The following prerequisites are needed for a succesfull deployment of this accelator from your own PC.
Install latest version of Azure CLI
Install Azure Developer CLI
Enable the Following Resource Providers on your Subscription:
- Microsoft.AlertsManagement
- Microsoft.Compute
- Microsoft.ContainerInstance
- Microsoft.ContainerService
- Microsoft.DeviceRegistry
- Microsoft.EventHub
- Microsoft.ExtendedLocation
- Microsoft.IoTOperations
- Microsoft.IoTOperationsDataProcessor
- Microsoft.IoTOperationsMQ
- Microsoft.IoTOperationsOrchestrator
- Microsoft.KeyVault
- Microsoft.Kubernetes
- Microsoft.KubernetesConfiguration
- Microsoft.ManagedIdentity
- Microsoft.Network
- Microsoft.Relay
(The template will enable all these Resource Providers but its always good to check pre and post deployment.)
Install latest version of Bicep
Be aware that the template will leverage the following Azure CLI Extensions:
- az extension add -n azure-iot-ops --allow-preview true
- az extension add -n connectedk8s
- az extension add -n k8s-configuration
- az extension add -n k8s-extension
- az extension add -n ml
Install latest PowerShell version (7.x): Check your current version with $PSVersionTable and then install the latest via "Winget install microsoft.azd"
Install VS Code on your machine
Ownerships rights on the Microsoft Azure subscription. Ensure that the user or service principal you are using to deploy the accelerator has access to the Graph API in the target tenant. This is necessary because you will need to:
- Export OBJECT_ID = $(az ad sp show --id bc313c14-388c-4e7d-a58e-70017303ee3b --query id -o tsv)
- Make sure you retrieve this value from a tenant where you have the necessary permissions to access the Graph API.
(Basically you need to deploy the template with a user that has high privelages)
Step 1. Clone the Edge-AIO-in-a-Box Repository
Step 2. Create Azure Resources (User Assigned Managed Identity, VNET, Key Vault, EventHub, Ubuntu VM, Azure ML Workspace, Container Registry, etc.)
Sample screenshot of the resources that will be deployed:
Step 2. SSH onto the Ubuntu VM and execute some kubectl commands to become familiar with the deployed pods and their configurations within the cluster. This hands-on approach will help you understand the operational environment and the resources running in your Kubernetes/AIO setup.
Step 3. Buld ML model into docker image and deploy to your K3s Cluster Endpoint via the Azure ML Extension
Step 4. Push model to Azure Container Registry
Step 5. Deploy model to the Edge via Azure ML Extension to your K3s/AIO Cluster
Clone this repository locally:
git clone
Log into your Azure subscription (both are required):
azd auth login --use-device-code --tenant-id xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
az login --use-device-code --tenant xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx
Deploy resources:
azd up
You will be prompted for a subcription, region and additional parameters:
adminPasswordOrKey - Pa$$W0rd:)7:)7 adminUsername - ArcAdmin arcK8sClusterName - aioxclusterYOURINITIALS authenticationType - password location - eastus virtualMachineName - aiobxclustervmYOURINITIALS virtualMachineSize - Standard_D16s_v4
export OBJECT_ID = $(az ad sp show --id bc313c14-388c-4e7d-a58e-70017303ee3b --query id -o tsv)
You need to make sure that you get this value from a tenant that you have access to get to the graph api in the tenant.
When you do a redeployment of the whole solution under the same name - it can take till seven days to remove the KeyVault. Use a different environment name for deployment if you need to re-deploy faster.