copyright | lastupdated | keywords | subcollection | ||
2021-08-10 |
IBM Blockchain Platform, support case, Hyperledger Fabric Community, Cloud tickets, Rocket Chat, dWAnswers |
blockchain |
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{: #blockchain-support}
{{}} Platform provides several avenues for troubleshooting problems and getting support, which depend on the {{}} Platform offerings that you use. {: shortdesc}
For all {{}} Platform offerings, it is recommended to first use free digital support resources to troubleshoot problems and get help from {{}} and the Hyperledger Fabric Community.
If your problem cannot be solved by any of the free digital support resources, consider the following approaches to get support for the offerings that you use.
{{}} Platform for {{}} Submit a support case through {{}}. For more information, see Submitting support cases.
{{}} Platform Visual Studio Code extension Submit any issues in the {{}} Platform Visual Studio Code extension{: external}.
{: #blockchain-support-resources}
{{}} Service docs {{}} Service docs, provides guidance on how to start with {{}} Platform. You can find corresponding topics from the table of contents or search any term from the search bar.
Hyperledger Fabric resources
Hyperledger Fabric documentation{: external}, the Fabric community wiki{: external}, and the Fabric Jira dashboard{: external} provide more details about the Fabric stack.
You can also talk to a Fabric expert in Rocket.Chat{: external} to get answers to questions about Fabric.
You can also post questions or check if your question was answered in Stack Overflow{: external}.
Developer resources
IBM Developer provides tutorials, code patterns, and videos for blockchain developers. Application developers can use the Blockchain Design patterns to learn about common patterns and best practices for building applications that communicate with blockchain networks.
Because {{}} does not support using Hyperledger Composer for production implementation, you are encouraged to engage with Hyperledger Composer community{: external} and Stack Overflow{: external} when you work on demos and proofs of concept.
{: #blockchain-support-cases}
For issues that are related to {{}} Platform for {{}}, you can submit a support case in the {{}} Service Portal{: external}.
If you need help with Hyperledger Fabric or your applications, you can make use of the community resources or engage {{}} Services{: external}. It is recommended to use Hyperledger Composer solely for demos and proofs of concept. {{}} does not support networks that use Hyperledger Composer in production, including the Composer CLI, JavaScript APIs, REST server, and Web Playground. {:note}
The response to your support case depends on your {{}} support plan{: external}.
- If you purchased Premium Support or Advanced Support, you can specify a severity level on your ticket from Sev-1 to Sev-4. Sev-1 is the highest level of severity. Support cases with higher severity levels indicate more urgency and are responded to more quickly by the support team. Ensure that the ticket severity is assigned based on the published criteria that is defined in Case severity and response times{: external}. For more information, see {{}} support plan offerings{: external}.
- If you do not purchase support, your {{}} Pay-As-You-Go or Subscription account comes with a free Basic Support plan. In this case, your support case is automatically registered as Sev-4.
Before you open a support ticket, you need to gather your logs. {: important}
Follow these steps to submit a support case.
- Log in to {{}} Service Portal{: external} with your {{}} ID.
- Under Need more help? on the right of the page, click Create a Case.
- Fill the Create Case form with your information at least for the following fields.
- Choose Technical as your case type.
- In the Category drop-down list, select Blockchain.
- In the Subject field enter a summary of your issue.
- In the Description field, describe your issue.
- Attach any relevant logs or files to demonstrate your issue.
- Click Email me updates to receive updates on the status of the ticket.
- Click the Submit button. You will receive an email notification in a few minutes for this case.
You can find your previously submitted cases by clicking My Cases in the {{}} Service Portal. Click and open a case to check its status or provide additional information.