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jdittrich edited this page May 9, 2013 · 2 revisions

`/* Any JavaScript here will be loaded for all users on every page load. / / / / Example stuff can be seen in the /extentions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js */ /*the code partly originated form and the /extentions/WikiEditor/modules/jquery.wikiEditor.dialogs.config.js */ var customizeToolbar = function() { $.wikiEditor.modules.dialogs.modules['insert-mytool'] ={ titleMsg: 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-mytool-title', id: 'wikieditor-toolbar-mytool-dialog', html: '


', init: function () { window.alert("hi!") }, dialog: { resizable: false, dialogClass: 'wikiEditor-toolbar-dialog', width: 590, buttons: { 'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-mytool-insert': function () { var fileName, caption, fileFloat, fileFormat, fileSize, fileTitle, options, fileUse, hasPxRgx = /.+px$/; fileName = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' ).val(); caption = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-caption' ).val(); fileFloat = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-float' ).val(); fileFormat = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-format' ).val(); fileSize = $( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-size' ).val(); // Append px to end to size if not already contains it if ( fileSize !== '' && !hasPxRgx.test( fileSize ) ) { fileSize += 'px'; } if ( fileName !== '' ) { fileTitle = new mw.Title( fileName ); // Append file namespace prefix to filename if not already contains it if ( fileTitle.getNamespaceId() !== 6 ){ fileTitle = new mw.Title( fileName, 6 ); } fileName = fileTitle.toText(); } options = [ fileSize, fileFormat, fileFloat ]; // Filter empty values options = $.grep( options, function ( val ) { return val.length && val !== 'default'; } ); if ( caption.length ) { options.push( caption ); } fileUse = options.length === 0 ? fileName : ( fileName + '|' + options.join( '|' ) ); $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); $.wikiEditor.modules.toolbar.fn.doAction( $( this ).data( 'context' ), { type: 'replace', options: { pre: '[[', peri: fileUse, post: ']]', ownline: true } }, $( this ) );
						// Restore form state
						$( ['#wikieditor-toolbar-file-target',
							'#wikieditor-toolbar-file-format'].join( ',' )
						).val( '' );
					'wikieditor-toolbar-tool-mytool-cancel': function () {
						$( this ).dialog( 'close' );
				open: function () {
					$( '#wikieditor-toolbar-file-target' ).focus();
					if ( !( $( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset' ) ) ) {
						$( this ).data( 'dialogkeypressset', true );
						// Execute the action associated with the first button
						// when the user presses Enter
						$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).keypress( function( e ) {
							if ( e.which === 13 ) {
								var button = $( this ).data( 'dialogaction' ) ||
									$( this ).find( 'button:first' );;

						// Make tabbing to a button and pressing
						// Enter do what people expect
						$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).find( 'button' ).focus( function() {
							$( this ).closest( '.ui-dialog' ).data( 'dialogaction', this );

//a test addition. It does add a :) in order to make discussions in tough editwars way nicer.
$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor('addToToolbar',{
   'section': 'main',
   'group': 'insert',
   'tools': {
            'smile': {
                    label: 'Smile!', // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above
                    type: 'button',
                    icon: '//',
                    action: {
                            type: 'encapsulate',
                            options: {
                                    pre: ":)" // text to be inserted


$( '#wpTextbox1' ).wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', { 'section': 'main', 'group': 'insert', 'tools': { 'mytool': { 'label': 'mytool', // or use labelMsg for a localized label, see above 'type': 'button', 'icon': '', 'action': { 'type': 'dialog', 'module':'insert-mytool' } } }

});//END:wikiEditor('addToToolbar };

//loader if ( $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), ['edit', 'submit'] ) !== -1 ) { mw.loader.using( 'user.options', function () { if ( mw.user.options.get('usebetatoolbar') ) { mw.loader.using( 'ext.wikiEditor.toolbar', function () { $(document).ready( customizeToolbar ); } ); } } ); }`

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