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Preparing a release

Oliver Beckstein edited this page Apr 30, 2019 · 9 revisions

Release management

  • We use semantic versioning MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (i.e., briefly, major revision changes whenever the API changes in backwards-incompatible manner, MINOR changes for new features, PATCH changes for fixes that correct functionality; as long as MAJOR == 0, we can break the API with increasing MINOR.)

  • Releases are cut from the master branch and tagged with MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH (note: the release tag determines the tag because we use versioneer, which obtains the release number from the git tag). We do from the master branch:

    1. git tag release-<major>.<minor>.<patch>
    2. python sdist bdist_wheel
    3. twine upload dist/*
  • Note: the tags need to be pushed to GitHub with git push --tags. (You can add text to the releases on GitHub.)

  • Packages are published from the tagged (pip package, conda package (TODO), tar balls on GitHub); zenodo DOIs and snapshots are automatically minted.

  • Docs are managed on ReadTheDocs and automatically update.

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