diff --git a/examples/HCV_ad_e1_type4_rev.xml b/examples/HCV_ad_e1_type4_rev.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65a2e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HCV_ad_e1_type4_rev.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
diff --git a/examples/HCV_oup_40steps.xml b/examples/HCV_oup_40steps.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36f948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HCV_oup_40steps.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
diff --git a/examples/HCV_oup_bdsky.R b/examples/HCV_oup_bdsky.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1f30ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/HCV_oup_bdsky.R
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+# This script plots OU-BDSKY plot
+# origin_post is a posterior vector of origins
+# r0 is a data table of posterior samples of r0 vectors, one row per sample
+# time_grid is a vector of times to evaluate the skyline at
+bdsky_post <- function(origin_post, r0, time_grid) {
+ r0_time_gridded <- list()
+ n <- ncol(r0)
+ for (s in 1:length(origin_post)) {
+ origin <- origin_post[s]
+ r0_vec <- r0[s,]
+ ind <- pmax(1,n - floor(time_grid / origin * n))
+ r0_time_gridded[[s]] <- r0_vec[ind]
+ }
+ return (r0_time_gridded)
+lf <- read.table("HCV_oup_40_1447852063188.log", sep="\t", header=T)
+origin_post <- lf$orig_root
+r0_subset <- lf[grepl("R0", names(lf))]
+time_grid <- 1:400
+bdskypost <- bdsky_post(origin_post, r0_subset, time_grid)
+plot(time_grid,bdskypost[[950]],type='S', xlab="Time (years before present)", ylab="R0",col=rgb(0,0,1,0.1))
+for (s in 20:200*50) {
+ lines(time_grid, bdskypost[[s]], type='S',col=rgb(0,0,1,0.1))
diff --git a/examples/testOUPrior.xml b/examples/testOUPrior.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a11a111
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/testOUPrior.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
diff --git a/lib/jchart2d-3.2.2.jar b/lib/jchart2d-3.2.2.jar
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..698ff25
Binary files /dev/null and b/lib/jchart2d-3.2.2.jar differ
diff --git a/src/bdsky/BDSSkylineSegment.java b/src/bdsky/BDSSkylineSegment.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..209c340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/BDSSkylineSegment.java
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+package bdsky;
+ * A piecewise constant segment of a skyline.
+ */
+public class BDSSkylineSegment extends SkylineSegment {
+ public BDSSkylineSegment(double lambda, double mu, double psi, double r, double t1, double t2) {
+ super(t1, t2, new double[]{lambda, mu, psi, r});
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the birth rate per unit time.
+ */
+ public double lambda() { return value[0]; };
+ /**
+ * @return the death rate per unit time.
+ */
+ public double mu() { return value[1]; };
+ /**
+ * @return the sampling rate per unit time.
+ */
+ public double psi() { return value[2]; };
+ /**
+ * @return the removal probability, i.e. the probability that sampling causes recovery/removal/death.
+ */
+ public double r() { return value[3]; };
+ // TODO fold rho sampling events into the Skyline
+ // public boolean hasRho();
diff --git a/src/bdsky/MultiSkyline.java b/src/bdsky/MultiSkyline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23ab6c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/MultiSkyline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+package bdsky;
+import beast.core.CalculationNode;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A multiskyline made up of simple skylines.
+ * This skyline will have a number of segments equal to the union of the number of unique boundaries in the daughter skylines.
+ */
+public class MultiSkyline extends CalculationNode implements Skyline {
+ public Input> skylineInput = new Input<>("skyline", "the simple skylines making up this multiple skyline", new ArrayList<>());
+ public MultiSkyline(SimpleSkyline... skyline) {
+ try {
+ initByName("skyline", Arrays.asList(skyline));
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ throw new RuntimeException(e);
+ }
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void initAndValidate() throws Exception {}
+ @Override
+ public List getSegments() {
+ List skylines = skylineInput.get();
+ List boundaries = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < skylines.size(); i++) {
+ Skyline skyline = skylines.get(i);
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments();
+ for (int j = 0; j < segments.size(); j++) {
+ boundaries.add(new Boundary2(j, segments.get(j).t1, skyline, i));
+ }
+ }
+ Collections.sort(boundaries, (o1, o2) -> Double.compare(o1.time, o2.time));
+ System.out.println(boundaries);
+ int[] index = new int[skylines.size()];
+ List segments = new ArrayList<>();
+ System.out.println("Boundaries.size = " + boundaries.size());
+ int i = 0;
+ double start = boundaries.get(0).time;
+ while (i < boundaries.size()) {
+ int j = i + 1;
+ double end = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
+ if (j != boundaries.size()) {
+ Boundary2 boundary = boundaries.get(j);
+ end = boundary.time;
+ while (j < boundaries.size() && end == start) {
+ j += 1;
+ if (j == boundaries.size()) {
+ } else {
+ end = boundaries.get(j).time;
+ }
+ }
+ System.out.println("next end = " + boundaries.get(j));
+ }
+ double[] value = new double[index.length];
+ for (int k = 0; k < index.length; k++) {
+ int ind = index[k];
+ value[k] = skylines.get(k).getValues().get(ind)[0];
+ }
+ SkylineSegment segment = new SkylineSegment(start, end, value);
+ segments.add(segment);
+ System.out.println("Added segment: " + segment);
+ if (j != boundaries.size()) {
+ index[boundaries.get(j).skylineIndex] += 1;
+ System.out.println("incremented index for skyline " + boundaries.get(j).skylineIndex);
+ }
+ i = j;
+ start = end;
+ }
+ return segments;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getDimension() {
+ int dim = 0;
+ for (SimpleSkyline skyline : skylineInput.get()) {
+ dim += skyline.getDimension();
+ }
+ return dim;
+ }
+ class Boundary2 {
+ // the index
+ int index;
+ // time of the boundary
+ double time;
+ // the skyline the boundary is in
+ Skyline skyline;
+ int skylineIndex;
+ Boundary2(int index, double time, Skyline skyline, int skylineIndex) {
+ this.index = index;
+ this.time = time;
+ this.skyline = skyline;
+ this.skylineIndex = skylineIndex;
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "skyline[" + skylineIndex + "].time(" + index + ")=" + time;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/bdsky/SimpleSkyline.java b/src/bdsky/SimpleSkyline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d204a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/SimpleSkyline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+package bdsky;
+import bdsky.Skyline;
+import bdsky.SkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.CalculationNode;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A skyline function for a parameter
+ */
+public class SimpleSkyline extends CalculationNode implements Skyline {
+ // the interval times for the skyline function (e.g. "0 1 2 3")
+ public Input timesInput =
+ new Input("times", "The times t_i specifying when the parameter changes occur. " +
+ "Times must be in ascending order.", (RealParameter) null);
+ // the parameter values, must have the same length as times vector
+ // (e.g. "-1 3 4 -1.5", means -1 between [0,1), 3 between [1,2), ..., -1.5 between [3,infinity))
+ public Input parameterInput =
+ new Input("parameter",
+ "The parameter values specifying the value for each piecewise constant segment of the skyline function. " +
+ "The first value is between t_0 and t_1, the last value is between t_n and infinity. " +
+ "Should be the same length as time vector", (RealParameter) null);
+ @Override
+ public void initAndValidate() throws Exception {
+ Double[] times = getTimes();
+ double smallest = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ for (Double time : times) {
+ if (time < smallest) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Times must be in ascending order!");
+ }
+ smallest = time;
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return the times for this skyline function
+ */
+ public Double[] getTimes() {
+ return timesInput.get().getValues();
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ * @return the values for this skyline function
+ */
+ public List getValues() {
+ List values = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (double val : parameterInput.get().getValues()) {
+ values.add(new double[] {val});
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ private Double[] rawValues() {
+ return parameterInput.get().getValues();
+ }
+ public double[] getValue(double time) {
+ Double[] times = getTimes();
+ if (time < times[0]) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Time is smaller than smallest time in skyline function!");
+ }
+ int index = Arrays.binarySearch(times,time);
+ Double[] values = rawValues();
+ if (index < 0) {
+ //returns (-(insertion point) - 1)
+ int insertionPoint = -(index+1);
+ return new double[] {values[insertionPoint-1]};
+ } else {
+ return new double[] {values[index]};
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param time1
+ * @param time2
+ * @return the segments of the skyline plot between the two times.
+ */
+ public List getSegments(double time1, double time2) {
+ Double[] times = getTimes();
+ if (time1 < times[0] || time2 < times[0]) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Time is smaller than smallest time in skyline function!");
+ }
+ if (time1 > time2 || time1 == time2) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("time1 must be smaller than time2!");
+ }
+ List segments = new ArrayList<>();
+ int index1 = Arrays.binarySearch(times, time1);
+ int index2 = Arrays.binarySearch(times, time2);
+ Double[] rawValues = rawValues();
+ // same insertion point
+ if (index1 == index2) {
+ int insertionPoint = -(index1 + 1);
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(time1, time2, rawValues[insertionPoint-1]));
+ return segments;
+ }
+ // not same insertion points
+ if (index1 < 0) {
+ int insertionPoint = -(index1 + 1);
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(time1,times[insertionPoint], rawValues[insertionPoint-1]));
+ index1 = insertionPoint;
+ if (index1 == index2) return segments;
+ } else {
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(times[index1],times[index1+1], rawValues[index1]));
+ index1 += 1;
+ if (index1 == index2) return segments;
+ }
+ if (index2 < 0) {
+ int insertionPoint = -(index2 + 1);
+ for (int i = index1; i < insertionPoint-1; i++ ) {
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(times[i],times[i+1], rawValues[i]));
+ }
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(times[insertionPoint-1],time2, rawValues[insertionPoint-1]));
+ return segments;
+ } else {
+ for (int i = index1; i < index2; i++ ) {
+ segments.add(new SkylineSegment(times[i],times[i+1], rawValues[i]));
+ }
+ }
+ return segments;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List getSegments() {
+ return getSegments(0, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int getDimension() {
+ return 1;
+ }
diff --git a/src/bdsky/Skyline.java b/src/bdsky/Skyline.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b85435b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/Skyline.java
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+package bdsky;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A multivariate skyline interface
+ */
+public interface Skyline {
+ /**
+ * @return a list of segments in increasing time order.
+ */
+ List getSegments();
+ /**
+ * @param time the time of interest
+ * @return the value of this skyline at the given time
+ */
+ default double[] getValue(double time) {
+ Double[] times = getTimes();
+ if (time < times[0]) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Time is smaller than smallest time in skyline function!");
+ }
+ int index = Arrays.binarySearch(times,time);
+ List values = getValues();
+ if (index < 0) {
+ //returns (-(insertion point) - 1)
+ int insertionPoint = -(index+1);
+ return values.get(insertionPoint-1);
+ } else {
+ return values.get(index);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the start times of the segments in index order.
+ */
+ default Double[] getTimes() {
+ List segments = getSegments();
+ Double[] times = new Double[segments.size()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
+ times[i] = segments.get(i).t1;
+ }
+ if (segments.get(segments.size()-1).t2 < Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Last segment should extend to positive infinity!");
+ }
+ return times;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the values of the segments in index order.
+ */
+ default List getValues() {
+ List segments = getSegments();
+ List values = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < segments.size(); i++) {
+ values.add(segments.get(i).value);
+ }
+ return values;
+ }
+ /**
+ * This is not the number of segments, but the dimension of each segment.
+ * @return the dimension of the parameter in this skyline.
+ */
+ int getDimension();
diff --git a/src/bdsky/SkylinePlot.java b/src/bdsky/SkylinePlot.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..768a480
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/SkylinePlot.java
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+package bdsky;
+import java.awt.*;
+import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
+import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+import javax.swing.JFrame;
+import beast.core.BEASTObject;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.Chart2D;
+import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.ITrace2D;
+import info.monitorenter.gui.chart.traces.Trace2DSimple;
+public class SkylinePlot {
+ private SkylinePlot() {
+ super();
+ }
+ public static void addTrace(Skyline skyline, Chart2D chart, Color color) {
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments();
+ int size = segments.get(0).value.length;
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ ITrace2D trace = new Trace2DSimple();
+ // Add the trace to the chart. This has to be done before adding points (deadlock prevention):
+ chart.addTrace(trace);
+ trace.setColor(color);
+ for (SkylineSegment segment : segments) {
+ trace.addPoint(segment.t1, segment.value[0]);
+ if (segment.t2 != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
+ trace.addPoint(segment.t2, segment.value[0]);
+ } else {
+ double extra = 1.0;
+ if (segments.size() > 1) {
+ extra = (segment.t1 - trace.getMinX()) / (segments.size() - 1);
+ }
+ trace.addPoint(segment.t1 + extra, segment.value[0]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3 4"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("0.5 0.0 3 2 5.5"));
+ skyline.setID("skyline1");
+ SimpleSkyline skyline2 = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline2.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4"));
+ skyline2.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("1.5 3.2 0.2 5 2.5"));
+ skyline2.setID("skyline2");
+ // Create a chart:
+ Chart2D chart = new Chart2D();
+ // Create an ITrace:
+ addTrace(skyline, chart, Color.red);
+ addTrace(skyline2, chart, Color.blue);
+ // Add all points, as it is static:
+ // Make it visible:
+ // Create a frame.
+ JFrame frame = new JFrame("SkylinePlot");
+ // add the chart to the frame:
+ frame.getContentPane().add(chart);
+ frame.setSize(800, 600);
+ // Enable the termination button [cross on the upper right edge]:
+ frame.addWindowListener(
+ new WindowAdapter() {
+ public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ frame.setVisible(true);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/bdsky/SkylineSegment.java b/src/bdsky/SkylineSegment.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..afc9343
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bdsky/SkylineSegment.java
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+package bdsky;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+ * A piecewise constant segment of a skyline.
+ */
+public class SkylineSegment {
+ // the start time of this segment
+ public double t1;
+ // the end time of this segment
+ public double t2;
+ // the parameter values
+ public double[] value;
+ SkylineSegment next, prev = null;
+ public SkylineSegment(double start, double end, double value) {
+ this.t1 = start;
+ this.t2 = end;
+ this.value = new double[] {value};
+ }
+ public SkylineSegment(double start, double end, double[] value) {
+ this.t1 = start;
+ this.t2 = end;
+ this.value = value;
+ }
+ void setNextSegment(SkylineSegment next) {
+ if (next.t1 == t2) {
+ this.next = next;
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("next.t1 must equal this.t2!");
+ }
+ if (next.prev != this) {
+ next.setPreviousSegment(this);
+ }
+ }
+ void setPreviousSegment(SkylineSegment prev) {
+ if (prev.t2 == t1) {
+ this.prev = prev;
+ } else {
+ throw new RuntimeException("prev.t2 must equal this.t1!");
+ }
+ if (prev.next != this) {
+ prev.setNextSegment(this);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the start time of the segment.
+ */
+ public final double start() { return t1; }
+ /**
+ * @return the end time of the segment.
+ */
+ public final double end() { return t2; }
+ public String toString() {
+ return "segment(" + t1 + "," + t2 + ") = " + Arrays.toString(value);
+ }
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BDSParameterization.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BDSParameterization.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..68c702f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BDSParameterization.java
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+package beast.evolution.speciation;
+import bdsky.BDSSkylineSegment;
+import bdsky.MultiSkyline;
+import bdsky.Skyline;
+import bdsky.SkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.CalculationNode;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+ * A parameterization of the birth-death skyline model
+ */
+public abstract class BDSParameterization extends CalculationNode {
+ MultiSkyline multiSkyline;
+ public Input origin =
+ new Input("origin", "The time from origin to last sample (must be larger than tree height)", Input.Validate.REQUIRED);
+ public final void setMultiSkyline(MultiSkyline multiSkyline) {
+ this.multiSkyline = multiSkyline;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the canonical segments for this skyline model.
+ */
+ public final List canonicalSegments(){
+ List canonical = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (SkylineSegment seg : multiSkyline.getSegments()) {
+ canonical.add(toCanonicalSegment(seg));
+ }
+ return canonical;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the number of segments in this parameterization.
+ */
+ public final int size() {
+ return multiSkyline.getSegments().size();
+ }
+ public final void populateCanonical(Double[] birth, Double[] death, Double[] psi, Double[] r, Double[] times) {
+ int size = size();
+ if (birth.length != size || death.length != size || psi.length != size || r.length != size) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("array size unexpected!");
+ }
+ List canonicalSegments = canonicalSegments();
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ BDSSkylineSegment seg = canonicalSegments.get(i);
+ birth[i] = seg.lambda();
+ death[i] = seg.mu();
+ psi[i] = seg.psi();
+ r[i] = seg.r();
+ times[i] = seg.start();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return the time of the origin of the process before the present.
+ */
+ public double origin() {
+ return origin.get().getValue();
+ }
+ /**
+ * @return true if any segments have a removalProbability < 1
+ */
+ public final boolean isSampledAncestorModel() {
+ for (BDSSkylineSegment seg : canonicalSegments()) {
+ if (seg.r() < 1.0) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public abstract BDSSkylineSegment toCanonicalSegment(SkylineSegment segment);
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BirthDeathSkylineModel.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BirthDeathSkylineModel.java
index 34c2aa1..9359f7b 100644
--- a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BirthDeathSkylineModel.java
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/BirthDeathSkylineModel.java
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"to allow for birth and death rates to change at times t_i")
@Citation("Stadler, T., Kuehnert, D., Bonhoeffer, S., and Drummond, A. J. (2013):\n Birth-death skyline " +
"plot reveals temporal changes of\n epidemic spread in HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV). PNAS 110(1): 228–33.\n" +
- "If sampled ancestors are used then please also site: Gavryushkina A, Welch D, Stadler T, Drummond AJ (2014) \n" +
+ "If sampled ancestors are used then please also cite: Gavryushkina A, Welch D, Stadler T, Drummond AJ (2014) \n" +
"Bayesian inference of sampled ancestor trees for epidemiology and fossil calibration. \n" +
"PLoS Comput Biol 10(12): e1003919. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003919")
public class BirthDeathSkylineModel extends SpeciesTreeDistribution {
@@ -988,4 +988,4 @@ public Boolean isSeasonalBDSIR() {
public int getSIRdimension() {
throw new RuntimeException("This is not an SIR");
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/CanonicalParameterization.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/CanonicalParameterization.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e3a20ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/CanonicalParameterization.java
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+package beast.evolution.speciation;
+import bdsky.BDSSkylineSegment;
+import bdsky.MultiSkyline;
+import bdsky.SimpleSkyline;
+import bdsky.SkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+ * Created by alexeid on 7/12/15.
+ */
+public class CanonicalParameterization extends BDSParameterization {
+ public Input birthRate =
+ new Input<>("birthRate", "BirthRate = BirthRateVector * birthRateScalar, birthrate can change over time");
+ public Input deathRate =
+ new Input<>("deathRate", "The deathRate vector with birthRates between times");
+ public Input samplingRate =
+ new Input<>("samplingRate", "The sampling rate per individual"); // psi
+ public Input removalProbability =
+ new Input<>("removalProbability", "The probability of an individual to become noninfectious immediately after the sampling");
+ @Override
+ public void initAndValidate() throws Exception {
+ MultiSkyline multiSkyline = new MultiSkyline(
+ birthRate.get(),
+ deathRate.get(),
+ samplingRate.get(),
+ removalProbability.get()
+ );
+ setMultiSkyline(multiSkyline);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BDSSkylineSegment toCanonicalSegment(SkylineSegment segment) {
+ double birth = segment.value[0]; // lambda = birth rate
+ double death = segment.value[1]; // mu = death rate
+ double psi = segment.value[2]; // psi = sampling rate
+ double r = segment.value[3]; // removal probability
+ return new BDSSkylineSegment(birth, death, psi, r, segment.t1, segment.t2);
+ }
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/OUPrior.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/OUPrior.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b9916f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/OUPrior.java
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+package beast.evolution.speciation;
+import beast.core.Distribution;
+import beast.core.Function;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import beast.core.State;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import beast.math.distributions.ParametricDistribution;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Random;
+ * @author Alexei Drummond.
+ */
+public class OUPrior extends Distribution {
+ // the trajectory to compute Ornstein-Uhlenbeck prior of
+ public Input xInput =
+ new Input<>("x", "The x_i values", (Function) null);
+ // the times associated with the x_i values
+ public Input timeInput =
+ new Input<>("times", "The times t_i specifying when x changes", (Function) null);
+ // mean
+ public Input meanInput =
+ new Input("mean", "The mean of the equilibrium distribution", (RealParameter) null);
+ // sigma
+ public Input sigmaInput =
+ new Input("sigma", "The standard deviation parameter of the equilibrium distribution", (RealParameter) null);
+ // nu
+ public Input nuInput =
+ new Input("nu", "The reversion parameter of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck mean reversion process", (RealParameter) null);
+ public Input x0PriorInput =
+ new Input<>("x0Prior", "The prior to use on x0, or null if none.", (ParametricDistribution) null);
+ public Input logSpace = new Input<>("logspace", "true if prior should be applied to log(x).", false);
+ public double calculateLogP() throws Exception {
+ double mu = meanInput.get().getValue();
+ double sigma = sigmaInput.get().getValue();
+ double sigsq = sigma * sigma;
+ double nu = nuInput.get().getValue();
+ ParametricDistribution x0Prior = x0PriorInput.get();
+ double[] t = timeInput.get().getDoubleValues();
+ double[] x = xInput.get().getDoubleValues();
+ boolean logspace = logSpace.get();
+ if (logspace) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
+ x[i] = Math.log(x[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ int n = x.length - 1;
+ double logL = -n/2.0 * Math.log(sigsq / (2.0*nu));
+ for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ double relterm = 1.0-Math.exp(-2.0*nu*(t[i]-t[i-1]));
+ logL -= Math.log(relterm)/2.0;
+ double term = x[i] - mu - (x[i-1]-mu) * Math.exp(-nu*(t[i]-t[i-1]));
+ logL -= nu / sigsq * (term*term / relterm);
+ }
+ if (x0Prior != null) logL += x0Prior.calcLogP(new Function() {
+ @Override
+ public int getDimension() {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public double getArrayValue() {
+ return x[0];
+ }
+ @Override
+ public double getArrayValue(int iDim) {
+ return x[0];
+ }
+ });
+ logP = logL;
+ return logP;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List getArguments() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public List getConditions() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public void sample(State state, Random random) {
+ }
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/ParameterizedBirthDeathSkylineModel.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/ParameterizedBirthDeathSkylineModel.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebd066f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/ParameterizedBirthDeathSkylineModel.java
@@ -0,0 +1,779 @@
+package beast.evolution.speciation;
+import bdsky.BDSSkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.Citation;
+import beast.core.Description;
+import beast.core.Input;
+import beast.core.parameter.BooleanParameter;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import beast.evolution.alignment.Taxon;
+import beast.evolution.tree.Tree;
+import beast.evolution.tree.TreeInterface;
+import java.util.*;
+ * @author Alexei Drummond
+ * @author Denise Kuehnert
+ * @author Alexandra Gavryushkina
+ *
+ * maths: Tanja Stadler, sampled ancestor extension Alexandra Gavryushkina
+ */
+@Description("BirthDeathSkylineModel with generalized parameterizations")
+@Citation("Stadler, T., Kuehnert, D., Bonhoeffer, S., and Drummond, A. J. (2013):\n Birth-death skyline " +
+ "plot reveals temporal changes of\n epidemic spread in HIV and hepatitis C virus (HCV). PNAS 110(1): 228–33.\n" +
+ "If sampled ancestors are used then please also cite: Gavryushkina A, Welch D, Stadler T, Drummond AJ (2014) \n" +
+ "Bayesian inference of sampled ancestor trees for epidemiology and fossil calibration. \n" +
+ "PLoS Comput Biol 10(12): e1003919. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003919")
+public class ParameterizedBirthDeathSkylineModel extends SpeciesTreeDistribution {
+ public Input parameterizationInput = new Input<>("parameterization", "The parameterization to use.", Input.Validate.REQUIRED);
+ // the times for rho sampling
+ public Input rhoSamplingTimes =
+ new Input("rhoSamplingTimes", "The times t_i specifying when rho-sampling occurs", (RealParameter) null);
+ // the rho parameter, one for each rho sampling time
+ public Input rhoInput =
+ new Input("rho", "The proportion of lineages sampled at rho-sampling times (default 0.)");
+ public Input originIsRootEdge =
+ new Input<>("originIsRootEdge", "The origin is only the length of the root edge", false);
+ public Input contemp =
+ new Input("contemp", "Only contemporaneous sampling (i.e. all tips are from same sampling time, default false)", false);
+ public Input conditionOnSurvival =
+ new Input("conditionOnSurvival", "if is true then condition on sampling at least one individual (psi-sampling).", true);
+ public Input conditionOnRhoSampling =
+ new Input ("conditionOnRhoSampling","if is true then condition on sampling at least one individual at present.", false);
+ double t_root;
+ protected double[] p0, p0hat;
+ protected double[] Ai, Aihat;
+ protected double[] Bi, Bihat;
+ protected int[] N; // number of leaves sampled at each time t_i
+ // these four arrays are totalIntervals in length
+ protected Double[] birth;
+ Double[] death;
+ Double[] psi;
+ Double[] rho;
+ Double[] r;
+ // true if the node of the given index occurs at the time of a rho-sampling event
+ boolean[] isRhoTip;
+ /**
+ * The number of change points in the birth rate
+ */
+ protected int birthChanges;
+ /**
+ * The number of change points in the death rate
+ */
+ int deathChanges;
+ /**
+ * The number of change points in the sampling rate
+ */
+ int samplingChanges;
+ int rhoChanges;
+ /**
+ * The number of change point in the removal probability
+ */
+ int rChanges;
+ /**
+ * The number of times rho-sampling occurs
+ */
+ int rhoSamplingCount;
+ Boolean constantRho;
+ /**
+ * Total interval count
+ */
+ protected int totalIntervals;
+ protected List birthRateChangeTimes = new ArrayList();
+ protected List deathRateChangeTimes = new ArrayList();
+ protected List samplingRateChangeTimes = new ArrayList();
+ protected List rhoSamplingChangeTimes = new ArrayList();
+ protected List rChangeTimes = new ArrayList();
+ Boolean contempData;
+ //List intervals = new ArrayList();
+ SortedSet timesSet = new TreeSet();
+ protected Double[] times = new Double[]{0.};
+ protected Boolean transform;
+ Boolean m_forceRateChange;
+ Boolean birthRateTimesRelative = false;
+ Boolean deathRateTimesRelative = false;
+ Boolean samplingRateTimesRelative = false;
+ Boolean rTimesRelative = false;
+ Boolean[] reverseTimeArrays;
+ public boolean SAModel;
+ enum ConditionOn {NONE, SURVIVAL, RHO_SAMPLING};
+ protected ConditionOn conditionOn= ConditionOn.SURVIVAL;
+ public Boolean printTempResults;
+ @Override
+ public void initAndValidate() throws Exception {
+ super.initAndValidate();
+ if (!originIsRootEdge.get() && treeInput.get().getRoot().getHeight() >= origin())
+ throw new RuntimeException("Origin parameter ("+ origin() +" ) must be larger than tree height("+treeInput.get().getRoot().getHeight()+" ). Please change initial origin value!");
+ // check if this is a sampled ancestor model
+ if (parameterizationInput.get().isSampledAncestorModel()) SAModel = true;
+ birth = null;
+ death = null;
+ psi = null;
+ rho = null;
+ r = null;
+ birthRateChangeTimes.clear();
+ deathRateChangeTimes.clear();
+ samplingRateChangeTimes.clear();
+ if (SAModel) rChangeTimes.clear();
+ totalIntervals = 0;
+ contempData = contemp.get();
+ rhoSamplingCount = 0;
+ printTempResults = false;
+ //if (SAModel) rChanges = removalProbability.get().getDimension() -1;
+ if (rhoInput.get()!=null) {
+ rho = rhoInput.get().getValues();
+ rhoChanges = rhoInput.get().getDimension() - 1;
+ }
+ collectTimes();
+ if (rhoInput.get() != null) {
+ constantRho = !(rhoInput.get().getDimension() > 1);
+ if (rhoInput.get().getDimension() == 1 && rhoSamplingTimes.get()==null || rhoSamplingTimes.get().getDimension() < 2) {
+ // TODO figure this out!
+ //if (!contempData && ((samplingProportion.get() != null && samplingProportion.get().getDimension() == 1 && samplingProportion.get().getValue() == 0.) ||
+ // (samplingRate.get() != null && samplingRate.get().getDimension() == 1 && samplingRate.get().getValue() == 0.))) {
+ // contempData = true;
+ // if (printTempResults)
+ // System.out.println("Parameters were chosen for contemporaneously sampled data. Setting contemp=true.");
+ //}
+ }
+ if (contempData) {
+ if (rhoInput.get().getDimension() != 1)
+ throw new RuntimeException("when contemp=true, rho must have dimension 1");
+ else {
+ rho = new Double[totalIntervals];
+ Arrays.fill(rho, 0.);
+ rho[totalIntervals - 1] = rhoInput.get().getValue();
+ rhoSamplingCount = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ rho = new Double[totalIntervals];
+ Arrays.fill(rho, 0.);
+ }
+ isRhoTip = new boolean[treeInput.get().getLeafNodeCount()];
+ if (conditionOnSurvival.get()) {
+ conditionOn = ConditionOn.SURVIVAL;
+ if (conditionOnRhoSampling.get()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("conditionOnSurvival and conditionOnRhoSampling can not be both true at the same time." +
+ "Set one of them to true and another one to false.");
+ }
+ } else if (conditionOnRhoSampling.get()) {
+ if (!rhoSamplingConditionHolds()) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("Conditioning on rho-sampling is only available for sampled ancestor analyses where r " +
+ "is set to zero and all except the last rho are zero");
+ }
+ conditionOn = ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING;
+ } else {
+ conditionOn = ConditionOn.NONE;
+ }
+ printTempResults = false;
+ }
+ private double origin() {
+ return parameterizationInput.get().origin();
+ }
+ /**
+ * checks if r is zero, all elements of rho except the last one are
+ * zero and the last one is not zero
+ * @return
+ */
+ private boolean rhoSamplingConditionHolds() {
+ if (SAModel) {
+ for (BDSSkylineSegment segment : parameterizationInput.get().canonicalSegments()) {
+ if (segment.r() != 0.0) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ } else return false;
+ for (int i=0; i changeTimes, RealParameter intervalTimes, int numChanges, boolean relative,
+ boolean reverse) {
+ changeTimes.clear();
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("relative = " + relative);
+ double maxTime = originIsRootEdge.get()? treeInput.get().getRoot().getHeight() + origin() : origin();
+ if (intervalTimes == null) { //equidistant
+ double intervalWidth = maxTime / (numChanges + 1);
+ double end;
+ for (int i = 1; i <= numChanges; i++) {
+ end = (intervalWidth) * i;
+ changeTimes.add(end);
+ }
+ end = maxTime;
+ changeTimes.add(end);
+ } else {
+ int dim = intervalTimes.getDimension();
+ ArrayList sortedIntervalTimes = new ArrayList<>();
+ for (int i=0; i< dim; i++) {
+ sortedIntervalTimes.add(intervalTimes.getValue(i));
+ }
+ Collections.sort(sortedIntervalTimes);
+ if (!reverse && sortedIntervalTimes.get(0) != 0.0) {
+ throw new RuntimeException("First time in interval times parameter should always be zero.");
+ }
+// if(intervalTimes.getValue(dim-1)==maxTime) changeTimes.add(0.); //rhoSampling
+ double end;
+ for (int i = (reverse?0:1); i < dim; i++) {
+ end = reverse ? (maxTime - sortedIntervalTimes.get(dim - i - 1)) : sortedIntervalTimes.get(i);
+ if (relative) end *= maxTime;
+ if (end != maxTime) changeTimes.add(end);
+ }
+ end = maxTime;
+ changeTimes.add(end);
+ }
+// }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Counts the number of tips at each of the contemporaneous sampling times ("rho" sampling time)
+ * @return negative infinity if tips are found at a time when rho is zero, zero otherwise.
+ */
+ private double computeN(TreeInterface tree) {
+ isRhoTip = new boolean[tree.getLeafNodeCount()];
+ N = new int[totalIntervals];
+ int tipCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
+ double[] dates = new double[tipCount];
+ for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
+ dates[i] = tree.getNode(i).getHeight();
+ }
+ for (int k = 0; k < totalIntervals; k++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
+ if (Math.abs((times[totalIntervals - 1] - times[k]) - dates[i]) < 1e-10) {
+ if (rho[k] == 0 && psi[k] == 0) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ if (rho[k] > 0) {
+ N[k] += 1;
+ isRhoTip[i] = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Collect all the times of multiskyline parameterization and the rho-sampling events
+ */
+ private void collectTimes() {
+ timesSet.clear();
+ for (BDSSkylineSegment seg : parameterizationInput.get().canonicalSegments()) {
+ timesSet.add(seg.start());
+ }
+ getChangeTimes(rhoSamplingChangeTimes, rhoSamplingTimes.get(), rhoChanges, false, reverseTimeArrays[3]);
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("times = " + timesSet);
+ times = timesSet.toArray(new Double[timesSet.size()]);
+ totalIntervals = times.length;
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("total intervals = " + totalIntervals);
+ }
+ protected Double updateRatesAndTimes(TreeInterface tree) {
+ collectTimes();
+ t_root = tree.getRoot().getHeight();
+ parameterizationInput.get().populateCanonical(birth, death, psi, r, times);
+// for (int i = 0; i < totalIntervals; i++) {
+// death[i] = deathRates[index(times[i], deathRateChangeTimes)];
+// psi[i] = samplingRates[index(times[i], samplingRateChangeTimes)];
+// if (SAModel) r[i] = removalProbabilities[index(times[i], rChangeTimes)];
+// if (printTempResults) {
+// System.out.println("death[" + i + "]=" + death[i]);
+// System.out.println("psi[" + i + "]=" + psi[i]);
+// if (SAModel) System.out.println("r[" + i + "]=" + r[i]);
+// }
+// }
+ if (rhoInput.get() != null && (rhoInput.get().getDimension()==1 || rhoSamplingTimes.get() != null)) {
+ Double[] rhos = rhoInput.get().getValues();
+ rho = new Double[totalIntervals];
+// rho[totalIntervals-1]=rhos[rhos.length-1];
+ for (int i = 0; i < totalIntervals; i++) {
+ rho[i]= //rhoSamplingChangeTimes.contains(times[i]) ? rhos[rhoSamplingChangeTimes.indexOf(times[i])] : 0.;
+ rhoChanges>0?
+ rhoSamplingChangeTimes.contains(times[i]) ? rhos[rhoSamplingChangeTimes.indexOf(times[i])] : 0.
+ : rhos[0];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ /* calculate and store Ai, Bi and p0 */
+ public Double preCalculation(TreeInterface tree) {
+ if (!originIsRootEdge.get() && tree.getRoot().getHeight() >= parameterizationInput.get().origin()) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ // updateRatesAndTimes must be called before calls to index() below
+ if (updateRatesAndTimes(tree) < 0) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("After update rates and times");
+ if (rhoInput.get() != null) {
+ if (contempData) {
+ rho = new Double[totalIntervals];
+ Arrays.fill(rho, 0.);
+ rho[totalIntervals-1] = rhoInput.get().getValue();
+ }
+ } else {
+ rho = new Double[totalIntervals];
+ Arrays.fill(rho, 0.0);
+ }
+ if (rhoInput.get() != null)
+ if (computeN(tree) < 0)
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ int intervalCount = times.length;
+ Ai = new double[intervalCount];
+ Bi = new double[intervalCount];
+ p0 = new double[intervalCount];
+ if (conditionOn == ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING) {
+ Aihat = new double[intervalCount];
+ Bihat = new double[intervalCount];
+ p0hat = new double[intervalCount];
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < intervalCount; i++) {
+ Ai[i] = Ai(birth[i], death[i], psi[i]);
+ if (conditionOn == ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING) {
+ Aihat[i] = Ai(birth[i], death[i], 0.0);
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("Ai[" + i + "] = " + Ai[i] + " " + Math.log(Ai[i]));
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) {
+ System.out.println("birth[m-1]=" + birth[totalIntervals - 1]);
+ System.out.println("death[m-1]=" + death[totalIntervals - 1]);
+ System.out.println("psi[m-1]=" + psi[totalIntervals - 1]);
+ System.out.println("rho[m-1]=" + rho[totalIntervals - 1]);
+ System.out.println("Ai[m-1]=" + Ai[totalIntervals - 1]);
+ }
+ Bi[totalIntervals - 1] = Bi(
+ birth[totalIntervals - 1],
+ death[totalIntervals - 1],
+ psi[totalIntervals - 1],
+ rho[totalIntervals - 1],
+ Ai[totalIntervals - 1], 1.); // (p0[m-1] = 1)
+ if (conditionOn == ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING) {
+ Bihat[totalIntervals - 1] = Bi(
+ birth[totalIntervals - 1],
+ death[totalIntervals - 1],
+ 0.0,
+ rho[totalIntervals - 1],
+ Aihat[totalIntervals - 1], 1.); // (p0[m-1] = 1)
+ }
+ if (printTempResults)
+ System.out.println("Bi[m-1] = " + Bi[totalIntervals - 1] + " " + Math.log(Bi[totalIntervals - 1]));
+ for (int i = totalIntervals - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ p0[i + 1] = p0(birth[i + 1], death[i + 1], psi[i + 1], Ai[i + 1], Bi[i + 1], times[i + 1], times[i]);
+ if (Math.abs(p0[i + 1] - 1) < 1e-10) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ if (conditionOn == ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING) {
+ p0hat[i + 1] = p0(birth[i + 1], death[i + 1], 0.0, Aihat[i + 1], Bihat[i + 1], times[i + 1], times[i]);
+ if (Math.abs(p0hat[i + 1] - 1) < 1e-10) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("p0[" + (i + 1) + "] = " + p0[i + 1]);
+ Bi[i] = Bi(birth[i], death[i], psi[i], rho[i], Ai[i], p0[i + 1]);
+ if (conditionOn == ConditionOn.RHO_SAMPLING) {
+ Bihat[i] = Bi(birth[i], death[i], 0.0, rho[i], Aihat[i], p0hat[i + 1]);
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("Bi[" + i + "] = " + Bi[i] + " " + Math.log(Bi[i]));
+ }
+ if (printTempResults) {
+ System.out.println("g(0, x0, 0):" + g(0, times[0], 0));
+ System.out.println("g(index(1),times[index(1)],1.) :" + g(index(1), times[index(1)], 1.));
+ System.out.println("g(index(2),times[index(2)],2.) :" + g(index(2), times[index(2)], 2));
+ System.out.println("g(index(4),times[index(4)],4.):" + g(index(4), times[index(4)], 4));
+ }
+ return 0.;
+ }
+ public double Ai(double b, double g, double psi) {
+ return Math.sqrt((b - g - psi) * (b - g - psi) + 4 * b * psi);
+ }
+ public double Bi(double b, double g, double psi, double r, double A, double p0) {
+ return ((1 - 2 * p0 * (1 - r)) * b + g + psi) / A;
+ }
+ public double p0(int index, double t, double ti) {
+ return p0(birth[index], death[index], psi[index], Ai[index], Bi[index], t, ti);
+ }
+ public double p0(double b, double g, double psi, double A, double B, double ti, double t) {
+ if (printTempResults)
+ System.out.println("in p0: b = " + b + "; g = " + g + "; psi = " + psi + "; A = " + A + " ; B = " + B + "; ti = " + ti + "; t = " + t);
+// return ((b + g + psi - A *((Math.exp(A*(ti - t))*(1+B)-(1-B)))/(Math.exp(A*(ti - t))*(1+B)+(1-B)) ) / (2*b));
+ // formula from manuscript slightly rearranged for numerical stability
+ return ((b + g + psi - A * ((1 + B) - (1 - B) * (Math.exp(A * (t - ti)))) / ((1 + B) + Math.exp(A * (t - ti)) * (1 - B))) / (2 * b));
+ }
+ public double p0hat(int index, double t, double ti) {
+ return p0(birth[index], death[index], 0.0, Aihat[index], Bihat[index], t, ti);
+ }
+ public double g(int index, double ti, double t) {
+// return (Math.exp(Ai[index]*(ti - t))) / (0.25*Math.pow((Math.exp(Ai[index]*(ti - t))*(1+Bi[index])+(1-Bi[index])),2));
+ // formula from manuscript slightly rearranged for numerical stability
+ return (4 * Math.exp(Ai[index] * (t - ti))) / (Math.exp(Ai[index] * (t - ti)) * (1 - Bi[index]) + (1 + Bi[index])) / (Math.exp(Ai[index] * (t - ti)) * (1 - Bi[index]) + (1 + Bi[index]));
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param t the time in question
+ * @return the index of the given time in the list of times, or if the time is not in the list, the index of the
+ * next smallest time
+ */
+ public int index(double t, List times) {
+ int epoch = Collections.binarySearch(times, t);
+ if (epoch < 0) {
+ epoch = -epoch - 1;
+ }
+ return epoch;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param t the time in question
+ * @return the index of the given time in the times array, or if the time is not in the array the index of the time
+ * next smallest
+ */
+ public int index(double t) {
+ if (t >= times[totalIntervals - 1])
+ return totalIntervals - 1;
+ int epoch = Arrays.binarySearch(times, t);
+ if (epoch < 0) {
+ epoch = -epoch - 1;
+ }
+ return epoch;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param time the time
+ * @param tree the tree
+ * @return the number of lineages that exist at the given time in the given tree.
+ */
+ public int lineageCountAtTime(double time, TreeInterface tree) {
+ int count = 1;
+ int tipCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
+ for (int i = tipCount; i < tipCount + tree.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
+ if (tree.getNode(i).getHeight() > time) count += 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
+ if (tree.getNode(i).getHeight() >= time) count -= 1;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ /**
+ * @param time the time
+ * @param tree the tree
+ * @param k count the number of sampled ancestors at the given time
+ * @return the number of lineages that exist at the given time in the given tree.
+ */
+ public int lineageCountAtTime(double time, TreeInterface tree, int[] k) {
+ int count = 1;
+ k[0]=0;
+ int tipCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
+ for (int i = tipCount; i < tipCount + tree.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
+ if (tree.getNode(i).getHeight() >= time) count += 1;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < tipCount; i++) {
+ if (tree.getNode(i).getHeight() > time) count -= 1;
+ if (Math.abs(tree.getNode(i).getHeight() - time) < 1e-10) {
+ count -= 1;
+ if (tree.getNode(i).isDirectAncestor()) {
+ count -= 1;
+ k[0]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public double calculateTreeLogLikelihood(TreeInterface tree) {
+ int nTips = tree.getLeafNodeCount();
+ if (preCalculation(tree) < 0) {
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ }
+ // number of lineages at each time ti
+ int[] n = new int[totalIntervals];
+ double x0 = 0;
+ int index = 0;
+ if (times[index] < 0.)
+ index = index(0.);
+ double temp=0;
+ switch (conditionOn) {
+ case NONE:
+ temp = Math.log(g(index, times[index], x0));
+ break;
+ case SURVIVAL:
+ temp = p0(index, times[index], x0);
+ if (temp == 1)
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ temp = Math.log(g(index, times[index], x0) / (1 - temp));
+ break;
+ temp = p0hat(index, times[index], x0);
+ if (temp == 1)
+ return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
+ temp = Math.log(g(index, times[index], x0) / (1 - temp));
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ logP = temp;
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP))
+ return logP;
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("first factor for origin = " + temp);
+ // first product term in f[T]
+ for (int i = 0; i < tree.getInternalNodeCount(); i++) {
+ double x = times[totalIntervals - 1] - tree.getNode(nTips + i).getHeight();
+ index = index(x);
+ if (!(tree.getNode(nTips + i)).isFake()) {
+ temp = Math.log(birth[index] * g(index, times[index], x));
+ logP += temp;
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("1st pwd" +
+ " = " + temp + "; interval = " + i);
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP))
+ return logP;
+ }
+ }
+ // middle product term in f[T]
+ for (int i = 0; i < nTips; i++) {
+ if (!isRhoTip[i] || rhoInput.get() == null) {
+ double y = times[totalIntervals - 1] - tree.getNode(i).getHeight();
+ index = index(y);
+ if (!(tree.getNode(i)).isDirectAncestor()) {
+ if (!SAModel) {
+ temp = Math.log(psi[index]) - Math.log(g(index, times[index], y));
+ } else {
+ temp = Math.log(psi[index] * (r[index] + (1 - r[index]) * p0(index, times[index], y))) - Math.log(g(index, times[index], y));
+ }
+ logP += temp;
+ if (printTempResults) System.out.println("2nd PI = " + temp);
+ if (psi[index] == 0 || Double.isInfinite(logP))
+ return logP;
+ } else {
+ if (r[index] != 1) {
+ logP += Math.log((1 - r[index])*psi[index]);
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP)) {
+ return logP;
+ }
+ } else {
+ //throw new Exception("There is a sampled ancestor in the tree while r parameter is 1");
+ System.out.println("There is a sampled ancestor in the tree while r parameter is 1");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // last product term in f[T], factorizing from 1 to m //
+ double time;
+ for (int j = 0; j < totalIntervals; j++) {
+ time = j < 1 ? 0 : times[j - 1];
+ int[] k = {0};
+ if (!SAModel) {
+ n[j] = ((j == 0) ? 0 : lineageCountAtTime(times[totalIntervals - 1] - time, tree));
+ } else {
+ n[j] = ((j == 0) ? 0 : lineageCountAtTime(times[totalIntervals - 1] - time, tree, k));
+ }
+ if (n[j] > 0) {
+ temp = n[j] * (Math.log(g(j, times[j], time)) + Math.log(1 - rho[j-1]));
+ logP += temp;
+ if (printTempResults)
+ System.out.println("3rd factor (nj loop) = " + temp + "; interval = " + j + "; n[j] = " + n[j]);//+ "; Math.log(g(j, times[j], time)) = " + Math.log(g(j, times[j], time)));
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP))
+ return logP;
+ }
+ if (SAModel && j>0 && N != null) { // term for sampled leaves and two-degree nodes at time t_i
+ logP += k[0] * (Math.log(g(j, times[j], time)) + Math.log(1-r[j])) + //here g(j,..) corresponds to q_{i+1}, r[j] to r_{i+1},
+ (N[j-1]-k[0])*(Math.log(r[j]+ (1-r[j])*p0(j, times[j], time))); //N[j-1] to N_i, k[0] to K_i,and thus N[j-1]-k[0] to M_i
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP)) {
+ return logP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (rho[j] > 0 && N[j] > 0) {
+ temp = N[j] * Math.log(rho[j]); // term for contemporaneous sampling
+ logP += temp;
+ if (printTempResults)
+ System.out.println("3rd factor (Nj loop) = " + temp + "; interval = " + j + "; N[j] = " + N[j]);
+ if (Double.isInfinite(logP))
+ return logP;
+ }
+ }
+ if (SAModel) {
+ int internalNodeCount = tree.getLeafNodeCount() - ((Tree)tree).getDirectAncestorNodeCount()- 1;
+ logP += Math.log(2)*internalNodeCount;
+ }
+ return logP;
+ }
+ public double calculateTreeLogLikelihood(Tree tree, Set exclude) {
+ if (exclude.size() == 0) return calculateTreeLogLikelihood(tree);
+ throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented!");
+ }
+ @Override
+ protected boolean requiresRecalculation() {
+ return true;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean canHandleTipDates() {
+ return (rhoInput.get() == null);
+ }
diff --git a/src/beast/evolution/speciation/R0Parameterization.java b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/R0Parameterization.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6bf5b9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/beast/evolution/speciation/R0Parameterization.java
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+package beast.evolution.speciation;
+import bdsky.*;
+import beast.core.Input;
+ * Created by alexeid on 7/12/15.
+ */
+public class R0Parameterization extends BDSParameterization {
+ public Input R0 =
+ new Input<>("R0",
+ "The skyline of the basic reproduction number");
+ public Input becomeUninfectiousRate =
+ new Input<>("becomeUninfectiousRate",
+ "Rate at which individuals become uninfectious (through recovery or sampling)");
+ public Input samplingProportion =
+ new Input<>("samplingProportion",
+ "The samplingProportion = samplingRate / becomeUninfectiousRate");
+ public Input removalProbability =
+ new Input<>("removalProbability",
+ "The probability of death/removal/recovery upon sampling. " +
+ "If 1.0 then no sampled ancestors are produced in that interval.");
+ @Override
+ public void initAndValidate() throws Exception {
+ MultiSkyline multiSkyline = new MultiSkyline(
+ R0.get(),
+ becomeUninfectiousRate.get(),
+ samplingProportion.get(),
+ removalProbability.get()
+ );
+ setMultiSkyline(multiSkyline);
+ }
+ @Override
+ public BDSSkylineSegment toCanonicalSegment(SkylineSegment segment) {
+ double R = segment.value[0]; // R
+ double b = segment.value[1]; // become uninfectious
+ double p = segment.value[2]; // sampling proportion
+ double r = segment.value[3]; // removal probability
+ double birth = R * b;
+ double psi = p * b;
+ double death = b - psi*r;
+ return new BDSSkylineSegment(birth, death, psi, r, segment.t1, segment.t2);
+ }
diff --git a/src/test/bdsky/MultiSkylineTest.java b/src/test/bdsky/MultiSkylineTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb06117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/bdsky/MultiSkylineTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+package test.bdsky;
+import bdsky.MultiSkyline;
+import bdsky.SimpleSkyline;
+import bdsky.SkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+ * Tests for simple skyline
+ */
+public class MultiSkylineTest {
+ @Test
+ public void testGetValue() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ SimpleSkyline skyline2 = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline2.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1.5 2.5 3.5"));
+ skyline2.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("2 1.5 -2.7 4.5"));
+ List simpleSkylines = new ArrayList<>();
+ simpleSkylines.add(skyline);
+ simpleSkylines.add(skyline2);
+ MultiSkyline multiSkyline = new MultiSkyline();
+ multiSkyline.skylineInput.setValue(simpleSkylines,multiSkyline);
+ multiSkyline.initAndValidate();
+ assertEquals(2, multiSkyline.getDimension());
+ assertEquals(7, multiSkyline.getSegments().size());
+ assertEquals(-1, multiSkyline.getValue(0.75)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(2, multiSkyline.getValue(0.75)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(3, multiSkyline.getValue(1.25)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(2, multiSkyline.getValue(1.25)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(3, multiSkyline.getValue(1.75)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(1.5, multiSkyline.getValue(1.75)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(4, multiSkyline.getValue(2.25)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(1.5, multiSkyline.getValue(2.25)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(4, multiSkyline.getValue(2.75)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(-2.7, multiSkyline.getValue(2.75)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, multiSkyline.getValue(3.25)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(-2.7, multiSkyline.getValue(3.25)[1], 0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, multiSkyline.getValue(3.75)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(4.5, multiSkyline.getValue(3.75)[1], 0);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/test/bdsky/SimpleSkylineTest.java b/src/test/bdsky/SimpleSkylineTest.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2138235
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/bdsky/SimpleSkylineTest.java
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+package test.bdsky;
+import bdsky.SkylineSegment;
+import beast.core.parameter.RealParameter;
+import bdsky.SimpleSkyline;
+import org.junit.Test;
+import java.util.List;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+ * Tests for simple skyline
+ */
+public class SimpleSkylineTest {
+ @Test
+ public void testGetValue() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ assertEquals(-1, skyline.getValue(0)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(-1, skyline.getValue(0.5)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(3, skyline.getValue(1)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(3, skyline.getValue(1.5)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(4, skyline.getValue(2)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(4, skyline.getValue(2.5)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, skyline.getValue(3)[0], 0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, skyline.getValue(3.5)[0], 0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments();
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 4, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(0, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(1).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(2).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(3).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(1).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(2).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, segments.get(3).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(1).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(4, segments.get(2).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, segments.get(3).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments1() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(0,1);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 1, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(0, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments2() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(0.2,0.3);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 1, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(0.2, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(0.3, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments3() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(0.2,1.3);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 2, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(0.2, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(1).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1.3, segments.get(1).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(1).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments4() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(0.2,2.3);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 3, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(0.2, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(1).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(2).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(1).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2.3, segments.get(2).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(1).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(4, segments.get(2).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments5() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(1.1,5.3);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 3, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(1.1, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(1).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(2).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(1).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(5.3, segments.get(2).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(4, segments.get(1).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(-1.5, segments.get(2).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
+ @Test
+ public void testGetSegments6() throws Exception {
+ SimpleSkyline skyline = new SimpleSkyline();
+ skyline.setInputValue("times", new RealParameter("0 1 2 3"));
+ skyline.setInputValue("parameter", new RealParameter("-1 3 4 -1.5"));
+ List segments = skyline.getSegments(1,3);
+ assertEquals("Checking number of segments", 2, segments.size());
+ assertEquals(1, segments.get(0).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(1).t1, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(2, segments.get(0).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(1).t2, 0.0);
+ assertEquals(3, segments.get(0).value[0], 0.0);
+ assertEquals(4, segments.get(1).value[0], 0.0);
+ }
\ No newline at end of file