Releases: AxFoundation/strax
Releases · AxFoundation/strax
- Added the "Corrections Management Tool" (#303)
- Check of loop dependency for multioutput plugins (#312)
- Fix memory leak peaksplitting (#309)
0.12.0 / 2020-08-17
- Add backend for rucio (#300)
- Hitlets data types and utilities (#275)
- Apply function to data prior to delivering (#304)
- Child options for inherited plugins (#297)
- Introducing a template for pull-requests (#302)
- Make fuzzy_for option more intuitive (#306)
0.11.3 / 2020-07-29
- bugfix in new progressbar feature (#296)
- new plugin type: CutPlugin (#274)
- add progressbar (#276)
- allow for plugin-specific chunk-sizes (#277)
- broaden scope of endtime check in (#281)
- change dtype of saturated channels (#286)
- several (bug-)fixes (#289, #288, #284, #278, #273)
0.11.1 / 2020-04-28
- Per-datatype rechunking control (#272)
- Check defaults are consistent across plugins (#271)
- Documentation / comment updates (#269, #268)
- Peak splitter test (#267)
- Fix bug in pulse_processing when not flipping waveforms (#266)
- Fix lineage hash caching (#263)
- Flexible run start time estimation (905335)
- Disable timeout / make it 24 hours (#255)
- Minor fixes for warning messages
0.10.2 / 2020-04-06
- Fix loading of incomplete data (#251)
- Fx exception handling (#252)
- Fix hitfinder buffer overrun if too few thresholds specified (bc2c2b)
- keep_columns selection option (4e2550)
- Assume all run metadata is in UTC (4e223e)
- Can now specify
in forbid_creation_of (86552f)
- Simplify length computations (#250)
- Even lazier processing (#248)
- Fix multiprocessing bug for multi-output plugins (0f1b1d, 1e388a)
- Make baselining work in non-jitted mode (8f1f23)
- Better exception handling in estimate_run_start (9e2f88, #249)
- Disable run defaults by default (c1f094)
0.10.0 / 2020-03-15
- Lazy mailbox for processing (#241)
- Baselining checks for nonzero first fragment (#243)
- Add
context method
- Force time range to be integer
- Update messages and exceptions (#244, #245)