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CPP Implementations

Implementations of variant, optional, function and other std classes.


Implementation of std::optional. It is fully constexpr. The copy ctor, move ctor, copy assign and move assign are also supported if the stored type supports them.

Member functions

Function Description
T& Emplace(Args&&... args) Constructs the contained value in-place
constexpr T* operator->()
constexpr const T* operator->() const
Accesses the contained value
constexpr T& operator*()
constexpr const T& operator*() const
Accesses the contained value
constexpr explicit operator bool() const Checks whether the object contains a value
constexpr void Swap(Optional& other) Swaps the contents with other
Compares optional objects as their contained values

Non-member functions

Function Description
constexpr void swap(Optional<T>& a, Optional<T>& b) Swaps the given optionals


constexpr bool Test() {
  std::array<int, 2> arr = {5, -1};
  cpp::optional::Optional<decltype(arr)> opt{arr};
  return opt->at(1) == -1 && opt->at(0) == 5;



The interface and all properties and guarantees correspond to std::variant. Variant retains triviality for special members (destructors, constructors, and assignment operators).

Member functions

Function Description
constexpr size_t Index() const noexcept Returns the zero-based index of the alternative held by the variant
constexpr bool ValuelessByException() const noexcept Checks if the variant is in the invalid state
constexpr void MakeValueless() noexcept Puts the variant in the invalid state
constexpr T& Emplace(Args&&... args) Constructs a value in the variant, in place
constexpr void Swap(Variant& other) Swaps the contents with other
Compares variant objects as their contained values

Non-member functions

Function Description
constexpr decltype(auto) Visit(F&& vis, Vs&&... variants) Calls the provided functor with the arguments held by one or more variants
cpp::variant::Get Reads the value of the variant given the index
cpp::variant::GetIf Obtains a pointer to the value of a pointed-to variant given the index


constexpr void Test() {
  cpp::variant::Variant<int, double> variant{42.0};
  assert(variant.Index() == 1);
  variant = 5;
  assert(variant.Index() == 0);


Implementation of std::function. Instances of cpp::function::Function can store, copy, and invoke any callable target -- functions, lambda expressions or other function objects.

Member functions

Function Description
F operator()(Args... args) Invokes the target with specified arguments
T* target() noexcept Obtains a pointer to the stored target
explicit operator bool() const noexcept Checks if a target is contained
void Swap(Function& other) Swaps the contents with other

Non-member functions

Function Description
void swap(Function<F(Args...)>& a, Function<F(Args...)>& b) Swaps the given functions


int state = 5;
auto print_num = [&state](int i) -> int {
  return state + static_cast<int>(i);

cpp::function::Function<int(int)> fun{std::move(print_num)};
assert(fun(5) == 10);
assert(fun(9) == 14);


Implementation of signals similar to those used in Qt.

You can add callbacks to the signal, which will be called when an event has occurred. After connecting to the signal, the Connection class will be returned to you, which you can use to disconnect the callback from the signal.

The main problem is that in the body of a some callback the user can disconnect other callbacks from the signal. This can be solved by tricky method using two intrusive lists.

Member functions


Function Description
Connection Connect(std::function<void(Args...)> slot) Connects function to the signal
void operator()(Args... args) Invokes all connected functions


Function Description
void Disconnect() Disconnects function from the signal


cpp::signal::Signal<void()> signal{};

uint32_t got1 = 0;
auto conn1 = signal.Connect([&] { ++got1; });
uint32_t got2 = 0;
auto conn2 = signal.Connect([&] { ++got2; });

assert(1 == got1);
assert(1 == got2);
assert(2 == got1);
assert(2 == got2);

Intrusive List

Intrusive implementations of the std::list. More about intrusive data structures: Link.

First, you need to create custom node that contains your data. The class of your node must inherit cpp::intrusive::ListElement<NodeTag>. You can also pass your custom tag to limit the node types that will be stored in the list.

After that, you can add nodes to the cpp::intrusive::List<YourCustomNode, YourCustomNodeTag>

Member types

Function Description
iterator Bidirectional iterator to list node
const_iterator Bidirectional iterator to const list node
reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
const_reverse_iterator std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>

Member functions

Function Description
T* Front() const noexcept Access the first element
T* Back() const noexcept Access the last element
iterator Insert(const_iterator position, T& element) Inserts elements
iterator Erase(const_iterator position) Erases elements
void PushBack(T& element) Adds element to the end
void PushFront(T& element) Inserts element to the beginning
void PopBack() Removes the last element
void PopFront() Removes the first element
void Swap(List& other) noexcept Swaps the contents with other
iterator begin()
iterator end()
const_iterator cbegin()
const_iterator cend()
Returns (const) iterator to the beginning / end
reverse_iterator rbegin()
reverse_iterator rend()
const_reverse_iterator crbegin()
const_reverse_iterator crend()
Returns reverse (const) iterator to the beginning / end

Non-member functions

Function Description
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream& os, const List& list) Displays the list and all its nodes



class NodeTag;

struct Node : public cpp::intrusive::ListElement<NodeTag> {
    explicit Node(int value) : value_(value) {}

    friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const Node& node) {
        return os << "Node=[value=" << node.value_ << "]";

    int value_;


void Test() {
    cpp::intrusive::List<Node, NodeTag> list;

    Node node1 = Node{1};
    Node node2 = Node{2};
    Node node3 = Node{3};
    Node node4 = Node{4};
    Node node5 = Node{5};


    std::cout << list << std::endl;


List=[Node=[value=4], Node=[value=2], Node=[value=1], Node=[value=3], Node=[value=5]]

Shared Pointer. Weak Pointer

Implementation of std::shared_ptr and std::weak_ptr. The std::make_shared was also implemented.

Member functions

Shared Pointer:

Function Description
T* Get() const noexcept Returns the stored pointer
T& operator*() const noexcept Dereferences the stored pointer
T* operator->() const noexcept Dereferences the stored pointer
size_t UseCount() const noexcept Returns the number of SharedPointer objects referring to the same managed object
void Reset() Replaces the managed object
void Reset(T* data, Deleter&& deleter) Replaces the managed object with an object pointed to by data
void Swap(SharedPointer<T>& other) noexcept Swaps the managed objects with other

Weak Pointer:

Function Description
explicit WeakPointer(const SharedPointer<T>& shared_pointer) Constructs new WeakPointer which shares an object managed by shared_pointer
size_t UseCount() const noexcept Returns the number of SharedPointer objects referring to the same managed object
bool IsExpired() const noexcept Checks whether the referenced object was already deleted
void Swap(WeakPointer& other) noexcept Swaps the managed objects with other

Non-member functions

Function Description
SharedPointer<T> MakeShared(Args&&... args) Creates a shared pointer that manages a new object


Shared Pointer:

cpp::pointer::SharedPointer<EmptyClass> shared_ptr1{new EmptyClass};
auto shared_ptr2 = shared_ptr1;
auto shared_ptr3 = shared_ptr2;

assert(shared_ptr1.UseCount() == 3);
assert(shared_ptr2.UseCount() == 3);
assert(shared_ptr3.UseCount() == 3);

Weak Pointer:

cpp::pointer::WeakPointer<EmptyClass>* weak_pointer1;
  cpp::pointer::SharedPointer<EmptyClass> shared_ptr_for_weak = cpp::pointer::MakeShared<EmptyClass>();
  weak_pointer1 = new cpp::pointer::WeakPointer(shared_ptr_for_weak);
assert(weak_pointer1->UseCount() == 0);