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LinqBuilder is based on the specification pattern.

Table of Contents

  1. LinqBuilder Specifications
  2. LinqBuilder OrderSpecifications
  3. LinqBuilder.EFCore / LinqBuilder.EF6
  4. Full Example

LinqBuilder Specifications


Specifications can be constructed in three different ways.

By extending Specification:

public class FirstnameIsFoo : Specification<Person>
    public override Expression<Func<Person, bool>> AsExpression()
        return person => person.Firstname == "Foo";

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = new FirstnameIsFoo();

By extending DynamicSpecification:

public class FirstnameIs : DynamicSpecification<Person, string>
    public override Expression<Func<Person, bool>> AsExpression()
        return person => person.Firstname == Value;

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = new FirstnameIs().Set("Foo");

By extending MultiSpecification:

public class FirstnameIsFoo : MultiSpecification<Person, OtherPerson>
    public override Expression<Func<Person, bool>> AsExpressionForEntity1()
        return person => person.Firstname == "Foo";

    public override Expression<Func<OtherPerson, bool>> AsExpressionForEntity2()
        return person => person.Firstname == "Foo";

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = new FirstnameIsFoo(); // First generic is default
ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = new FirstnameIsFoo().For<Person>();
ISpecification<OtherPerson> firstnameIsFoo = new FirstnameIsFoo().For<OtherPerson>();

By static New method:

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Specification<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
// Or by alias
ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");


var collection = new List<Person>() { ... };

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsBar = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Bar");

ISpecification<Entity> specification = firstnameIsFoo.Or(firstnameIsBar);

var result = collection.ExeSpec(specification).ToList();
// result = Collection items satisfied by specification

The extension ExeSpec allows all types of ISpecification to be executed on IQueryable and IEnumerable.


ISpecification<Entity> specification = Spec<Entity>.All(
    new SomeSpecification(),
    new SomeOtherSpecification(),

ISpecification<Entity> specification = Spec<Entity>.None(
    new SomeSpecification(),
    new SomeOtherSpecification(),

ISpecification<Entity> specification = Spec<Entity>.Any(
    new SomeSpecification(),
    new SomeOtherSpecification(),


ISpecification<TEntity> And<TEntity>(this ISpecification<TEntity> left, ISpecification<TEntity> right);
ISpecification<TEntity> Or<TEntity>(this ISpecification<TEntity> left, ISpecification<TEntity> right);
ISpecification<TEntity> Not<TEntity>(this ISpecification<TEntity> specification);
bool IsSatisfiedBy<TEntity>(this ISpecification<TEntity> specification, TEntity entity);
ISpecification<TEntity> Clone<TEntity>(this ISpecification<TEntity> specification);

LinqBuilder also extends the following extensions to support ISpecification on IQueryable and IEnumerable.

IEnumerable<Entity> collection = collection.Where(specification);
bool result = collection.Any(specification);
bool result = collection.All(specification);
int result = collection.Count(specification);
Entity result = collection.First(specification);
Entity result = collection.FirstOrDefault(specification);
Entity result = collection.Single(specification);
Entity result = collection.SingleOrDefault(specification);

LinqBuilder OrderSpecifications


Order specifications can be constructed in almost the same way as regular specifications.

By extending OrderSpecification:

public class FirstnameDescending : OrderSpecification<Person, string>
    public DescNumberOrderSpecification() : base(Sort.Descending) { }

    public override Expression<Func<Person, string>> AsExpression()
        return person => person.Firstname;

ISpecification<Person> firstnameDescending = new FirstnameDescending();

By static New method:

ISpecification<Person> firstnameDescending = OrderSpecification<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname, Sort.Descending);
// Or by alias
ISpecification<Person> firstnameDescending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname, Sort.Descending);


var collection = new List<Person>() { ... };

ISpecification<Person> firstnameDescending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname, Sort.Descending);
ISpecification<Person> lastnameDescending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Lastname, Sort.Descending);

ISpecification<Person> specification = firstnameDescending.ThenBy(lastnameDescending);

var result = collection.ExeSpec(specification).ToList();
// result = Collection ordered by descending number, then by other number


ISpecification<Person> specification = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname)

ISpecification<Person> specification = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname)

ISpecification<Person> specification = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname)
    .Paginate(2, 10); // Equals .Skip((2 - 1) * 10).Take(10)


IOrderedEnumerable<Entity> collection = collection

Order specifications can also be chained with regular LinqBuilder specifications.

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
ISpecification<Person> firstnameAscending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname);

ISpecification<Entity> specification = firstnameIsFoo.OrderBy(firstnameAscending);

Chained OrderSpecification's can also be attatched to a specification later.

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
ISpecification<Person> firstnameAscending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname);
ISpecification<Person> lastnameAscending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname);

ISpecification<Person> orderSpecification = firstnameAscending.ThenBy(lastnameAscending);

ISpecification<Person> specification = firstnameIsFoo.UseOrdering(orderSpecification);

The following extensions will help to check what kind of ordering is applied.

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
ISpecification<Person> firstnameAscending = OrderSpec<Person, string>.New(p => p.Firstname);

firstnameIsFoo.IsOrdered(); // Returns false

ISpecification<Person> specification = firstnameIsFoo.OrderBy(firstnameAscending);
specification.IsOrdered(); // Returns true
ISpecification<Person> specification = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
specification.HasSkip(); // Returns false

ISpecification<Person> specification = specification.Skip(10);
specification.HasSkip(); // Returns true
ISpecification<Person> specification = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
specification.HasTake(); // Returns false

ISpecification<Person> specification = specification.Take(10);
specification.HasTake(); // Returns true

LinqBuilder.EFCore / LinqBuilder.EF6

Package Version
LinqBuilder.EFCore NuGet Badge
LinqBuilder.EF6 NuGet Badge


LinqBuilder.EF packages extends the following extensions to support ISpecification.

bool result = await _sampleContext.Entities.AnyAsync(specification);
bool result = await _sampleContext.Entities.AllAsync(specification);
int result = await _sampleContext.Entities.CountAsync(specification);
Entity result = await _sampleContext.Entities.FirstAsync(specification);
Entity result = await _sampleContext.Entities.FirstOrDefaultAsync(specification);
Entity result = await _sampleContext.Entities.SingleAsync(specification);
Entity result = await _sampleContext.Entities.SingleOrDefaultAsync(specification);

Full example

public class Person
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Firstname { get; set; }
    public string Lastname { get; set; }

public class SampleDbContext : DbContext // Simplified DbContext
    public virtual DbSet<Person> Persons { get; set; }

public class DbService<TEntity> where TEntity : class
    private readonly DbSet<TEntity> _dbSet;

    public DbService(SampleDbContext context)
        _dbSet = context.Set<TEntity>();

    public int Count(ISpecification<TEntity> specification)
        return _dbSet.Count(specification);

    public List<Entity> Get(ISpecification<TEntity> specification)
        return _dbSet.ExeSpec(specification).ToList();

    public (List<Person> items, int count) GetAndCount(ISpecification<TEntity> specification)
        return (Get(specification), Count(specification));

ISpecification<Person> firstnameIsFoo = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Firstname == "Foo");
ISpecification<Person> lastnameIsBar = Spec<Person>.New(p => p.Lastname == "Bar");
ISpecification<Person> idDescending = OrderSpec<Person, int>.New(p => p.Id, Sort.Descending);

ISpecification<Person> specification = firstnameIsFoo.And(lastnameIsBar)
    .Paginate(1, 5); // pageNo = 1, pageSize = 5

using (var context = new SampleDbContext())
    var result = new DbService<Person>(context).GetAndCount(specification);
    // result.items = Paginated list of Person's with name: Foo Bar
    // result.count = Total unpaginated result count