diff --git a/docs/wiki/Settings.md b/docs/wiki/Settings.md
index ed5716ef..17ab7e8b 100644
--- a/docs/wiki/Settings.md
+++ b/docs/wiki/Settings.md
@@ -13,35 +13,36 @@ The following configuration values can be modified within the `settings.json` fi
| 01 | ApplicationInsights | Turn on or off logging to Application Insight | `"Core.ApplicationInsights": true` |
| 02 | AutoGeneratedTemplateFolderPath | Generate sub folder for composite resources (/.az) | `"Core.AutoGeneratedTemplateFolderPath": ".az"`
└── tenant root group (e42bc18f)
├── .az
│ └── microsoft.management_managementgroups.json
└── mymanagementgroup (mymanagementgroup)
└── .az
├── microsoft.authorization_policyassignments.json
├── microsoft.authorization_policydefinitions.json
├── microsoft.authorization_roleassignments.json
└── microsoft.management_managementgroups.json |
| 03 | AutoInitialize | Run Initialize-AzOpsEnvironment when module is loaded. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.AutoInitialize": true` |
-| 04 | CustomJqTemplatePath | Folder where custom Jq templates are located. | `"Core.CustomJqTemplatePath": ".customtemplates"` |
-| 05 | SkipCustomJqTemplate | Do not use custom Jq templates, controls if AzOps looks for custom templates at `CustomJqTemplatePath`. [Read more](https://github.com/azure/azops/wiki/custom-jq-templates) | `"Core.SkipCustomJqTemplate": true` |
-| 06 | DefaultDeploymentRegion | Default region for deployments | `"Core.DefaultDeploymentRegion": "northeurope"` |
-| 07 | EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName | Default enrollment account for Subscription creation | `"Core.EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName": ""` |
-| 08 | ExcludedSubOffer | Exclude specific Subscription offer types from pull | `"Core.ExcludedSubOffer": ["AzurePass_2014-09-01","FreeTrial_2014-09-01","AAD_2015-09-01"]` |
-| 09 | ExcludedSubState | Exclude specific states of Subscription from pull | `"Core.ExcludedSubState": ["Disabled","Deleted","Warned","Expired"]` |
-| 10 | IgnoreContextCheck | Skip Azure PowerShell context validation. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.IgnoreContextCheck": false` |
-| 11 | IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup | Discover only resources in these resource groups | `"Core.IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup": ["rg1","rg2"]` |
-| 12 | IncludeResourceType | Discover only specific resource types [Resource Types](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types) (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) | `"Core.IncludeResourceType": ["Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones","Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies"]` |
-| 13 | InvalidateCache | Invalidate cached Subscriptions and Management Groups and do a full discovery. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.InvalidateCache": false` |
-| 14 | OfferType | Default offer type for Subscription creation | `"Core.OfferType": "MS-AZR-0017P"` |
-| 15 | PartialMgDiscoveryRoot | Generate folder hierachy for specific Management Groups IDs | `"Core.PartialMgDiscoveryRoot": []` |
-| 16 | SkipPim | Do not include Privileged Identity Management resources in pull | `"Core.SkipPim": true` |
-| 17 | SkipLock | Do not include ResourceLock resources in pull | `"Core.SkipLock": true` |
-| 18 | SkipPolicy | Do not include Azure Policy state in pull | `"Core.SkipPolicy": false` |
-| 19 | SkipResource | Do not include Resources within Resource Groups | `"Core.SkipResource": false` |
-| 20 | SkipChildResource | Do not include Azure child resources | `"Core.SkipChildResource": false` |
-| 21 | SkipResourceGroup | Do not include Resource Groups in pull | `"Core.SkipResourceGroup": false` |
-| 22 | SkipResourceType | Skip specific [Resource Types](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types) (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) | `"Core.SkipResourceType": ["Microsoft.VSOnline/plans"]` |
-| 23 | SkipRole | Do not include Role types in pull | `"Core.SkipRole": false` |
-| 24 | State | Folder to store AzOpsState artefact, defaults to `root` | `"Core.State: "/root"` |
-| 25 | SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups | Filter which Subscription IDs should include Resource Groups in pull [Logic Updated in v2.0.0](https://github.com/Azure/AzOps/releases/tag/2.0.0) | `"Core.SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups": ["*"]` |
-| 26 | TemplateParameterFileSuffix | Default template file suffix. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.TemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".json"` |
-| 27 | AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control multiple parameter file behaviour. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
-| 28 | DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control base template deployment behaviour with changes and un-changed multiple corresponding parameter files. | `"Core.DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
-| 29 | MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix | Multiple parameter file suffix identifier. *Example mytemplate.x1.bicepparam* | `"Core.MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".x"` |
-| 30 | ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control parallel deployment of MultipleTemplateParameterFiles behaviour | `"Core.ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
-| 31 | ThrottleLimit | Value declaring number of parallel threads. [Read more](https://github.com/azure/azops/wiki/performance-considerations) | `"Core.ThrottleLimit": 5` |
-| 32 | WhatifExcludedChangeTypes | Exclude specific change types from WhatIf operations | `"Core.WhatifExcludedChangeTypes": ["NoChange","Ignore"]` |
+| 04 | CustomTemplateResourceDeletion | Turn on or off deletion of custom ARM and Bicep template resources | `"Core.CustomTemplateResourceDeletion": true` |
+| 05 | CustomJqTemplatePath | Folder where custom Jq templates are located. | `"Core.CustomJqTemplatePath": ".customtemplates"` |
+| 06 | SkipCustomJqTemplate | Do not use custom Jq templates, controls if AzOps looks for custom templates at `CustomJqTemplatePath`. [Read more](https://github.com/azure/azops/wiki/custom-jq-templates) | `"Core.SkipCustomJqTemplate": true` |
+| 07 | DefaultDeploymentRegion | Default region for deployments | `"Core.DefaultDeploymentRegion": "northeurope"` |
+| 08 | EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName | Default enrollment account for Subscription creation | `"Core.EnrollmentAccountPrincipalName": ""` |
+| 09 | ExcludedSubOffer | Exclude specific Subscription offer types from pull | `"Core.ExcludedSubOffer": ["AzurePass_2014-09-01","FreeTrial_2014-09-01","AAD_2015-09-01"]` |
+| 10 | ExcludedSubState | Exclude specific states of Subscription from pull | `"Core.ExcludedSubState": ["Disabled","Deleted","Warned","Expired"]` |
+| 11 | IgnoreContextCheck | Skip Azure PowerShell context validation. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.IgnoreContextCheck": false` |
+| 12 | IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup | Discover only resources in these resource groups | `"Core.IncludeResourcesInResourceGroup": ["rg1","rg2"]` |
+| 13 | IncludeResourceType | Discover only specific resource types [Resource Types](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types) (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) | `"Core.IncludeResourceType": ["Microsoft.Network/privateDnsZones","Microsoft.Network/firewallPolicies"]` |
+| 14 | InvalidateCache | Invalidate cached Subscriptions and Management Groups and do a full discovery. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.InvalidateCache": false` |
+| 15 | OfferType | Default offer type for Subscription creation | `"Core.OfferType": "MS-AZR-0017P"` |
+| 16 | PartialMgDiscoveryRoot | Generate folder hierachy for specific Management Groups IDs | `"Core.PartialMgDiscoveryRoot": []` |
+| 17 | SkipPim | Do not include Privileged Identity Management resources in pull | `"Core.SkipPim": true` |
+| 18 | SkipLock | Do not include ResourceLock resources in pull | `"Core.SkipLock": true` |
+| 19 | SkipPolicy | Do not include Azure Policy state in pull | `"Core.SkipPolicy": false` |
+| 20 | SkipResource | Do not include Resources within Resource Groups | `"Core.SkipResource": false` |
+| 21 | SkipChildResource | Do not include Azure child resources | `"Core.SkipChildResource": false` |
+| 22 | SkipResourceGroup | Do not include Resource Groups in pull | `"Core.SkipResourceGroup": false` |
+| 23 | SkipResourceType | Skip specific [Resource Types](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/management/resource-providers-and-types) (only targets Resource Group scoped resources) | `"Core.SkipResourceType": ["Microsoft.VSOnline/plans"]` |
+| 24 | SkipRole | Do not include Role types in pull | `"Core.SkipRole": false` |
+| 25 | State | Folder to store AzOpsState artefact, defaults to `root` | `"Core.State: "/root"` |
+| 26 | SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups | Filter which Subscription IDs should include Resource Groups in pull [Logic Updated in v2.0.0](https://github.com/Azure/AzOps/releases/tag/2.0.0) | `"Core.SubscriptionsToIncludeResourceGroups": ["*"]` |
+| 27 | TemplateParameterFileSuffix | Default template file suffix. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.TemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".json"` |
+| 28 | AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control multiple parameter file behaviour. *Not recommended to change* | `"Core.AllowMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
+| 29 | DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control base template deployment behaviour with changes and un-changed multiple corresponding parameter files. | `"Core.DeployAllMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
+| 30 | MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix | Multiple parameter file suffix identifier. *Example mytemplate.x1.bicepparam* | `"Core.MultipleTemplateParameterFileSuffix": ".x"` |
+| 31 | ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles | Control parallel deployment of MultipleTemplateParameterFiles behaviour | `"Core.ParallelDeployMultipleTemplateParameterFiles": false` |
+| 32 | ThrottleLimit | Value declaring number of parallel threads. [Read more](https://github.com/azure/azops/wiki/performance-considerations) | `"Core.ThrottleLimit": 5` |
+| 33 | WhatifExcludedChangeTypes | Exclude specific change types from WhatIf operations | `"Core.WhatifExcludedChangeTypes": ["NoChange","Ignore"]` |
## Workflow / Pipeline Settings