From 15dda31cacff58fe8f05bf4b20a4f399bed96356 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: MBK Date: Fri, 27 May 2022 16:54:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] added missing string labels --- lang/pl.php | 511 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-- 1 file changed, 500 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-) diff --git a/lang/pl.php b/lang/pl.php index c7300a4fb..a750dc5cd 100644 --- a/lang/pl.php +++ b/lang/pl.php @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ Help File for documentation on these settings.'; + $strings['GeneralConfigSettings'] = 'settings'; + $strings['UseSameLayoutForAllDays'] = 'Use the same layout for all days'; + $strings['LayoutVariesByDay'] = 'Layout varies by day'; + $strings['ManageReminders'] = 'Reminders'; + $strings['ReminderUser'] = 'User ID'; + $strings['ReminderMessage'] = 'Message'; + $strings['ReminderAddress'] = 'Addresses'; + $strings['ReminderSendtime'] = 'Time To Send'; + $strings['ReminderRefNumber'] = 'Reservation Reference Number'; + $strings['ReminderSendtimeDate'] = 'Date of Reminder'; + $strings['ReminderSendtimeTime'] = 'Time of Reminder (HH:MM)'; + $strings['ReminderSendtimeAMPM'] = 'AM / PM'; + $strings['AddReminder'] = 'Add Reminder'; + $strings['DeleteReminderWarning'] = 'Are you sure you want to delete this?'; + $strings['NoReminders'] = 'You have no upcoming reminders.'; + $strings['Reminders'] = 'Reminders'; + $strings['SendReminder'] = 'Send Reminder'; + $strings['minutes'] = 'minutes'; + $strings['hours'] = 'hours'; + $strings['days'] = 'days'; + $strings['ReminderBeforeStart'] = 'before the start time'; + $strings['ReminderBeforeEnd'] = 'before the end time'; + $strings['Logo'] = 'Logo'; + $strings['CssFile'] = 'CSS File'; + $strings['ThemeUploadSuccess'] = 'Your changes have been saved. Refresh the page for changes to take effect.'; + $strings['MakeDefaultSchedule'] = 'Make this my default schedule'; + $strings['DefaultScheduleSet'] = 'This is now your default schedule'; + $strings['FlipSchedule'] = 'Flip the schedule layout'; + $strings['Next'] = 'Next'; + $strings['Success'] = 'Success'; + $strings['Participant'] = 'Participant'; + $strings['ResourceFilter'] = 'Resource Filter'; + $strings['ResourceGroups'] = 'Resource Groups'; + $strings['AddNewGroup'] = 'Add a new group'; + $strings['Quit'] = 'Quit'; + $strings['AddGroup'] = 'Add Group'; + $strings['StandardScheduleDisplay'] = 'Use the standard schedule display'; + $strings['TallScheduleDisplay'] = 'Use the tall schedule display'; + $strings['WideScheduleDisplay'] = 'Use the wide schedule display'; + $strings['CondensedWeekScheduleDisplay'] = 'Use condensed week schedule display'; + $strings['ResourceGroupHelp1'] = 'Drag and drop resource groups to reorganize.'; + $strings['ResourceGroupHelp2'] = 'Right click a resource group name for additional actions.'; + $strings['ResourceGroupHelp3'] = 'Drag and drop resources to add them to groups.'; + $strings['ResourceGroupWarning'] = 'If using resource groups, each resource must be assigned to at least one group. Unassigned resources will not be able to be reserved.'; + $strings['ResourceType'] = 'Resource Type'; + $strings['AppliesTo'] = 'Applies To'; + $strings['UniquePerInstance'] = 'Unique Per Instance'; + $strings['AddResourceType'] = 'Add Resource Type'; + $strings['NoResourceTypeLabel'] = '(no resource type set)'; + $strings['ClearFilter'] = 'Clear Filter'; + $strings['MinimumCapacity'] = 'Minimum Capacity'; + $strings['Color'] = 'Color'; + $strings['Available'] = 'Available'; + $strings['Unavailable'] = 'Unavailable'; + $strings['Hidden'] = 'Hidden'; + $strings['ResourceStatus'] = 'Resource Status'; + $strings['CurrentStatus'] = 'Current Status'; + $strings['AllReservationResources'] = 'All Reservation Resources'; + $strings['File'] = 'File'; + $strings['BulkResourceUpdate'] = 'Bulk Resource Update'; + $strings['Unchanged'] = 'Unchanged'; + $strings['Common'] = 'Common'; + $strings['AdminOnly'] = 'Is Admin Only'; + $strings['AdvancedFilter'] = 'Advanced Filter'; + $strings['MinimumQuantity'] = 'Minimum Quantity'; + $strings['MaximumQuantity'] = 'Maximum Quantity'; + $strings['ChangeLanguage'] = 'Change Language'; + $strings['AddRule'] = 'Add Rule'; + $strings['Attribute'] = 'Attribute'; + $strings['RequiredValue'] = 'Required Value'; + $strings['ReservationCustomRuleAdd'] = 'Use this color when the reservation attribute is set to the following value'; + $strings['AddReservationColorRule'] = 'Add Reservation Color Rule'; + $strings['LimitAttributeScope'] = 'Collect In Specific Cases'; + $strings['CollectFor'] = 'Collect For'; + $strings['SignIn'] = 'Sign In'; + $strings['AllParticipants'] = 'All Participants'; + $strings['RegisterANewAccount'] = 'Register a New Account'; + $strings['Dates'] = 'Dates'; + $strings['More'] = 'More'; + $strings['ResourceAvailability'] = 'Resource Availability'; + $strings['UnavailableAllDay'] = 'Unavailable All Day'; + $strings['AvailableUntil'] = 'Available Until'; + $strings['AvailableBeginningAt'] = 'Available Beginning At'; + $strings['AvailableAt'] = 'Available At'; + $strings['AllResourceTypes'] = 'All Resource Types'; + $strings['AllResourceStatuses'] = 'All Resource Statuses'; + $strings['AllowParticipantsToJoin'] = 'Allow Participants To Join'; + $strings['Join'] = 'Join'; + $strings['YouAreAParticipant'] = 'You are a participant of this reservation'; + $strings['YouAreInvited'] = 'You are invited to this reservation'; + $strings['YouCanJoinThisReservation'] = 'You can join this reservation'; + $strings['Import'] = 'Import'; + $strings['GetTemplate'] = 'Get Template'; + $strings['UserImportInstructions'] = ''; + $strings['RowsImported'] = 'Rows Imported'; + $strings['RowsSkipped'] = 'Rows Skipped'; + $strings['Columns'] = 'Columns'; + $strings['Reserve'] = 'Reserve'; + $strings['AllDay'] = 'All Day'; + $strings['Everyday'] = 'Everyday'; + $strings['IncludingCompletedReservations'] = 'Including Completed Reservations'; + $strings['NotCountingCompletedReservations'] = 'Not Including Completed Reservations'; + $strings['RetrySkipConflicts'] = 'Skip conflicting reservations'; + $strings['Retry'] = 'Retry'; + $strings['RemoveExistingPermissions'] = 'Remove existing permissions?'; + $strings['Continue'] = 'Continue'; + $strings['WeNeedYourEmailAddress'] = 'We need your email address to reserve'; + $strings['ResourceColor'] = 'Resource Color'; + $strings['DateTime'] = 'Date Time'; + $strings['AutoReleaseNotification'] = 'Automatically released if not checked in within %s minutes'; + $strings['RequiresCheckInNotification'] = 'Requires check in/out'; + $strings['NoCheckInRequiredNotification'] = 'Does not require check in/out'; + $strings['RequiresApproval'] = 'Requires Approval'; + $strings['CheckingIn'] = 'Checking In'; + $strings['CheckingOut'] = 'Checking Out'; + $strings['CheckIn'] = 'Check In'; + $strings['CheckOut'] = 'Check Out'; + $strings['ReleasedIn'] = 'Released in'; + $strings['CheckedInSuccess'] = 'You are checked in'; + $strings['CheckedOutSuccess'] = 'You are checked out'; + $strings['CheckInFailed'] = 'You could not be checked in'; + $strings['CheckOutFailed'] = 'You could not be checked out'; + $strings['CheckInTime'] = 'Check In Time'; + $strings['CheckOutTime'] = 'Check Out Time'; + $strings['OriginalEndDate'] = 'Original End'; + $strings['SpecificDates'] = 'Show Specific Dates'; + $strings['Users'] = 'Users'; + $strings['Guest'] = 'Guest'; + $strings['ResourceDisplayPrompt'] = 'Resource to Display'; + $strings['Credits'] = 'Credits'; + $strings['AvailableCredits'] = 'Available Credits'; + $strings['CreditUsagePerSlot'] = 'Requires %s credits per slot (off peak)'; + $strings['PeakCreditUsagePerSlot'] = 'Requires %s credits per slot (peak)'; + $strings['CreditsRule'] = 'You do not have enough credits. Credits required: %s. Credits in account: %s'; + $strings['PeakTimes'] = 'Peak Times'; + $strings['AllYear'] = 'All Year'; + $strings['MoreOptions'] = 'More Options'; + $strings['SendAsEmail'] = 'Send As Email'; + $strings['UsersInGroups'] = 'Users In Groups'; + $strings['UsersWithAccessToResources'] = 'Users With Access To Resources'; + $strings['AnnouncementSubject'] = 'A new announcement was posted by %s'; + $strings['AnnouncementEmailNotice'] = 'users will be sent this announcement as an email'; + $strings['Day'] = 'Day'; + $strings['NotifyWhenAvailable'] = 'Notify Me When Available'; + $strings['AddingToWaitlist'] = 'Adding you to the wait list'; + $strings['WaitlistRequestAdded'] = 'You will be notified if this time becomes available'; + $strings['PrintQRCode'] = 'Print QR Code'; + $strings['FindATime'] = 'Find A Time'; + $strings['AnyResource'] = 'Any Resource'; + $strings['ThisWeek'] = 'This Week'; + $strings['Hours'] = 'Hours'; + $strings['Minutes'] = 'Minutes'; + $strings['ImportICS'] = 'Import From ICS'; + $strings['ImportQuartzy'] = 'Import From Quartzy'; + $strings['OnlyIcs'] = 'Only *.ics files can be uploaded.'; + $strings['IcsLocationsAsResources'] = 'Locations will be imported as resources.'; + $strings['IcsMissingOrganizer'] = 'Any event missing an organizer will have the owner set to the current user.'; + $strings['IcsWarning'] = 'Reservation rules will not be enforced - conflicts, duplicates, etc are possible.'; + $strings['BlackoutAroundConflicts'] = 'Blackout around conflicting reservations'; + $strings['DuplicateReservation'] = 'Duplicate'; + $strings['UnavailableNow'] = 'Unavailable Now'; + $strings['ReserveLater'] = 'Reserve Later'; + $strings['CollectedFor'] = 'Collected For'; + $strings['IncludeDeleted'] = 'Include Deleted Reservations'; + $strings['Deleted'] = 'Deleted'; + $strings['Back'] = 'Back'; + $strings['Forward'] = 'Forward'; + $strings['DateRange'] = 'Date Range'; + $strings['Copy'] = 'Copy'; + $strings['Detect'] = 'Detect'; + $strings['Autofill'] = 'Autofill'; + $strings['NameOrEmail'] = 'name or email'; + $strings['ImportResources'] = 'Import Resources'; + $strings['ExportResources'] = 'Export Resources'; + $strings['ResourceImportInstructions'] = ''; + $strings['ReservationImportInstructions'] = ''; + $strings['AutoReleaseMinutes'] = 'Autorelease Minutes'; + $strings['CreditsPeak'] = 'Credits (peak)'; + $strings['CreditsOffPeak'] = 'Credits (off peak)'; + $strings['ResourceMinLengthCsv'] = 'Reservation Minimum Length'; + $strings['ResourceMaxLengthCsv'] = 'Reservation Maximum Length'; + $strings['ResourceBufferTimeCsv'] = 'Buffer Time'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeAddCsv'] = 'Reservation Add Minimum Notice'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeUpdateCsv'] = 'Reservation Update Minimum Notice'; + $strings['ResourceMinNoticeDeleteCsv'] = 'Reservation Delete Minimum Notice'; + $strings['ResourceMaxNoticeCsv'] = 'Reservation Maximum End'; + $strings['Export'] = 'Export'; + $strings['DeleteMultipleUserWarning'] = 'Deleting these users will remove all of their current, future, and historical reservations. No emails will be sent.'; + $strings['DeleteMultipleReservationsWarning'] = 'No emails will be sent.'; + $strings['ErrorMovingReservation'] = 'Error Moving Reservation'; + $strings['SelectUser'] = 'Select User'; + $strings['InviteUsers'] = 'Invite Users'; + $strings['InviteUsersLabel'] = 'Enter the email addresses of the people to invite'; + $strings['ApplyToCurrentUsers'] = 'Apply to current users'; + $strings['ReasonText'] = 'Reason text'; + $strings['NoAvailableMatchingTimes'] = 'There are no available times that match your search'; + $strings['Schedules'] = 'Schedules'; + $strings['NotifyUser'] = 'Notify User'; + $strings['UpdateUsersOnImport'] = 'Update existing user if email already exists'; + $strings['UpdateResourcesOnImport'] = 'Update existing resources if name already exists'; + $strings['Reject'] = 'Reject'; + $strings['CheckingAvailability'] = 'Checking availability'; + $strings['CreditPurchaseNotEnabled'] = 'You have not enabled the ability to purchase credits'; + $strings['CreditsCost'] = 'Each credit costs'; + $strings['Currency'] = 'Currency'; + $strings['PayPalClientId'] = 'Client ID'; + $strings['PayPalSecret'] = 'Secret'; + $strings['PayPalEnvironment'] = 'Environment'; + $strings['Sandbox'] = 'Sandbox'; + $strings['Live'] = 'Live'; + $strings['StripePublishableKey'] = 'Publishable key'; + $strings['StripeSecretKey'] = 'Secret key'; + $strings['CreditsUpdated'] = 'Credit cost has been updated'; + $strings['GatewaysUpdated'] = 'Payment gateways have been updated'; + $strings['PurchaseSummary'] = 'Purchase Summary'; + $strings['EachCreditCosts'] = 'Each credit costs'; + $strings['Checkout'] = 'Checkout'; + $strings['Quantity'] = 'Quantity'; + $strings['CreditPurchase'] = 'Credit Purchase'; + $strings['EmptyCart'] = 'Your cart is empty.'; + $strings['BuyCredits'] = 'Buy Credits'; + $strings['CreditsPurchased'] = 'credits purchased.'; + $strings['ViewYourCredits'] = 'View your credits'; + $strings['TryAgain'] = 'Try Again'; + $strings['PurchaseFailed'] = 'We had trouble processing your payment.'; + $strings['NoteCreditsPurchased'] = 'Credits purchased'; + $strings['CreditsUpdatedLog'] = 'Credits updated by %s'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedLog'] = 'Reservation created. Reference number %s'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedLog'] = 'Reservation updated. Reference number %s'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedLog'] = 'Reservation deleted. Reference number %s'; + $strings['BuyMoreCredits'] = 'Buy More Credits'; + $strings['Transactions'] = 'Transactions'; + $strings['Cost'] = 'Cost'; + $strings['PaymentGateways'] = 'Payment Gateways'; + $strings['CreditHistory'] = 'Credit History'; + $strings['TransactionHistory'] = 'Transaction History'; + $strings['Date'] = 'Date'; + $strings['Note'] = 'Note'; + $strings['CreditsBefore'] = 'Credits Before'; + $strings['CreditsAfter'] = 'Credits After'; + $strings['TransactionFee'] = 'Transaction Fee'; + $strings['InvoiceNumber'] = 'Invoice Number'; + $strings['TransactionId'] = 'Transaction ID'; + $strings['Gateway'] = 'Gateway'; + $strings['GatewayTransactionDate'] = 'Gateway Transaction Date'; + $strings['Refund'] = 'Refund'; + $strings['IssueRefund'] = 'Issue Refund'; + $strings['RefundIssued'] = 'Refund Issued Successfully'; + $strings['RefundAmount'] = 'Refund Amount'; + $strings['AmountRefunded'] = 'Refunded'; + $strings['FullyRefunded'] = 'Fully Refunded'; + $strings['YourCredits'] = 'Your Credits'; + $strings['PayWithCard'] = 'Pay with Card'; + $strings['or'] = 'or'; + $strings['CreditsRequired'] = 'Credits Required'; + $strings['AddToGoogleCalendar'] = 'Add to Google'; + $strings['Image'] = 'Image'; + $strings['ChooseOrDropFile'] = 'Choose a file or drag it here'; + $strings['SlackBookResource'] = 'Book %s now'; + $strings['SlackBookNow'] = 'Book Now'; + $strings['SlackNotFound'] = 'We could not find a resource with that name. Book Now to start a new reservation.'; + $strings['AutomaticallyAddToGroup'] = 'Automatically add new users to this group'; + $strings['GroupAutomaticallyAdd'] = 'Auto Add'; + $strings['TermsOfService'] = 'Terms of Service'; + $strings['EnterTermsManually'] = 'Enter Terms Manually'; + $strings['LinkToTerms'] = 'Link to Terms'; + $strings['UploadTerms'] = 'Upload Terms'; + $strings['RequireTermsOfServiceAcknowledgement'] = 'Require Terms of Service Acknowledgement'; + $strings['UponReservation'] = 'Upon Reservation'; + $strings['UponRegistration'] = 'Upon Registration'; + $strings['ViewTerms'] = 'View Terms of Service'; + $strings['IAccept'] = 'I Accept'; + $strings['TheTermsOfService'] = 'the Terms of Service'; + $strings['DisplayPage'] = 'Display Page'; + $strings['AvailableAllYear'] = 'All Year'; + $strings['Availability'] = 'Availability'; + $strings['AvailableBetween'] = 'Available Between'; + $strings['ConcurrentYes'] = 'Resources can be booked by more than one person at a time'; + $strings['ConcurrentNo'] = 'Resources cannot be booked by more than one person at a time'; + $strings['ScheduleAvailabilityEarly'] = ' This schedule is not yet available. It is available'; + $strings['ScheduleAvailabilityLate'] = 'This schedule is no longer available. It was available'; + $strings['ResourceImages'] = 'Resource Images'; + $strings['FullAccess'] = 'Full Access'; + $strings['ViewOnly'] = 'View Only'; + $strings['Purge'] = 'Purge'; + $strings['UsersWillBeDeleted'] = 'users will be deleted'; + $strings['BlackoutsWillBeDeleted'] = 'blackout times will be deleted'; + $strings['ReservationsWillBePurged'] = 'reservations will be purged'; + $strings['ReservationsWillBeDeleted'] = 'reservations will be deleted'; + $strings['PermanentlyDeleteUsers'] = 'Permanently delete users who have not logged in since'; + $strings['DeleteBlackoutsBefore'] = 'Delete blackout times before'; + $strings['DeletedReservations'] = 'Deleted Reservations'; + $strings['DeleteReservationsBefore'] = 'Delete reservations before'; + $strings['SwitchToACustomLayout'] = 'Switch to a custom layout'; + $strings['SwitchToAStandardLayout'] = 'Switch to a standard layout'; + $strings['ThisScheduleUsesACustomLayout'] = 'This schedule uses a custom layout'; + $strings['ThisScheduleUsesAStandardLayout'] = 'This schedule uses a standard layout'; + $strings['SwitchLayoutWarning'] = 'Are you sure that you want to change the layout type? This will remove all existing slots.'; + $strings['DeleteThisTimeSlot'] = 'Delete this time slot?'; + $strings['Refresh'] = 'Refresh'; + $strings['ViewReservation'] = 'View Reservation'; + $strings['PublicId'] = 'Public Id'; + $strings['Public'] = 'Public'; + $strings['AtomFeedTitle'] = '%s Reservations'; + $strings['DefaultStyle'] = 'Default Style'; + $strings['Standard'] = 'Standard'; + $strings['Wide'] = 'Wide'; + $strings['Tall'] = 'Tall'; + $strings['EmailTemplate'] = 'Email Template'; + $strings['SelectEmailTemplate'] = 'Select Email Template'; + $strings['ReloadOriginalContents'] = 'Reload Original Contents'; + $strings['UpdateEmailTemplateSuccess'] = 'Updated email template'; + $strings['UpdateEmailTemplateFailure'] = 'Could not update email template. Check to make sure the directory is writable.'; + $strings['BulkResourceDelete'] = 'Bulk Resource Delete'; + $strings['NewVersion'] = 'New version!'; + $strings['WhatsNew'] = 'Whats New?'; + $strings['OnlyViewedCalendar'] = 'This schedule can only be viewed from the calendar view'; + $strings['Grid'] = 'Grid'; + $strings['List'] = 'List'; + $strings['NoReservationsFound'] = 'No Reservations Found'; + $strings['EmailReservation'] = 'Email Reservation'; + $strings['AdHocMeeting'] = 'Ad hoc Meeting'; + $strings['NextReservation'] = 'Next Reservation'; + $strings['MissedCheckin'] = 'Missed Checkin'; + $strings['MissedCheckout'] = 'Missed Checkout'; + $strings['Utilization'] = 'Utilization'; + $strings['SpecificTime'] = 'Specific Time'; + $strings['ReservationSeriesEndingPreference'] = 'When my recurring reservation series is ending'; + $strings['NotAttending'] = 'Not Attending'; + $strings['ViewAvailability'] = 'View Availability'; + $strings['ReservationDetails'] = 'Reservation Details'; + $strings['StartTime'] = 'Start Time'; + $strings['EndTime'] = 'End Time'; + $strings['New'] = 'New'; + $strings['Updated'] = 'Updated'; + $strings['Custom'] = 'Custom'; + $strings['AddDate'] = 'Add Date'; + $strings['RepeatOn'] = 'Repeat On'; + $strings['ScheduleConcurrentMaximum'] = 'A total of %s resources may be reserved concurrently'; + $strings['ScheduleConcurrentMaximumNone'] = 'There is no limit to the number of concurrent reserved resources'; + $strings['ScheduleMaximumConcurrent'] = 'Maximum number of resources reserved concurrently'; + $strings['ScheduleMaximumConcurrentNote'] = 'When set, the total number of resources that can be reserved concurrently for this schedule will be limited.'; + $strings['ScheduleResourcesPerReservationMaximum'] = 'Each reservation is limited to a maximum of %s resources'; + $strings['ScheduleResourcesPerReservationNone'] = 'There is no limit to the number of resources per reservation'; + $strings['ScheduleResourcesPerReservation'] = 'Maximum number of resources per reservation'; + $strings['ResourceConcurrentReservations'] = 'Allow %s concurrent reservations'; + $strings['ResourceConcurrentReservationsNone'] = 'Do not allow concurrent reservations'; + $strings['AllowConcurrentReservations'] = 'Allow concurrent reservations'; + $strings['ResourceDisplayInstructions'] = 'No resource has been selected. You can find the URL to display a resource in Application Management, Resources. The resource must be publicly accessible.'; + $strings['Owner'] = 'Owner'; + $strings['MaximumConcurrentReservations'] = 'Maximum Concurrent Reservations'; + $strings['NotifyUsers'] = 'Notify Users'; + $strings['Message'] = 'Message'; + $strings['AllUsersWhoHaveAReservationInTheNext'] = 'Anyone with a reservation in the next'; + $strings['ChangeResourceStatus'] = 'Change Resource Status'; + $strings['UpdateGroupsOnImport'] = 'Update existing group if name matches'; + $strings['GroupsImportInstructions'] = ''; + $strings['PhoneRequired'] = 'Phone is required'; + $strings['OrganizationRequired'] = 'Organization is required'; + $strings['PositionRequired'] = 'Position is required'; + $strings['GroupMembership'] = 'Group Membership'; + $strings['AvailableGroups'] = 'Available Groups'; + $strings['CheckingAvailabilityError'] = 'Cannot get resource availability - too many resources'; // End Strings + // Install + $strings['InstallApplication'] = 'Install LibreBooking'; + $strings['IncorrectInstallPassword'] = 'Sorry, that password was incorrect.'; + $strings['SetInstallPassword'] = 'You must set an install password before the installation can be run.'; + $strings['InstallPasswordInstructions'] = 'In %s please set %s to a password which is random and difficult to guess, then return to this page.
You can use %s'; + $strings['NoUpgradeNeeded'] = 'LibreBooking is up to date. There is no upgrade needed.'; + $strings['ProvideInstallPassword'] = 'Please provide your installation password.'; + $strings['InstallPasswordLocation'] = 'This can be found at %s in %s.'; + $strings['VerifyInstallSettings'] = 'Verify the following default settings before continuing. Or you can change them in %s.'; + $strings['DatabaseName'] = 'Database Name'; + $strings['DatabaseUser'] = 'Database User'; + $strings['DatabaseHost'] = 'Database Host'; + $strings['DatabaseCredentials'] = 'You must provide credentials of a MySQL user who has privileges to create databases. If you do not know, contact your database admin. In many cases, root will work.'; + $strings['MySQLUser'] = 'MySQL User'; + $strings['InstallOptionsWarning'] = 'The following options will probably not work in a hosted environment. If you are installing in a hosted environment, use the MySQL wizard tools to complete these steps.'; + $strings['CreateDatabase'] = 'Create the database'; + $strings['CreateDatabaseUser'] = 'Create the database user'; + $strings['PopulateExampleData'] = 'Import sample data. Creates admin account: admin/password and user account: user/password'; + $strings['DataWipeWarning'] = 'Warning: This will delete any existing data'; + $strings['RunInstallation'] = 'Run Installation'; + $strings['UpgradeNotice'] = 'You are upgrading from version %s to version %s'; + $strings['RunUpgrade'] = 'Run Upgrade'; + $strings['Executing'] = 'Executing'; + $strings['StatementFailed'] = 'Failed. Details:'; + $strings['SQLStatement'] = 'SQL Statement:'; + $strings['ErrorCode'] = 'Error Code:'; + $strings['ErrorText'] = 'Error Text:'; + $strings['InstallationSuccess'] = 'Installation completed successfully!'; + $strings['RegisterAdminUser'] = 'Register your admin user. This is required if you did not import the sample data. Ensure that $conf[\'settings\'][\'allow.self.registration\'] = \'true\' in your %s file.'; + $strings['LoginWithSampleAccounts'] = 'If you imported the sample data, you can log in with admin/password for admin user or user/password for basic user.'; + $strings['InstalledVersion'] = 'You are now running version %s of LibreBooking'; + $strings['InstallUpgradeConfig'] = 'It is recommended to upgrade your config file'; + $strings['InstallationFailure'] = 'There were problems with the installation. Please correct them and retry the installation.'; + $strings['ConfigureApplication'] = 'Configure LibreBooking'; + $strings['ConfigUpdateSuccess'] = 'Your config file is now up to date!'; + $strings['ConfigUpdateFailure'] = 'We could not automatically update your config file. Please overwrite the contents of config.php with the following:'; + $strings['ScriptUrlWarning'] = 'Your script.url setting may not be correct. It is currently %s, we think it should be %s'; + // End Install + // Errors $strings['LoginError'] = 'Nie możemy odnaleźć twojej nazwy użytkownika lub hasła'; $strings['ReservationFailed'] = 'Twoja rezerwacja nie mogła zostać utworzona'; $strings['MinNoticeError'] = 'Ta rezerwacja wymaga dodatkowej uwagi. Najwcześniejsza data, która może być zarezerwowana to %s.'; + $strings['MinNoticeErrorUpdate'] = 'Changing this reservation requires advance notice. Reservations before %s are not allowed to be changed.'; + $strings['MinNoticeErrorDelete'] = 'Deleting this reservation requires advance notice. Reservations before %s are not allowed to be deleted.'; $strings['MaxNoticeError'] = 'Ta rezerwacja nie może być utworzona w tak odległej przyszłości. Najdalszą datą jest %s.'; $strings['MinDurationError'] = 'Ta rezerwacja musi trwać co najmniej %s.'; $strings['MaxDurationError'] = 'Ta rezerwacja nie może trwać dłużej niż %s.'; $strings['ConflictingAccessoryDates'] = 'Brak wymaganej ilości akcesoriów:'; $strings['NoResourcePermission'] = 'Nie posiadasz uprawnień do co najmniej jednego zasobu z wybranych'; $strings['ConflictingReservationDates'] = 'Istnieją konflikty rezerwacji w podanych dniach:'; + $strings['InstancesOverlapRule'] = 'Some instances of the reservation series overlap:'; $strings['StartDateBeforeEndDateRule'] = 'Data rozpoczęcia musi być wcześniejsza niż data zakończenia'; $strings['StartIsInPast'] = 'Data rozpoczęcia nie może być datą z przeszłości'; $strings['EmailDisabled'] = 'Administrator wyłączył powiadomienia mailowe'; @@ -407,6 +823,40 @@ protected function _LoadStrings() $strings['CustomAttributeInvalid'] = 'Wartość podana dla %s jest nieprawidłowa'; $strings['AttachmentLoadingError'] = 'Przepraszamy, ale wystąpił problem podczas ładownia żądanego plik.'; $strings['InvalidAttachmentExtension'] = 'Możesz dodawać pliki tylko typu: %s'; + $strings['InvalidStartSlot'] = 'The start date and time requested is not valid.'; + $strings['InvalidEndSlot'] = 'The end date and time requested is not valid.'; + $strings['MaxParticipantsError'] = '%s can only support %s participants.'; + $strings['ReservationCriticalError'] = 'There was a critical error saving your reservation. If this continues, contact your system administrator.'; + $strings['InvalidStartReminderTime'] = 'The start reminder time is not valid.'; + $strings['InvalidEndReminderTime'] = 'The end reminder time is not valid.'; + $strings['QuotaExceeded'] = 'Quota limit exceeded.'; + $strings['MultiDayRule'] = '%s does not allow reservations across days.'; + $strings['InvalidReservationData'] = 'There were problems with your reservation request.'; + $strings['PasswordError'] = 'Password must contain at least %s letters and at least %s numbers.'; + $strings['PasswordErrorRequirements'] = 'Password must contain a combination of at least %s upper and lower case letters and %s numbers.'; + $strings['NoReservationAccess'] = 'You are not allowed to change this reservation.'; + $strings['PasswordControlledExternallyError'] = 'Your password is controlled by an external system and cannot be updated here.'; + $strings['AccessoryResourceRequiredErrorMessage'] = 'Accessory %s can only be booked with resources %s'; + $strings['AccessoryMinQuantityErrorMessage'] = 'You must book at least %s of accessory %s'; + $strings['AccessoryMaxQuantityErrorMessage'] = 'You cannot book more than %s of accessory %s'; + $strings['AccessoryResourceAssociationErrorMessage'] = 'Accessory \'%s\' cannot be booked with the requested resources'; + $strings['NoResources'] = 'You have not added any resources.'; + $strings['ParticipationNotAllowed'] = 'You are not allowed to join this reservation.'; + $strings['ReservationCannotBeCheckedInTo'] = 'This reservation cannot be checked in to.'; + $strings['ReservationCannotBeCheckedOutFrom'] = 'This reservation cannot be checked out from.'; + $strings['InvalidEmailDomain'] = 'That email address is not from an allowed domain'; + $strings['TermsOfServiceError'] = 'You must accept the Terms of Service'; + $strings['UserNotFound'] = 'That user could not be found'; + $strings['ScheduleAvailabilityError'] = 'This schedule is available between %s and %s'; + $strings['ReservationNotFoundError'] = 'Reservation not found'; + $strings['ReservationNotAvailable'] = 'Reservation not available'; + $strings['TitleRequiredRule'] = 'Reservation title is required'; + $strings['DescriptionRequiredRule'] = 'Reservation description is required'; + $strings['WhatCanThisGroupManage'] = 'What can this group manage?'; + $strings['ReservationParticipationActivityPreference'] = 'When someone joins or leaves my reservation'; + $strings['RegisteredAccountRequired'] = 'Only registered users can book reservations'; + $strings['InvalidNumberOfResourcesError'] = 'The maximum number of resources that can be reserved in a single reservation is %s'; + $strings['ScheduleTotalReservationsError'] = 'This schedule only allows %s resources to be reserved concurrently. This reservation would violate that limit on the following dates:'; // End Errors // Page Titles @@ -431,12 +881,11 @@ protected function _LoadStrings() $strings['About'] = 'O...'; $strings['Bookings'] = 'Terminarze'; $strings['Schedule'] = 'Harmonogram'; - $strings['Reservations'] = 'Rezerwacje'; $strings['Account'] = 'Konto'; $strings['EditProfile'] = 'Edycja mojego profilu'; + $strings['FindAnOpening'] = 'Znajdowanie otwarcia'; $strings['OpenInvitations'] = 'Otwórz zaproszenia'; - $strings['MyCalendar'] = 'Mój kalendarz'; $strings['ResourceCalendar'] = 'Kalendarz zasobu'; $strings['Reservation'] = 'Nowa rezerwacja'; $strings['Install'] = 'Instalacja'; @@ -448,6 +897,7 @@ protected function _LoadStrings() $strings['NotificationPreferences'] = 'Ustawienia powiadomień'; $strings['ManageAnnouncements'] = 'Ogłoszenia'; $strings['Responsibilities'] = 'Obowiązki'; + $strings['GroupReservations'] = 'Rezerwacje grupowe'; $strings['ResourceReservations'] = 'Rezerwacje zasobów'; $strings['Customization'] = 'Dostosowywanie'; @@ -460,6 +910,17 @@ protected function _LoadStrings() $strings['CommonReports'] = 'Wspólne raporty'; $strings['ViewDay'] = 'Podgląd dnia'; $strings['Group'] = 'Grupa'; + $strings['ManageConfiguration'] = 'Application Configuration'; + $strings['LookAndFeel'] = 'Look and Feel'; + $strings['ManageResourceGroups'] = 'Resource Groups'; + $strings['ManageResourceTypes'] = 'Resource Types'; + $strings['ManageResourceStatus'] = 'Resource Statuses'; + $strings['ReservationColors'] = 'Reservation Colors'; + $strings['SearchReservations'] = 'Search Reservations'; + $strings['ManagePayments'] = 'Payments'; + $strings['ViewCalendar'] = 'View Calendar'; + $strings['DataCleanup'] = 'Data Cleanup'; + $strings['ManageEmailTemplates'] = 'Manage Email Templates'; // End Page Titles // Day representations @@ -488,12 +949,40 @@ protected function _LoadStrings() $strings['ReservationCreatedAdminSubject'] = 'Powiadomienie: rezerwacja została utworzona'; $strings['ReservationUpdatedAdminSubject'] = 'Powiadomienie: rezerwacja została zaktualizowana'; $strings['ReservationDeleteAdminSubject'] = 'Powiadomienie: rezerwacja została usunięta'; + $strings['ReservationApprovalAdminSubject'] = 'Notification: Reservation requires your approval'; $strings['ParticipantAddedSubject'] = 'Zgłoszenie udziału uczestnictwa'; $strings['ParticipantDeletedSubject'] = 'Rezerwacja usunięta'; $strings['InviteeAddedSubject'] = 'Zaproszenie do uczestnictwa'; - $strings['ResetPassword'] = 'Zmiana hasła'; + $strings['ResetPasswordRequest'] = 'Żądanie zmiany hasła'; $strings['ActivateYourAccount'] = 'Proszę aktywować Swoje konto'; $strings['ReportSubject'] = 'Twój żądany raport (%s)'; + $strings['ReservationStartingSoonSubject'] = 'Reservation for %s is starting soon'; + $strings['ReservationEndingSoonSubject'] = 'Reservation for %s is ending soon'; + $strings['UserAdded'] = 'A new user has been added'; + $strings['UserDeleted'] = 'User account for %s was deleted by %s'; + $strings['GuestAccountCreatedSubject'] = 'Your %s account details'; + $strings['AccountCreatedSubject'] = 'Your %s account details'; + $strings['InviteUserSubject'] = '%s has invited you to join %s'; + $strings['ReservationApprovedSubjectWithResource'] = 'Reservation has been approved for %s'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedSubjectWithResource'] = 'Reservation created for %s'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedSubjectWithResource'] = 'Reservation updated for %s'; + $strings['ReservationDeletedSubjectWithResource'] = 'Reservation removed for %s'; + $strings['ReservationCreatedAdminSubjectWithResource'] = 'Notification: Reservation Created for %s'; + $strings['ReservationUpdatedAdminSubjectWithResource'] = 'Notification: Reservation Updated for %s'; + $strings['ReservationDeleteAdminSubjectWithResource'] = 'Notification: Reservation Removed for %s'; + $strings['ReservationApprovalAdminSubjectWithResource'] = 'Notification: Reservation for %s requires your approval'; + $strings['ParticipantAddedSubjectWithResource'] = '%s added you to a reservation for %s'; + $strings['ParticipantUpdatedSubjectWithResource'] = '%s updated a reservation for %s'; + $strings['ParticipantDeletedSubjectWithResource'] = '%s removed a reservation for %s'; + $strings['InviteeAddedSubjectWithResource'] = '%s invited you to a reservation for %s'; + $strings['MissedCheckinEmailSubject'] = 'Missed checkin for %s'; + $strings['ReservationShareSubject'] = '%s shared a reservation for %s'; + $strings['ReservationSeriesEndingSubject'] = 'Reservation series for %s is ending on %s'; + $strings['ReservationParticipantAccept'] = '%s has accepted your reservation invitation for %s on %s'; + $strings['ReservationParticipantDecline'] = '%s has declined your reservation invitation for %s on %s'; + $strings['ReservationParticipantJoin'] = '%s has joined your reservation for %s on %s'; + $strings['ReservationAvailableSubject'] = '%s is available on %s'; + $strings['ResourceStatusChangedSubject'] = 'The availability of %s has changed'; // End Email Subjects $this->Strings = $strings;