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👈 Back to Azure Managed Applications labs

Lab 1 - Publishing an Azure Managed Application Offer in Partner Center

In this lab you will configure and publish an Azure Application offer in the Azure Marketplace. To do this, you must have an account in Partner Center, the portal for marketplace publishers. You must also have an Azure account where you can create resources.

Exercise 1 - Create the offer

In this exercise you will create an Azure application offer.

  1. Log in to Partner Center.
  2. Go to the Marketplace offers page.
  3. Select the New offer dropdown and choose Azure application for the type of offer you will create.
  4. You will be prompted for an Offer ID and Offer alias. Use the following values.
    1. Offer ID: ama-workshop-01
    2. Offer alias: AMA Workshop 1
    3. Click the Create button. Your new offer is created and you are redirected to the Offer setup page.

You now have an offer to work with. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 2 - Offer setup

In this exercise you will set up a leads management section and connect it to a CRM.

Navigate the to Offer setup page via the left hand navigation.

CRM leads - Part 1

In this section you will fill our the Offer setup portion of your offer. You will connect your offer to a CRM so you collect leads of people using your solution, or interested in it.

  1. Navigate to the Offer setup page via the left hand navigation.
  2. Scroll down to the Customer leads section.
  3. Click the Connect link.
  4. Click the Lead destination dropdown and note you may integrate your lead collection with several types of CRMs. In this exercise you will connect to an Azure table, so select that option from the dropdown.

You must create the Azure table storage account in the Azure portal to connect to for lead management.

Create the Data storage account in the Azure Portal

In this section you will create an Azure Data Storage account using the Azure portal.

  1. Log in to the Azure portal.
  2. Click + Create a resource in the left-most side menu. The Create a resource page appears.
  3. In the search box, type Storage account.
  4. Select Storage account from the resulting dropdown.
  5. On the Storage account page, click the Create button. You should now be on the Create a storage account page.
  6. Under the Project details section, select Create new for your resource group.
  7. Create a new Resource group named ama-workshop-leads.
  8. For storage account name, type in a string that will be unique across azure. Try something like amaworshopleads002, where 002 is a random number between 001 and 999.
  9. For the Region select a region near you.
  10. Under Redundancy, select Locally-redundant storage (LRS). This is the least expensive storage account type.
  11. Select the Review at the bottom of the page. You are taken to the final review page. If there are no errors, press the Create button at the bottom of the page.

CRM leads - Part 2

In this section you will finish configuring leads management by connecting it to the new Data Storage account you just created.

  1. In the Azure portal, navigate to the Data Storage account you just created.
  2. In the left hand menu under Security + networking select Access keys.
  3. Near the top of the Access keys screen, click the Show keys link. This makes the hidden keys visible.
  4. Under key 1 copy the Connection string into your clipboard.
  5. Return to the Partner Center browser tab and paste the connection string in the Storage account connection string text box.
  6. Click the Validate link. You should see a positive confirmation that the connection string worked.
  7. Click the Connect button.
  8. Click the Save draft button at the bottom of the page.

You have completed the Offer setup screen. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 3 - Properties

In this exercise you will fill out the Properties section of your offer.

Navigate the to Properties page via the left hand navigation.


You must select a category for your Managed App. You want your app to show up in the Azure Marketplace, so you will select a category that will ensure it will appear there.

  1. Click the Categories link.
  2. Under the Primary category dropdown, select Developer tools.
  3. Under the Subcategory dropdown, select Developer Service.

You have selected a category for your application. Note you could select one more, but that's not needed for this lab.


  1. In the Legal section select the checkbox next to "Use the Standard Contract for Microsoft’s commercial marketplace?".
  2. A dialog box appears. Click the Accept button.
  3. Click the Save draft button at the bottom of the page.

You have completed the Properties screen. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 4 - Offer listing

In this exercise, you fill out the Offer listing page.

  1. In the left-hand menu, select Offer listing. You are taken to the Offer listing page.
  2. In the Search results summary textbox, enter "AMA Workshop 1 search results summary".
  3. In the Short description text area, enter "AMA Workshop 1 short description".
  4. In the Description text area, enter "AMA Workshop 1 description".
  5. In the Search keywords section, you may enter up to 3 keywords.
  6. For the Privacy policy link textbox, you may use Microsoft's privacy policy for this workshop. Enter "". This is for lab purposes. Do not use Microsoft's privacy policy on real offers.
  7. Scroll down to the Support contact section and enter the required information. For the field Support website for Azure Global customers, enter the link Again, this is for lab purposes only, not to be used in a live offer. This would be a link to a page on your own site.
  8. Scroll down to the Engineering contact information section.
  9. Enter the required information.
  10. Scroll down to the Marketplace media > Logos section.

Here you will need to upload two logos that must be of the exact right size. Examples are provided for you in this directory. Upload these images. If you have cloned this repository they will already be on your local drive.

  1. Upload the two images.
  2. For the screenshot, click the Add image caption link. Enter whatever you like for a caption.
  3. Click the OK button.
  4. Click the Save draft button at the bottom of the page.

You have completed the Offer listing screen. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 5 - Preview audience

In this exercise, you will add your subscription id to the list of subscriptions that may access this offer before it is live. This is to provide access to your test team and anyone else who would like to preview the offer before it goes live. In this case, you will enter the subscription ID you are using in this workshop.

  1. In the Azure portal, find your subscription ID. If you aren't sure how to do this take the following steps.
    1. In the Azure portal, in the search box at the top of the screen, enter the word, "Subscriptions."
    2. Select the Subscriptions icon in the dropdown.
    3. On the Subscriptions page, click the link to the subscription you are using.
    4. On the Subscription page, copy the Subscription ID into your clipboard.
  2. In the Partner Center portal, Preview audience page, enter your subscription ID.
  3. Provide a brief description for this subscription.

You have completed the Preview audience screen. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 6 - Resell through CSPs

In this exercise, you will indicate that your solution will not be re-sold by Cloud Solution Providers.

  1. From the list of radio buttons, select No partners in the CSP program.
  2. Click the Save draft button at the bottom of the page.

You have completed the Resell through CSPs screen. Proceed to the next exercise.

Exercise 6 - Adding plans

Every offer must include at least one plan. In this exercise, you will add two plans to your offer.

Creating a plan

  1. In the left-hand menu, select Plan overview.
  2. At the top of the page, click Create new plan.
  3. Enter a Plan ID of "silver-plan".
  4. For Plan name enter "Silver".
  5. Click the Create button.

Plan setup

  1. On the Plan setup page, under the Plan type section, select the dropdown item, Managed application.
  2. Click the Save Draft button at the bottom of the screen.

Plan listing

  1. Click the Plan listing menu item on the left.
  2. For Plan summary, enter "Silver plan summary".
  3. For the Plan description, enter "Silver plan description".
  4. Click the Save Draft button at the bottom of the screen.

Pricing and availability

  1. Click the Pricing and availability menu item on the left.
  2. In the Markets section, click the Edit markets link. you must select at least one market in which your plan will be available for purchase. Most users will select "United States."
  3. Select a market.
  4. Click the Save button.

⚠️ In the Pricing section you will enter prices of $0 because you don't want this workshop to cost you money when you buy your offer later.

  • For Price, enter 0.

In this section, we are going to have you do something that will be explained later in the day. It needs to be done upon plan creation, so you will do it now.

  1. Under the Marketplace Metering Service dimensions section, click Add a Custom Meter Dimension.
    1. The Enabled checkbox is selected.
    2. For ID, enter "scan-1-page".
    3. For Display name, enter "Scan a page".
    4. For Unit of measure, enter "Scanned page".
    5. For Price Per unit, enter 0.0
    6. For Monthly included in price, enter 1000.
  2. Click Add another Dimension.
    1. The Enabled checkbox is selected.
    2. For ID, enter "write-to-emr".
    3. For Display name, enter "EMR Write".
    4. For Unit of measure, enter "EMR Write".
    5. For Price Per unit, enter 0.0
    6. For Monthly included in price, enter 500.

Your dimensions should look like this.

Enabled ID Display Name Unit of Measure Price per unit in USD Monthly quantity included in base
Checked scan-1-page Scan a page Scanned page 0.0 1000
Checked write-to-emr EMR Write EMR Write 0.0 500

Click the Save Draft button at the bottom of the screen.

Technical configuration

In this section, you specify details about your plan needed to create the application at deployment time.

  1. Under Package details, enter "0.0.1" for version.
  2. For Package file (.zip) you will upload a ZIP file containing the deployment package needed. You may drag an drop or click to brose to the ZIP file.
    1. There is a file in the lab-1-partner-center\assets assets folder named Upload it.
  3. Navigate to the Public Azure section near the bottom of the screen.
    1. For the Microsoft Entra tenant ID section, enter your Tenant ID from the Azure portal. If you aren't sure how to find your Tenant ID, click here and then come back to this section when you are done.
    2. For the Authorizations section, under Principal ID, enter the ID of your own account from the Azure portal. If you aren't sure how to find your account ID, click here and come back to this section when you are done.
    3. For Role definition, select Owner.
  4. Click the Save draft button at the bottom of the screen.

Check your offer

  1. At the bottom of the screen, click the Review and publish button.
  2. All circles to the right should be green with a check box in them. If any are grey, fix that section and come back to Review and publish changes.

🛑 DO NOT publish your offer yet. It still needs more configuration, which you'll do in a future lab.


Congratulations, you have completed Lab 1, the longest lab in the workshop. Other labs will build upon what you have done here in this lab.

👈 Back to Azure Managed Applications labs


Finding your Tenant ID

  1. Open the Azure portal.
  2. In the search box at the top of the page, type Tenant.
  3. Select Tenant properties from the drop down menu.
  4. Find the Tenant ID field and copy it to your clipboard.

Finding your user account ID

  1. Open the Azure portal.
  2. In the search box at the top of the page, type Users.
  3. Select Users from the dropdown menu.
  4. Search for your user account and click on it.
  5. Find the Object ID and copy it to your clipboard.