp.file_operations.didRenameFiles(renames: AstroLSPFileOperationsRename|AstroLSPFileOperationsRename[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) were renamed
param renames
— a table or list of tables of files that were renamed
function astrolsp.file_operations.willCreateFiles(fnames: string|string[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) are going to be created
param fnames
— a file or list of files that will be created
function astrolsp.file_operations.willDeleteFiles(fnames: string|string[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) are going to be deleted
param fnames
— a file or list of files that will be deleted
function astrolsp.file_operations.willRenameFiles(renames: AstroLSPFileOperationsRename|AstroLSPFileOperationsRename[])
Notify LSP clients that file(s) are going to be renamed
param renames
— a table or list of tables of files that will be renamed
function astrolsp.toggles.autoformat(silent?: boolean)
Toggle auto format
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.buffer_autoformat(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle buffer local auto format
param bufnr
— The buffer to toggle the autoformatting of, default the current buffer
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.buffer_inlay_hints(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle buffer LSP inlay hints
param bufnr
— the buffer to toggle the clients on
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.buffer_semantic_tokens(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle buffer semantic token highlighting for all language servers that support it
param bufnr
— the buffer to toggle the clients on
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.buffer_signature_help(bufnr?: integer, silent?: boolean)
Toggle buffer local automatic signature help
param bufnr
— The buffer to toggle the auto signature help of, default the current buffer
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.codelens(silent?: boolean)
Toggle codelens
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.inlay_hints(silent?: boolean)
Toggle global LSP inlay hints
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification
function astrolsp.toggles.signature_help(silent?: boolean)
Toggle automatic signature help
param silent
— if true then don't sent a notification