starting out the challenege today, almost completed the prerequisites part of the foundation course of The Odin Project(will refer to it as TOP from now), just have the intro to git part left.
Today's Progress: Officially started 100 days of code today, learnt a lot about the internet's structure, all of which I wrote in the files under TOP folder
Thoughts: A very producitve day in general, but have to speed up a bit from tomorrow, also learning a lot of interesting things!
Link to work: TOP web_fundamentals.txt, web_fundamentals_2.txt, terminal_basics.txt were written today
Today's Progress: Started off by finsihing the fundamentals of git section of TOP, learnt about the basic commands and the idea and motivation behind them, then solved two of the problem statements of W2 of CS50X namely: readability and substitution
Thoughts: Good day overall, will strive for better tomorrow!
Link to work: TOP terminal_basics.txt, git_basics.txt were written/updates today
CS50X code for readability question
CS50X code for substitution question
Today's Progress: Started by finsihing making notes(locally) of week 3 lecture of CS50X by David Malan. Learnt about the searching and sorting algorithms, and finished one problem set for the week, 2 more remain
Thoughts: Could have done more today, productivity was a bit low today, will have to diversify the day from tomorrow as was planned(by including more disciplines of CS into my daily learning).
Link to work: CS50X finished one problem set of week 3,
made notes for the lecture locally on my machine
Today's Progress: just started the html, css part within TOP, couldnt do much today due to time constraints and other tasks popping up, also worked a bit on the w3 problem set 2 of CS50X, couldnt get much progress out of it but will not stop the momentum!
Thought: The same as yesterday, but have to figure out some more time for these tasks, will try my best
Link to work: Was working on the problem set locally on my machine, so no link to it
Today's Progress: very close to being done with the html part of TOP, will surely be done by tomorrow
Thoughts: Not very good productivity wise, as work from college came up, couldnt avoid it, not much coding was done today, will make it up tomorrow
Link to work: TOP notes updated the html_basics.txt part today
Today's Progress: Finished learning the html part of TOP, learnt about good commit messages in git and made a simple recipe website with a landing page and 3 sites which can be followed from it
Thoughts: Good day overall, got work done
link to work: TOP updated html_basics.txt and git_basics.txt
Odin-recipes the simple website made today and hosted it on github pages(also learnt about it today)
Today's Progress: Started the day by learning about convolutions from 3B1B(epic channel), then learnt more about git, and wrote a (15,11) hamming code generator for TheAlgorithms repo, worked on it a lot, and revised the theory for hamming codes this way, also created my first PR! waiting for it to be accepted now! Also beautified my github profile a bit
Thoughts: Good, productive day overall, got work done
Link to work: Hamming code generator
fresh look of github page
Today's Progress: Did two lessons under CSS from TOP, solved a few assignment qs related to it
Thoughts: Was a decent day in terms of productivity
Link to work: CSS assgn check the folder intro-to-css and cascase/01-cascade-fix to see changes made by me
Today's Progress: Worked on adding some more changed to the new .py file that I'm trying to add to TheAlgorithms repo, related to hamming code generators. Then i started learning from android dev course on udemy. Also did one of the css exercises from TOP
Thoughts: Was a decent day productivity wise
Link to work: most of the things were done locally on my machine today
my code that is in PR for now
Today's Progress: Worked a bit more on fixing the hamming_code_generator that I wrote so that the PR can be merged, also worked further on the odin-recipes site where I added more css components and some js components too. Also took some notes from TOP css part
Thougths: Was a good day productivity wise
Link to work: hamming_code_generator after modifications
odin-recipes site
CSS notes from TOP
Today's Progress: wrote some css notes on cascading, worked on the PR to make it more efficient
Thoughts: Not a very productive day, but will improve
Link to work: CSS notes
Today's Progress: revised some DSA concepts like linked lists, stacks, and made notes and wrote corresponding codes for it, apart from that didnt do much, but I will do more tomorrow
Thoughts: Not a very good day productivity wise, hope to strive for better tomorrow
Link to work: made notes on my book, and wrote the codes locally
Today's Progress: Learnt the theory behind statically implemented stacks, simple queues, dequeues, circular queues and implemented associated code for it
Today's Progress: Learnt more about dynamic implementaion of queues and stacks and explored some c++, learnt about how to operate android studio better
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: all on local machine
Today's Progress: did the aforementioned things, progressed a little today
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: all on local machine
Today's Progress: did the aforementioned things, where the app involved me dealing with xml files, kotlin files, overall progressed a good bit today
Thoughts: It was a productive enough day
Link to work: all on local machine
Today's Progress: completed the first two chapters from the DSFS book, made its notes and also completed reversing LL question from leetcode, this way im starting the journey to conplete Linked list questions from leetcode
Thoughts: It was a productive enough day
Link to work: all on local machine
Today's Progress: completed some part of the logic pertaining to merging linked lists question on leetcode and started the chapter of inspection in TOP
Thoughts: Good enough day productivity wise
Link to work: all on local machine
Today's Progress: participated in a hackathon(hacknight by ACM) where I successfully commited 2 PRs
Thoughts: Good day productivity wise
Link to work: py-typer
Today's Progress: a good rest day after the overnight hackathon! Will add one more day by the end of the challenge
Today's Progress: learnt about how CPU works in unison with memory and IO as a part of a course taken in college, did only this, will resume doing all other tasks from tomorror
Thoughts: Okayish day productivity wise
Link to work: done locally
Today's Progress: couldnt do much due to college work, will have to do better, productivity has gone down lately
Thought: Have to be more disciplined
Today's Progress: was able to solve one problem set of CS50X from week 3
Thoughts: Not a very good day, could have done more
Link to work: plurality
Today's Progress: on my way to solving the third problem from week 3 of cs50, and did some more TOP
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: notes
Today's Progress: on lecture one, learning backpropagation implementation
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: locally done
Today's Progress: completing lecture 1, and learnt some basics of react from TOP for a project
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: locally done
Today's Progress: completing lecture 1, learning to implement backprop from scratch
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: pvt repo for codes from this series
continuing zero to hero series, started learning about trees and computer architecture(as a part of college course)
Today's Progress: the main focus for today was learning about computer architectures, and the other tasks were also done
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: all work done locally
continued learning about computer architectures as a part of college course, started building the react app as a part of college project
Today's Progress: the main focus of today was building a rough version of the movie booking website that is needed for this semesters final project, used react for it and implemented some good features
Thoughts: Good enough day in terms of productivity
Link to work: my part of the work
Today's Progress: fleshed out some more things related to the site, and these can be seen in the commit history of my fork, after today, I will start to contribute to the main repo itself which belongs to my teammate
Thoughts: Good enough day
Link to work: my part of the work
Today's Progress: learnt and coded all the fundamentals related to trees, specifially BST, and all its operations, traversal methods
Thoughts: very good day, learnt a lot
Link to work: all work done locally
Today's Progress: learnt and coded all the things realted to BST, threaded BST
Thoughts:good day, learnt a lot
Link to work: all work done locally
Today's Progress: good enough progress in the course Thoughts: good enough day Link to work: all work done locally
skipped logging for a few days, frankly forgot about it for this span, but will log regularly from now
Progress: finished a lot of my course part which was my main focus for this span of time, also worked on a variety of small projects ranging from full stack to verilog, some of them are local but the ones which are not(like the full stack proj) will be linked below. I had to halt doing the courses i was doing due to immediate work from college but I will resume it from now. I also logged all my CS50X work locally since it might get reset this Jan, and I aim to finish it by Feb. Same goes for all the other courses im following, Feb is the deadline and I will finish it by then. link to work:full stack group project