Before talking about the mechanics of this mod, it's helpful to understand the vanilla behavior. In vanilla HBS BattleTech, the detection model allows for opposing units to be in one of four states:
- Undetected when outside of sensor range
- Detected as a blob (the down-pointing arrow)
- Detected as a specific type (the mech, turret or vehicle silhouette)
- Visual detection with full details displayed
The range of visual detection is determined by a base spotting distance, which defaults to 300 (set in SimGameConstants). This value is modified by the spotting unit's SpottingVisibilityMultiplier
and SpottingVisibilityAbsolute
values. This value is then modified by the targets's SpottingVisibilityMultiplier
and SpottingVisibilityAbsolute
values. If this modified spotting distance is less than the distance to the target, the spotter is considered to have LineOfSight to the target. Once one spotter on a team has LineOfSight to a target, all other team members share that visibility.
If a target is outside of direct LineOfSight, then sensors are checked. The detecting unit's SensorDistanceMultiplier
is added to any terrain DesignMask.sensorRangeMultiplier
, while SensorDistanceAbsolute
is added to the result. The target's SensorSignatureModifier
modifies this value, and the final result is compared against a sensor detection range of 500 (also set in SimGameConstants). If the target is within range, it's identified as a sensor blip. The type of blip is influenced by the tactics level of the spotter. In these cases the LineOfSight value is given as Blip or Blob.
The Sensor Lock ability provides LineOfSight to the target model, even if it's only within sensor range.
Most HBS logic requires a LineOfSight for units to act upon. They refer to this as a VisibilityLevel. Units with VisibilityLevel.None are effectively treated as if they don't exist.
Notes: We don't follow the tech manual, we follow MaxTech. So Angel doesn't defeat bloodhound, it just makes it harder for those probes to find units. There is no 'completely blocking' - we're simulating that at a soft level with information hiding.
- Consider: Possible Info elements are randomly selected each round / actor (simulate one question note). Want to eliminate randomness and focus on core mechanics
- Consider: Chance for VisualID to fail based upon a random roll Want to eliminate randomness and focus on core mechanics
- SensorLock.SensorsID should randomly provide one piece of information about the target (armor, weapons, heat, ...?) Want to eliminate randomness and focus on core mechanics
- Pilot tactics should provide a better guess of weapon types for VisualID. Want to eliminate randomness and focus on core mechanics
- Add to build version number automatically. Not nearly has useful as it looked, b/c we are on .NET 3.5
AbstractActor relevant statistics:
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<float>("ToHitIndirectModifier", 0f);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<float>("AccuracyModifier", 0f);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<float>("CalledShotBonusMultiplier", 1f);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<float>("ToHitThisActor", 0f);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<float>("ToHitThisActorDirectFire", 0f);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<bool>("PrecisionStrike", false);
this.StatCollection.AddStatistic<int>("MaxEvasivePips", 4);
public int EvasivePipsCurrent { get; set; }
public float DistMovedThisRound { get; set; }
Probe ranges are given as additional ranges from MaxTech, while ECM ranges come from the Master Rules. Those values are:
- Guardian ECM: 6 hexes
- Angel ECM: 6 hexes
- CEWS (ECM): 3 hexes
- BattleArmor ECM: 3 hexes
- Light Active Probe: +3 hexes
- Beagle: +4 hexes
- Bloodhound: +8 hexes
- Clan Active Probe: +7 hexes
- CEWS: +8 hexes
Information from various source books used in the creation of this mod is included here for reference purposes.
- MaxTech gives visual range as
- 1800m for daylight
- 450 for twilight
- 300 for rain or smoke
- 150 for darkness
- Converted to meters, MaxTech sensor ranges are:
- Bloodhound Active Probe: 480 / 960 / 1440
- Clan Active Probe: 450 / 900 / 1350
- Beagle Active Probe: 360 / 720 / 1080
- Mech Sensor range: 240 / 480 / 720
- Vehicle Range: 180 / 360 / 540
- ECM Equipment:
- ECM/Guardian ECM provides a 6 hex bubble
- Defeats Artemis IV/V, C3/C3i, Narc locks through the bubble (Tactical Rules)
- Angel ECM - as Guardian ECM, but blocks BAP and streak
- Power Armor ECM (Gear_PA_ECM) - As Guardian ECM
- ECM/Guardian ECM provides a 6 hex bubble
- Active Probes:
- Light Active Probe - 3 hexes detect range
- Beagle Active - 4 hexes detect range
- Active Probe - 5 hexes detect range
- Bloodhound - 8 hexes detect range. Beats Guardian ECMs.
- Combo Equipment:
- Prototype ECM (Raven):
- Active Probe, 3 hexes
- ECM suite, 3 hexes
- Watchdog System (Gear_Watchdog_EWS)
- Standard Clan ECM Suite
- Standard Clan Active Probe
- Nova CEWS (Gear_Nova_CEWS) - No ECM can block CEWS except another CEWS. AP beats all other ECMs
- Active Probe / 3 hexes
- ECM / 3 hexes
- Prototype ECM (Raven):
- Stealth Armor
- cannot be a secondary target
- adds flat +1 at medium range, +2 at long range
- ECM does not function, but 'Mech suffers effects as if in the radius of an enemy ECM suite
- Requires ECM
- Null-Signature System (TacticalOperations: p336)
- Cannot be detected by BAP, only Bloodhound, CEWS
- Doesn't require ECM
- Any critical shuts down the system
- adds flat +1 at medium range, +2 at long range
- Can stack with Chameleon
- Void Signature System (TacticalOperations: P349)
- Can only be detected by a Bloodhound, CEWS - hidden from BAP, below
- Requires an ECM unit
- Any critical shuts down the system, as does losing the ECM
- 0 movement = +3 penalty to hit
- 1-2 hexes = +2 penalty to hit
- 3-5 hexes = +1 penalty to hit
- 6+ hexes = no penalty to hit
- Chameleon Light Polarization Shield (TacticalOperations: p300)
- medium range +1 to hit, long range +2 to hit
- Reduces visibility based upon range as well?