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How to Make Standard

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229 lines (203 loc) · 12.1 KB

Tutorial: Creating a Standardized FIF Dataset using EEGUnity


Before using this script, you should have:

  1. Familiarity with Python syntax

    • Basic understanding of Python programming concepts and structures.
  2. Knowledge of the MNE-Python library (suggested)

    • Experience in using MNE-Python for EEG data processing and analysis.
  3. Understanding of EEG paradigms (suggested)

    • Familiarity with common EEG experimental paradigms and related concepts.
  4. Time Consuming

    • 30 mins


This tutorial is made for developers to create a make_fif_xxxx script (below marked as standard script)using the EEGUnity library. The script standardizes raw EEG datasets into the FIF format for following any unified processing. It ensures that:

  • Events are stored as MNE annotations, with descriptions consistent with the original dataset.
  • Subject Information is embedded in the['description'] field.
  • Channel Information is updated if the original data does not sufficiently reflect electrode positions. This document is detailed and beginner-friendly, making it accessible even to those without prior knowledge of EEG or programming. Below are the steps to create standard script.

🚀 Step 0: Prepare a Python Environment

  1. Create a Python environment with Python version ≥ 3.6.

    • You can use venv or conda to manage the environment.
  2. Install the EEGUnity library by running the following command in your terminal:

    pip install eeginity

Step 1 Prepare a Python Project

  1. Create a Python project and name it: standard_script_projects
  2. Create a Python package named setting in the root directory of project and create a python file name inside the setting package
  3. Create a folder in the root directory of the project, name stage1_locator, for storing locator files.
  4. Create a folder in the root directory of the project
  5. Create a folder named original_raweeg in any accessible path, to save original EEG datasets (for dataset downloasd).
  6. Create a folder named standard_raweeg in any accessible path, to save processed standard EEG datasets (folder for storing processed dataset).
  7. Download any datasets and unzip EEG datasets in orignal_raweeg, such as BCI Competition IV 2a
  8. Define path variable on, like
    # Input path for each dataset
    bcic_iv_2a_path = r"path/to/original_raweeg/bcic_iv_2a"
    bcic_iv_2b_path = r"path/to/original_raweeg/bcic_iv_2b" # add more path if needed
    # output directory for stage 1
    stage1_locator = r"path/to/stage1_locator/" # folder to save stage 1 locator
    stage1_output_dir = r"path/to/standard_raweeg"  # folder to save processed datasets

Step 2 Make Standard Script for Datasets

Create a Python file, name in the root directory of the project. Then, make it by following instrutions. The script performs the following tasks:

  1. Parameter Settings:
    Define input and output paths, domain tag, and cache usage. For example:
    # Parameter settings 
    import os
    import setting.path_variable as pv # this is additional python file which stores all path variable
    input_path = pv.bcic_iv_2a_path  # Dataset directory 
    domain_tag = 'bcic-iv-2a'        # Domain tag for marking the dataset 
    output_path = os.path.join(pv.stage1_output_dir, 'bcic_iv_2a')  # Output path 
    use_cache = False 
    Note: Avoid absolute paths. Only specify basic parameters.
  2. Loading the Dataset:
    The script uses the UnifiedDataset class to load the dataset. If a locator file exists and caching is enabled, it reuses that file; otherwise, it creates a new locator file.
    locator_path = os.path.join(pv.stage1_locator, os.path.basename(input_path)+".csv")
    if os.path.exists(locator_path) and use_cache:
        unified_dataset = UnifiedDataset(locator_path=locator_path)
        unified_dataset = UnifiedDataset(dataset_path=input_path, domain_tag=domain_tag)
  3. Processing Each Data Row:
    A function app_func is defined to:
    • Load the raw EEG data using get_data_row, a key function in EEGUnity.
    • Extract the subject ID (e.g., from the file path) and update the subject information (such as age, gender, etc.) in['description']. For convenience, you can check the dataset folder beforehand and store the information in a Python dictionary to simplify loading it within the code.
    • Rename channels to match the standard system (e.g., 10-20 system).
    • Events Handling:
      • ⚡ Extract events from the dataset folder and convert them back to annotations using mne.annotations_from_events.
        Note: This step is the most important and time-consuming when creating standard script. 🚨 For more details on MNE annotations, please read the MNE-Python Annotations Documentation :contentReference[oaicite:0]{index=0} carefully.
    • Handle irregularities, such as nonstandard data (e.g., file names and event annotations), directly within the script.
      This ensures that users can run the standard script immediately after downloading the datasets without additional modifications.
  4. Saving the Processed Data:
    After processing, the EEG data is saved as a FIF file. The output filename is modified (by appending _raw.fif) to conform to MNE naming conventions.
  5. Batch Processing:
    Finally, the script applies app_func to all data rows (filtered to only those marked as Completed), processing the entire dataset in batch.

Detailed Explanation of the Code

Below is the full sample script for standardizing the bcic_iv_2a dataset, you can copy it in your project and modify it based on your dataset:

import as scio
from eegunity.unifieddataset import UnifiedDataset
from eegunity.modules.parser import get_data_row
import numpy as np
import os
import mne
import setting.path_variable as pv
import json

subject_dict = {
    'A01': {'gender': 'female', 'age': 22},
    'A02': {'gender': 'female', 'age': 24},
    'A03': {'gender': 'male', 'age': 26},
    'A04': {'gender': 'female', 'age': 24},
    'A05': {'gender': 'male', 'age': 24},
    'A06': {'gender': 'female', 'age': 23},
    'A07': {'gender': 'male', 'age': 25},
    'A08': {'gender': 'male', 'age': 23},
    'A09': {'gender': 'male', 'age': 17}

# Parameter settings
input_path = pv.bcic_iv_2a_path  # Dataset directory
domain_tag = "bcic-iv-2a"      # Domain tag for marking the dataset
output_path = os.path.join(pv.stage1_output_dir, "bcic_iv_2a")  # Output path
use_cache = False

def app_func(row, output_dir):
    # Load the MNE raw data
    mne_raw = get_data_row(row)
    subject_id = os.path.basename(row['File Path'])[:3]
    description_dict = {
        "eegunity_description": {
            "amplifier": "unknown",
            "cap": "Ag/AgCl",
            "age": subject_dict[subject_id]['age'],
            "sex": subject_dict[subject_id]['gender'],
            "handedness": "unknown"
    }['description'] = json.dumps(description_dict)

    # Rename the channels to the 10-20 system, commonly used for 64 electrode positions
        'EEG-Fz': 'Fz', 'EEG-0': 'FC3', 'EEG-1': 'FC1', 'EEG-2': 'FCz',
        'EEG-3': 'FC2', 'EEG-4': 'FC4', 'EEG-5': 'C5', 'EEG-C3': 'C3',
        'EEG-6': 'C1', 'EEG-Cz': 'Cz', 'EEG-7': 'C2', 'EEG-C4': 'C4',
        'EEG-8': 'C6', 'EEG-9': 'CP3', 'EEG-10': 'CP1', 'EEG-11': 'CPz',
        'EEG-12': 'CP2', 'EEG-13': 'CP4', 'EEG-14': 'P1', 'EEG-15': 'Pz',
        'EEG-16': 'P2', 'EEG-Pz': 'POz'

    montage = mne.channels.make_standard_montage('standard_1020'), on_missing='ignore')
    mne_raw.set_channel_types({'EOG-left': 'eog', 'EOG-central': 'eog', 'EOG-right': 'eog'})

    # Event ID mapping
    event_id = {
        'Rejected trial': 1,
        'Eye movements': 2,
        'Idling EEG (eyes open)': 3,
        'Idling EEG (eyes closed)': 4,
        'Start of a new run': 5,
        'Start of a trial': 6,
        'Cue onset left (class 1)': 7,
        'Cue onset right (class 2)': 8,
        'Cue onset foot (class 3)': 9,
        'Cue onset tongue (class 4)': 10

    # Extract events and original event IDs
    events, original_event_id = mne.events_from_annotations(mne_raw)

    # Update events based on new event_id mapping
    for event_desc, new_id in event_id.items():
        if event_desc in original_event_id:
            events[events[:, 2] == original_event_id[event_desc], 2] = new_id

    # Check if the file name ends with 'E' and construct the .mat file path
    file_base, file_ext = os.path.splitext(row['File Path'])
    if file_base.endswith('E') and file_ext == '.gdf':
        mat_filepath = f"{file_base}.mat"
        if os.path.exists(mat_filepath):
            mat_data = scio.loadmat(mat_filepath)
            values_from_mat = mat_data[
                                  'classlabel'].flatten() + 6  # Replace 'data' with the correct key in your .mat file

            # Replace events where the last column is 7
            replacement_indices = np.where(events[:, -1] == 7)[0]
            if len(replacement_indices) >= len(values_from_mat):
                events[replacement_indices[:len(values_from_mat)], 2] = values_from_mat
                print(f"Warning: {mat_filepath} contains fewer values than needed for replacement.")

    # Convert modified events back to annotations
    event_desc = {value: key for key, value in event_id.items()}  # Convert event IDs back to descriptions
    annotations = mne.annotations_from_events(
        event_desc=event_desc  # Mapping event codes to descriptions
    mne_raw.set_annotations(annotations)  # Set new annotations to raw data

    # Save the processed EEG data to the output directory
    filename = os.path.basename(row['File Path'])  # Extract the file name
    # Modify the output filename to conform to MNE naming conventions
    output_filename = f"{filename[:-4]}_raw.fif"  # Assuming the original filename ends with '.gdf', remove the extension and add '_raw.fif'
    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, output_filename)  # Define the output path, overwrite=True)  # Save the file, overwriting if necessary

    return None

# 1. Load the dataset directory
locator_path = os.path.join(pv.stage1_locator, os.path.basename(input_path)+".csv")
if os.path.exists(locator_path) and use_cache:
    unified_dataset = UnifiedDataset(locator_path=locator_path)
    unified_dataset = UnifiedDataset(dataset_path=input_path, domain_tag=domain_tag)

# 2. Batch process EEG data
    con_func=lambda row: row['Completeness Check'] == 'Completed',  # Filter out 'Completed' data
    app_func=lambda row: app_func(row, output_path),  # Call the processing function and set output directory
    is_patch=False,  # No patching needed
    result_type=None  # No return type needed

Key Points to Remember

  • Annotations: All events are stored as MNE annotations, ensuring consistency in event descriptions. For more details, refer to MNE-Python Annotations :contentReference[oaicite:1]{index=1}.
  • Subject Information: Subject details (e.g., age, gender) are embedded in the info['description'] field.
  • Channel Information: Renaming channels and setting a standard montage guarantees accurate electrode positioning.
  • Robustness: Exception handling is built into the script (e.g., handling irregular file names and time annotations) so that users can process the dataset without manual directory modifications.
  • Parameter Settings: Only basic parameters (input_path, domain_tag, output_path, use_cache) need to be specified, with no absolute paths used.