From 6ce4ad81d4026dd6f12825e49887a221b40020f2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: g-ise Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2023 11:39:21 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 2456806bde2323663ea429f0dedcf468487448b3 --- en/finals/index.html | 26 +++++++++++++++----------- finals/index.html | 20 ++++++++++++-------- 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) diff --git a/en/finals/index.html b/en/finals/index.html index 9577477..9749652 100644 --- a/en/finals/index.html +++ b/en/finals/index.html @@ -111,7 +111,7 @@

About the competition vehicle

  • The vehicle offers two control modes: automatic and manual. The safety driver has the ability to switch between these modes.
  • During autonomous driving, the safety driver has the capability to transition the vehicle's control mode from automatic to manual by pressing the brakes. This action is termed an override. The safety driver will initiate the override if continuing autonomous driving is deemed unsafe.
  • -

    For Final Tournament Participants (Updated on 2023/09/28)


    For Final Tournament Participants (Updated on 2023/09/28)

    Please make sure all the participants of the final tournament thoroughly check the following before the day of the tournament.

    Support System for Participating Teams

    Each team will receive support from TIERIV and MAPIV in the form of two staff riding with: a Safety Driver (SD), a Safety Operator (SO). Your SO will also help your setup.

    @@ -126,21 +126,25 @@

    Support System for Participating

    Request for Preliminary Simulation


    For the safe operation of the competition, we request you to execute the Planning Simulation before coming to the test field.


    How to execute Planning Simulation


    For the safe operation of the competition, we request you to execute the Planning Simulation before coming to the test field.
    +How to execute Planning Simulation

    1. Open a terminal window and run the following commands:
    2. -
    source /home/autoware/aichallenge2023-integration-final/install/setup.bash
  • Open a terminal window and run the following commands:

    source /home/autoware/aichallenge2023-integration-final/install/setup.bash
     ros2 launch autoware_launch planning_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=<path of the map used for competition> vehicle_model:=golfcart sensor_model:=golfcart
    1. Use 2D Pose Estimation to position the vehicle at the starting point.
    2. -
    3. Set the goal and start autonomous driving.
    4. -
    5. Confirm that the vehicle does not exhibit dangerous behavior (exceeding speed limits, ignoring obstacles).
    6. + +
    7. Use 2D Pose Estimation to position the vehicle at the starting point.

    8. +
    9. Open a new terminal window and run the script ~/aichallenge2023-integration-final/scripts/ Then confirm that virtual obstacles are placed in the area of task 3-1 (slalom). *If you cannot find the script, please merge this commit into your repository.

    10. +
    11. Set the goal and start autonomous driving.

    12. +
    13. Confirm that the vehicle does not exhibit dangerous behavior (exceeding speed limits, ignoring obstacles).


    Ref: Planning Simulation:


    For more details about Planning Simulation, please refer Autoware Documentation

    Criteria Regarding Weather Conditions

    • If the wind speed is higher than 5m/s, Task 2 involving smoke will be canceled.
    • diff --git a/finals/index.html b/finals/index.html index 9fd7473..c3a2c4b 100644 --- a/finals/index.html +++ b/finals/index.html @@ -169,19 +169,23 @@


      安全な競技運営のため、来場前にPlannning Simulationの実施をお願いいたします。 Planning Simulation 実施方法

      1. ターミナルを開き、以下のコマンドを実行する
      2. -
      source /home/autoware/aichallenge2023-integration-final/install/setup.bash
    • ターミナルを開き、以下のコマンドを実行する

      source /home/autoware/aichallenge2023-integration-final/install/setup.bash
       ros2 launch autoware_launch planning_simulator.launch.xml map_path:=<競技に使用する地図のパス> vehicle_model:=golfcart sensor_model:=golfcart
      1. 2D Pose Estimation を使用し、スタート地点に車両を配置する
      2. -
      3. ゴールを設定し、自動運転走行を開始する。
      4. -
      5. 車両が危険な挙動 (制限速度を超過した走行、障害物を無視した走行) をしないことを確認する。
      6. + +
      7. 2D Pose Estimation を使用し、スタート地点に車両を配置する

      8. +
      9. 新たにターミナルを開き、スクリプト ~/aichallenge2023-integration-final/scripts/ を実行する。その後、課題3の障害物が再現されていることを確認する。 ※スクリプトが存在しない場合は、こちらのコミットを取り入れてください。

      10. +
      11. ゴールを設定し、自動運転走行を開始する。

      12. +
      13. 車両が危険な挙動 (制限速度を超過した走行、障害物を無視した走行) をしないことを確認する。


      参考: Planning Simulation:


      Planning Simulationについての詳細は Autoware Documentation を参照してください。


      • 風速5m/s以上の場合、煙を使用した課題2は取りやめとします。