As of version 2.0.0 PySAL has become a meta-package that combines a family of spatial analysis packages into a single source distribution.
This document provides instructions on the preparation of the meta-package
- Edit subtags to pin release versions for federated packages
make download
- edit and change
at the bottom to have new version number make convert
make test
- create changelong
- make src
- test source release
Makefile - build scripts
subtags - lists the release tags for each package that are part of the meta-package release
package.yml - hierarchy of pysal meta-package structure. Note that only the packages listed in subtags
are released.
After building, detailed tables and reports for the changelog can be generated by running the two notebooks:
The second script will create a file that has the details on the release. Add a table of contents at the top of the file, which can be done online or with a package for emacs.
The final file should be posted under a new release on GitHub.