Public interface for the CorpusLoader module. Maintains a reference to the logic Controller and the GUI wrapper. A CorpusLoader object can be used as a Panel component, i.e. will render in a Panel GUI. Callbacks can be registered using the register_event_callback() method
Can be imported using:
from atap_corpus_loader import CorpusLoader
CorpusLoader constructor
- root_directory: str – The root directory that the file selector will search for files to load. The argument must be a string. The directory may be non-existent at initialisation time, but no files will be displayed until it exists.
- include_meta_loader: bool - If True, the Corpus Loader will include additional metadata joining functionality. False by default
- include_oni_loader: bool - If True, the Corpus Loader will include additional Oni integration functionality. False by default
- build_dtms: bool - If True, the Corpus Loader will construct a Document Term Matrix for each corpus added. False by default
- run_logger: bool - If True, a log will be kept in the atap_corpus_loader directory. False by default
- params: Any – passed onto the panel.viewable.Viewer super-class
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data', include_meta_loader=True, include_oni_loader=True, run_logger=True)
Inherited from panel.viewable.Viewer. Call CorpusLoader.servable() in a Jupyter notebook context to display the CorpusLoader widget.
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
Allows adding a Panel Viewable instance to the tab controls of the loader.
- new_tab_name: str – The name of the tab that will appear on the tab control bar
- new_tab_panel: Viewable - The pane to attach to the new tab
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
loader.add_tab("A Panel Column", panel.Column())
Registers a callback function to execute when the event specified by event_type occurs. Multiple callback functions can be registered and will be called in the order added when the event occurs. If the first argument is True, the callback will be added to the start of the callback chain rather than the end. Subsequent callbacks registered with first=True will supersede the previous callback's position. When a callback raises an exception, the exception will be logged and the subsequent callbacks will be executed. The relevant corpus object will be passed as an argument for the BUILD and RENAME events. The UPDATE event represents a modification to the corpora through corpus addition, deletion, or renaming.
- event_type: EventType or str - an enum with the possible values: LOAD, UNLOAD, BUILD, RENAME, DELETE, UPDATE. String equivalents also accepted
- callback: Callable - the function to call when the event occurs
- first: bool - whether to insert the callback at the start of the callback chain for this event type. False by default
corpus_list = []
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
loader.register_event_callback(EventType.BUILD, corpus_list.append)
Triggers all callbacks registered with the given event. Only the specified event will be triggered
- event_type: EventType or str - an enum with the possible values: LOAD, UNLOAD, BUILD, RENAME, DELETE, UPDATE. String equivalents also accepted
- callback_args: Any - arguments to pass on to the callbacks being triggered
def my_callback():
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
loader.register_event_callback(EventType.UPDATE, my_callback)
Returns: DataFrameCorpus or None - the last DataFrameCorpus object that was built. If none have been built, returns None.
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
corpus = loader.get_latest_corpus()
- name: str – The name of the DataFrameCorpus to retrieve.
Returns: DataFrameCorpus or None - the DataFrameCorpus object in the corpora with the provided name. If none with the provided name are found, returns None.
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
corpus = loader.get_corpus("example")
Returns: dict[str, DataFrameCorpus] - a dictionary that maps Corpus names to DataFrameCorpus objects that have been built using this CorpusLoader
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
corpus_map = loader.get_corpora()
Returns the corpora object that contains the loaded corpus objects. This allows adding to the corpora from outside the CorpusLoader as the object returned is mutable, not a copy. The Corpora object has a unique name constraint, meaning a corpus object cannot be added to the corpora if another corpus with the same name is already present. The same constraint applies to the rename method of corpus objects added to the corpora.
Returns: TCorpora - the mutable corpora object that contains the loaded corpus objects
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
corpora_object = loader.get_mutable_corpora()
corpus = corpora_object.get("example")
Returns the log history as read from the log file as a string. If the log file is inaccessible, returns empty string.
Returns: str - the recent log history as read from the log file
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data', run_logger=True)
log_str = loader.get_logs()
When a corpus is built using the CorpusLoader, a Term Frequency Document Term Matrix (DTM) is added to the corpus. The key used for this DTM is 'tokens'. Consult the atap_corpus documentation for further details
Callback functions can be registered with CorpusLoader.register_event_callback(), which registers a callback function to execute when the event specified by event_type occurs. Multiple callback functions can be registered and all will be called in order when the event occurs. When a callback raises an exception, the exception will be logged and the subsequent callbacks will be executed. The relevant corpus object will be passed as an argument for the BUILD and RENAME events. The other event callbacks will pass no arguments.
The EventType enum can be imported using:
from atap_corpus_loader import EventType
The following snippet could be used as a cell in a Jupyter notebook. Each time the user builds a corpus, the built corpus will be added to the list.
from atap_corpus_loader import CorpusLoader, EventType
corpus_list = []
loader = CorpusLoader('tests/test_data')
loader.register_event_callback(EventType.BUILD, corpus_list.append)