diff --git a/html/changelog.html b/html/changelog.html
index aec509027e6..592e7a59aa1 100644
--- a/html/changelog.html
+++ b/html/changelog.html
@@ -56,6 +56,17 @@
06 September 2024
DeltaFire15 updated:
+ - Possibly fixes some weird Sabre behavior.
+ - Also makes one single gun check of the plasma caster slightly safer.
+ - Fixes a weird edge case with docking behavior.
+ - Fixes remove_ship() assuming all remove_ship() calls were FTL based.
+ - Overmap objects when deleting have remove_ship() called for them (this should mostly only affect z carriers which drop their z or pass it to another ship).
+ - Overmap objects that are deleted now drop their current_system var.
24 August 2024
DeltaFire15 updated:
diff --git a/html/changelogs/.all_changelog.yml b/html/changelogs/.all_changelog.yml
index fb622fc6cea..d47dc401f49 100644
--- a/html/changelogs/.all_changelog.yml
+++ b/html/changelogs/.all_changelog.yml
@@ -2136,3 +2136,13 @@ DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE BY HAND! AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY ss13_genchangelog.py.
- tweak: turf changes
- balance: added random ore spawns
- bugfix: pre-beebase objects and turfs
+ DeltaFire15:
+ - bugfix: Possibly fixes some weird Sabre behavior.
+ - bugfix: Also makes one single gun check of the plasma caster slightly safer.
+ - bugfix: Fixes a weird edge case with docking behavior.
+ - bugfix: Fixes remove_ship() assuming all remove_ship() calls were FTL based.
+ - bugfix: Overmap objects when deleting have remove_ship() called for them (this
+ should mostly only affect z carriers which drop their z or pass it to another
+ ship).
+ - bugfix: Overmap objects that are deleted now drop their current_system var.
diff --git a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2666.yml b/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2666.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 103a521e234..00000000000
--- a/html/changelogs/AutoChangeLog-pr-2666.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-author: DeltaFire15
-delete-after: true
- - bugfix: Possibly fixes some weird Sabre behavior.
- - bugfix: Also makes one single gun check of the plasma caster slightly safer.
- - bugfix: Fixes a weird edge case with docking behavior.
- - bugfix: Fixes remove_ship() assuming all remove_ship() calls were FTL based.
- - bugfix: Overmap objects when deleting have remove_ship() called for them (this
- should mostly only affect z carriers which drop their z or pass it to another
- ship).
- - bugfix: Overmap objects that are deleted now drop their current_system var.