Bot name T.F.G
, Là từ viết tắc của TFG
BA Update Version!
The updates below are not exhaustive, please see full details at 📢 cmbe-dlc-changelogs
, 📢 sub-notif-update
and # idea-and-process
│ ├─Lag±1
│ ├─HarryPotter "MagicGUN"
│ └─TestingThe"CrowdControlEffect"OnHieze(BadEnding)
│ ├─fix some bug
│ └─UseDeadScreen"ThầnTrùng"ReplDefault?(temp.)
│ ├─TFG Boss: (P1.50,P2.10)≈15%
│ ├─CertainChrInGensinI:NULL
│ ├─KeqingProcess:
│ │ ├Anim: 70%
│ │ ├Eff: 5%
│ │ ├VoiceJP: 0%
│ │ ├SFX?: 60%
│ │ ├E: 60%
│ │ ├Q: (√200)%
│ │ └...
│ ├─PCS: 60%
│ ├─ShotGunTurret: 90%
│ ├─LmaoTank: 15%
│ ├─Murasama: (√100)%
│ ├─MagicGUN: 1%
│ ├─CutScreenhangloli: null(≈15-20%)
│ ├─CrowdControlEffect: 0%
│ └─Hieze: (GE20,NE40,BE20)≈35%
└─LastUpdate: 19/5/2023| Ver:1.19.50
Command | Description |
Changelogs | View "latest" changelogs! |
cooking | Make Curry(Each cooking attempt costs 1 S&D Curry Powder, but FREE NOW!!!) |
daily | Collect FREE PYROXENE! |
give | Don't use cheat! |
Ping | Pong! |
pyroxene | Soi ĐÁ trong tui |
recruitment | Recruit students for you(free) |
カレーパウダー | スパイスの流通で有名なS&D社で販売されているカレーパウダー。特有のピリ辛いコクはカレー以外の料理ともよく馴染む。 |
TFG is a fictional character in MCUTDS, the appearance of this character with radioactive abilities is the result of a forced combination of TrueAncidentTFG in his last breath that brought the two entities together...yo spoiler💀