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File metadata and controls

49 lines (31 loc) · 2.37 KB

Build and install

Download & Build

Pre-requisite: have Java SDK 10 installed

You can download the last release or snapshot published in this repository. The latest on-going version is the 1.3.2 snapshot.

Alternatively, you can build the application using Maven: in a shell, CD to the root directory morph-xr2rml, then run the command: mvn clean package. A jar with all dependencies is generated in morph-xr2rml-dist/target.

Run it

The application takes two options: --configDir gives the configuration directory and --configFile give the configuration file within this directory. Option --configFile defaults to

Additionally, several parameter given in the configuration file can be overridden using the following options:

  • mapping file: --mappingFile
  • output file : --output
  • maximum number of triples generated in a single output file: --outputMaxTriples

From a command line interface, CD to directory morph-xr2rml-dist and run the application as follows:

java -jar target/morph-xr2rml-dist-<version>-jar-with-dependencies.jar \
   --configDir <configuration directory> \
   --configFile <configuration file within this directory>

Besides, the logger configuration can be overriden by passing the log4j.configuration parameter to the JVM:

java -Dlog4j.configuration=file:/path/to/my/log4j.configuration -jar ...

From an IDE such as Eclipse or IntelliJ: In project morph-xr2rml-dist locate main class fr.unice.i3s.morph.xr2rml.engine.MorphRunner, and run it as a Scala application with arguments --configDir and --configFile.

SPARQL endpoint

To run Morph-xR2RML as a SPARQL endpoint, simply edit the configuration file (see reference) and set the property The default access URL is:


Property query.file.path is ignored and queries can be submitted using either HTTP GET or POST methods as described in the SPARQL protocol recommendation.

For SPARQL SELECT and ASK queries, the XML, JSON, CSV and TSV serializations are supported.

For SPARQL DESCRIBE and CONSTRUCT queries, the supported serializations are RDF/XML, N-TRIPLE, N-QUAD, TURTLE, N3 and JSON-LD.