Link: Advent Of Cyber 4 on TryHackMe
What device can be used to probe the signals being sent on electrical wires between two devices?
Answer: Logic Analyser
USART is faster than SPI for communication? (Yea,Nay)
Answer: Nay
USART communication uses fewer wires than SPI? (Yea,Nay)
Answer: Yea
USART is faster than I2C for communication? (Yea,Nay)
Answer: Nay
I2C uses more wires than SPI for communication? (Yea,Nay)
Answer: Nay
SPI is faster than I2C for communication? (Yea,Nay)
Answer: Yea
What is the maximum number of devices that can be connected on a single pair of I2C lines?
Answer: 1008
What is the new baud rate that is negotiated between the microprocessor and ESP32 chip?
Answer: 9600
What is the flag that is transmitted once the new baud rate was accepted?
By analyzing Channel 1, we obtain the following baud rate:
By adding Channel 0, we get the response:
When switching the Async Serial Analyzer to 9600bd
we get the following decoded message:
Answer: THM{Hacking.Hardware.Is.Fun}