diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index c83f8538..b05270ac 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -297,10 +297,12 @@ CrossMediaManager.Current.Reactive().*
-* You must request `AccessWifiState`, `Internet`, `ForegroundService` and `WakeLock` permissions
+* This library will automatically request the following permissions: `AccessWifiState`, `AccessNetworkState`, `Internet`, `ForegroundService` and `WakeLock`. You do not need to add them to your AndroidManifest.
* Your app must target Android SDK v28 or higher
-ExoPlayer 2.9.6 and higher use Java 8. You need to set the Dex tool to D8 `d8`
+* This library uses ExoPlayer for video playback. This requires that you enable the following
+* Dex tool to D8 `d8`
+* R8 Linker `r8`
+* Aapt2 build tools: `true`